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'Heart Health' - 3109 Results

05:38 PM | 24-11-2019

How to get rid of acidity?

07:57 AM | 17-08-2019

After delivery in 2017 because of high BP I got brain hammeraige for which I got operated n my left side got paralyzed. Now I can walk. But I have not yet regained my left hand finger movements. N I have little bit of limping when I walk. Please tell me how can I cure myself. I had low bp now also my BP is on lower side that is 70/110but why it suddenly went up after delivery I don't know.

10:10 AM | 20-02-2020

Can we add turmeric powder while cooking?

04:10 PM | 02-01-2020

How To Treat Sinus Tachycardia & High Blood Pressure Naturally?

11:25 AM | 18-11-2019

How to control acidity by natural methods?

05:13 PM | 04-02-2020

Can you pls give a nutritious diet for me?

07:14 PM | 08-08-2019

Hi There I am suffering with Gerd(acid reflux),how can I cure it naturally?

05:43 PM | 02-08-2019

My aunty is suffering from slip disc and thrombosis in lower limbs. Please suggest some natural remedies.

09:58 AM | 20-01-2020

I have external piles from 19 years. I have taken many medicines but no result. Can you pls advise something natural?

12:30 AM | 27-02-2019

Hi my sister has been diagnosed with diabetes currently at 200. She does not want to take medications and she is afraid fruits have sugar. Can she still eat fruits of any kind? Please advise

09:50 AM | 28-12-2019

Can mental illness like anxiety, paranoia curable without allopathic medicine? If yes, how?

11:25 AM | 07-01-2020

I have high bp problem. Can you give some solution?

07:02 PM | 31-08-2020

Namaskar every one, my daughter aged 16 has developed a lump in her left breast with irregular borders is their any natural treatment for this?

05:06 PM | 18-12-2019

I am very weak physically. What can I do for recovery of my weakness?

02:05 PM | 04-11-2019

I have chronic urticaria. Plz give natural home made remedy for it. I have been suffering from last 6-7 years. Can you pls help me?

09:51 AM | 02-01-2020

I always feel low and negative. Don't know the reason behind it. Why? Any solution?

10:06 AM | 17-09-2019

My wife is suffering from food allergy. Can't find out which food to avoid. She gets itchy skin and burning sensation please help/advice any remedy. What should she do?

10:00 AM | 30-10-2019

Every year i suffer from breathing problem and chest infection in this climate change. Any home remedy you can suggest which can help?

11:38 AM | 27-07-2019

My wife is suffering from GERD disease/ acidity reflux.. When acidity comes she starts burping, she feels pain in chest. Bcz of this she is worried n her tension n depression increases

10:14 AM | 23-01-2020

How to reduce cholesterol levels to normal naturally?

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