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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

08:57 AM | 29-07-2019

I want to loose weight and fat from whole body.

10:10 AM | 12-03-2020

How can I gain weight? I am too thin and I have a regular constipation problem. Can you help?

10:12 AM | 14-10-2019

I'm basically vegetarian and I want to increase my body weight. So can anyone suggest me a better food?

06:42 PM | 13-08-2019

I'm suffering from pcod and gaining weight

09:44 AM | 10-09-2019

Hi my daughter is 7 months old and she is only 7kgs. Pls suggest something for her weight gain. What do I do?

08:10 AM | 20-10-2020

My mother has been diagnosed with lymph node tuberculosis. She gets a fever of 100 degrees and reduced weight. There is a lot of weakness. What kind of precautions we should take in diet, medications? How to curb the medication's side effects? Are we supposed to take food supplements also? Kindly guide.

04:30 PM | 18-10-2019

Hi. I want lose my weight, I'm mother of 10 months baby and it's my normal delivery with vaccum. After delivery I feel very bloated. Currently my weight is 68 kg and because of weight I feel horrible pain in my knee and lower back. Kindly give your suggestions. What to do?

08:36 AM | 12-05-2021

Can we re-grow hair after baldness naturally?

10:11 AM | 14-07-2020

I want to regain my lost hair. Please suggest.

11:57 AM | 16-07-2020

Hi,i am 25 years old experiencing lot of hair fall so please suggest some remedies?

05:13 PM | 03-08-2020

Hi this is varinder singh. I am 30 year old, I have lost lot of my hair. I also take hair transplant treatment. But not much good result, Please give me some advice. So that I can get my hair back.

12:36 PM | 25-10-2021

I'm 49 yrs old lady having weight 60 kg but no fat. Pre-diabitic and sinus problem. Doing daily yoga and neti. How can I reverse diabetes and gain some fat..

09:36 AM | 21-09-2019

I am 29. My bp was 150/100 due to high stress level and anxiety and lack of exercise. I have taken medication for 2 months. After that i stopped medicine and started playing games and exercise in my life style and healthy diet and my bp was surprisingly got low for remaining 2 years. But now again due to stress and less exercise my bp level is around 115-150/65-90. Should I take medication or it will b ok if I follow same which I used to do prior?

10:07 PM | 30-08-2019

Hello. I am 24 year old. From last 10 years I have skin problem, pimple like things appear on all over body and sometime i feel itching but no liquid discharge. And also after few days it turns into brown and dry out on their own and leave black spot on skin. I have visited so many specialist but they did not recognise and also in winter my skin get so dry that no lotion works on that and having white dandruff type things come out of my skin. Could someone please help me. I am really tired.

08:25 AM | 17-05-2019

Hi, any home remedies for my friend’s daughter who is 14 years and has not got her periods since October 2018. She gets lot of cramps and has already tried allopathy and homeopathy.

06:13 PM | 17-10-2022

I'm 55 years old my weight is 70 kg I want to shed my weight. I'm not having BP and Sugar. Only calcium tablet I'm taking. Kindly suggest me the course to lose weight.

02:47 PM | 16-10-2019

I want to gain weight. What can I do?

11:07 AM | 03-01-2020

How can I increase my body weight?

09:59 AM | 06-01-2020

How to lose weight?

08:05 AM | 17-08-2019

My age is 20. My weight is 38. Is it anything serious to my healthy life

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