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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

07:09 PM | 28-08-2018

My husband is having loose motions for the past 4 days. Any idea what to do?

10:45 AM | 09-09-2019

Please give the best diet plan for diabetes. Blood sugar level is 306

05:28 PM | 17-08-2019

Effective home remedies for skin tags. Please suggest

11:40 AM | 12-08-2019

05:43 PM | 02-08-2019

For last one month I am suffering from piles. What medicine I have to take? Please suggest. Doctor suggested me surgery. Also last few months I am suffering from the problem of gases. So how to get rid of the gases. Please help me.

09:09 PM | 07-06-2019

Can we treat hyperthyroidism permanently.?

09:30 AM | 24-04-2019

I have real bad headache going on for a week now. I do not want to take medicine. What to do?

01:52 PM | 21-12-2018

Hello people, my son has got an ulcer in the mouth. He is 3. What can i give him?

10:35 AM | 23-08-2019

Please tell me source of collagen protein? Mutton n other non veg products are best source of collegen but I m vegetarian. How much it need?

11:37 AM | 12-08-2019

I have got problem of hair fall as I have to do hair dye every 15 days I use good company hair dye but facing this problem so. Please give me solution for this problem.

03:51 PM | 23-01-2019

Why do kids catch a cold on season change? How is this linked? My child has been running around with minimal woolens in peak winters. But just when it became rainy after the bright winter spell, he fell sick. Why does this happen?

05:30 PM | 17-08-2020

What is the treatment for jaundice?

09:33 PM | 31-12-2019

I m suffering from cyst in my testosterone. What to do?

07:56 AM | 17-08-2019

Solutions for bloating

09:15 AM | 18-06-2019

I am looking to replace refined oil with a healthier substitute. Can anyone help with options that works well for indian style cooking. Also, if anyone has used avocado oil before, would love to hear their feedback!

06:56 PM | 18-03-2019

May I know from where can I get Organic Tomato Ketchup without any harmful sugar, salt or preservatives?

11:05 AM | 07-01-2019

Hi My Husband Has High Fever 102 Plushe Also Had Bad Stomach Last Night. Fever Seems Sudden, Isresting Now. What To Do? How To Keep Him Hydrated?

10:07 AM | 30-08-2018

I am hungry at night or early morning? Many times hungry at odd times during day too despite having regular food. What should I do?

06:39 PM | 28-08-2018

I am in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. I feel very low on energy, feel tired very often & find it very difficult to get out of sleep. Is this normal?

10:59 AM | 31-07-2019

Why do I feel Nausea all the time?

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