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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

09:27 PM | 15-04-2024

My son 7 yrs old. He suffering low cortisol level. Plz suggest how to cure?

10:29 AM | 19-03-2022

My son is 13 yrs old. His face skin is getting darker by the day. His tongue also. Please advise.

02:57 PM | 15-04-2024

I am constantly fatigued and tired, from the time I wake up. Additionally, have been putting on weight, even when quantum of food I consume is not much. Sleep is always a restless sleep. Is there anything I can do?

05:46 PM | 10-04-2024

My daughter has got hormonal imbalace

05:58 PM | 23-04-2024

I am facing several issues hypothyroid, high cholesterol and gut issues like ibs diarrhea. I take hypo thyroid medicine for one year now. I tried ayurveda and homeopathy but nothing worked. Only allopathic medicine got the level under control.

03:57 PM | 14-04-2024

How to dissolve ovarian cyst?

12:56 PM | 12-04-2024

Hello, I am suffering from large intestine ulcers and swelling issue , and having pain in abdomen, taking medicine from dr but no relief how can diet help me in this issue pls suggest

11:07 PM | 18-04-2024

Hi All, My friends mom has done cataract eye operation in both eyes. She often gets eye redness plus pain in both the eyes. She is taking proper medication from hospital. She also takes steriods for this reason in the form or eyes drops. Eye redishess and pain is often repeated , can any one tell the causes and remedies. Or when it will settle. Any ideas on this....

03:43 PM | 12-04-2024

Hi, I suffer from pcos. What should be the replacement for white sugar as I have a lot of sugar cravings?

03:58 PM | 12-04-2024

Bloating in upper abdomen and feeling burning sensation in feet soles and arms also during sleep time and sometimes feel spin

07:05 PM | 02-05-2024

I have skin problem my body is white but my face is dull and dark compared to body. My skin is becoming oily after the face wash. How to get natural glow

04:19 PM | 10-04-2024

Hi Team, can you suggest good diet for pregnancy people. I have gastric and nose block issues.

06:55 PM | 15-04-2024

Dear professionals; I am Senem. I am suffering irritable bowel syndrome. Honestly, forget the name, I am suffering high stress, no time for diet and indigestion. Recently, I faced with anal fissure, immediately went colorectal specialist and I am rescued now. I got my lesson. But, I have to cure my indigestion free from Mg citrate. Can you give me advice.? Thank you

07:08 PM | 15-04-2024

Diet plan for elevated LDL, bilirubin, cholesterol

11:59 AM | 12-04-2024

After eating fruits and raw vegetables i have bloating in my upper abdomen how to get rid of it?

11:24 AM | 13-02-2024

My Cholestrol is 210 which more than the limit of 200. Also my Cholestrol HDL is 34 and LDL is 148. What can I do correct these without eating medicines?

07:23 PM | 23-04-2024

Breast Soreness and Heaviness Cure?

05:04 PM | 15-04-2024

Hi my husband having stomach burning sensation even he had little amount of chilli powder or any kind of chilli.

11:51 AM | 04-04-2022

11:24 AM | 12-04-2021

What are medicinal benefits of chrysenthimums?

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