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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

10:40 AM | 11-03-2020

My father had paralysis attack last week and the doctor told he had an injury and bleeding In the brain. Now he can't walk and do any activities by the left side. I can't be with him 24 hours. Is there any solution so that he can walk and do his regular activities independently?

02:08 PM | 05-10-2020

Hell, My friend is 24 and having allergic asthma or a kind of shortness of breathing and feels suffocation. Sometimes he spits a lot in the morning or after eating anything. He used to take montair 10 tablet regularly. He has tried everything as your experts suggested me like gargling, yoga, mulethi and steam bath and so many things. Kindly help him.

10:51 AM | 28-04-2020

I am 23 year old my name is RAJA. I am having throat congestion since more than 2 years and I am always having problem in my throat and nose. Early in the morning I spit and cough a lot. After eating anything I spit a lot and sometimes seems like I am choked. I have tried yoga, warm water gargle, steam bath but there is no benefit. Pls suggest!

08:49 AM | 23-07-2019

I live in a hostel. And the food is very oily and spicy. How can i keep my body healthy with such diet?

12:06 PM | 06-02-2020

This is Gaurav. I'm facing problem regarding cough and cold. Whenever I do some hard work and get tired I automatically get sore throat, sneezing and cough. I am facing this problem for 3-4 years. Consulted many doctors but they give medicines that go for a fortnight and again it persists. What should I do?

02:58 PM | 26-10-2021

I am 30 years old & post 3 years my delivery, I am suffering from gastric problem and back bone pain problem. When gastric reflux starts, I face breathing and skin rash related problems. Is there any way to treat this issue?

10:01 AM | 06-01-2020

Hello. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes, thyroid and kidney stone. She is 43 yrs old. The sugar level sometimes touches 400 and sometimes it goes to 80-90. Will it be ok to do operation of kidney stone of a diabetic patient? And what will be the best diet and solution overall?

10:38 AM | 09-09-2019

How to avoid chronic disease Fistula and Piles in this modern Remote control and junk food based lifestyle , if its initial stage already started?

10:46 AM | 09-10-2020

I am suffering from vertigo and cervical spondolysis. I have taken vertin for 3 months and still have lot of dizziness. Pls suggest a natural remedy for dizziness.

05:59 PM | 09-04-2024

My throat becomes red and i get fever every 15-20days i visit the dr he gives me some medicines and tell its due to allergy but everytime same things happen due to which i am unable to do job also. What do i do?? He says if you go to AC and come to room temp den it will happen and many other reasons

11:59 AM | 02-07-2020

Hello! I am Dhandapani from Bangalore. I had MI 4 years back and one stent was planted. I suffered from anxiety disorder too. I am taking 4 tablets daily, due to this I am suffering from acidity and heart burning. I am on homeopathy medicine also but not much relief so any one of you please suggest good permanent cure.

11:07 PM | 18-04-2024

Hi All, My friends mom has done cataract eye operation in both eyes. She often gets eye redness plus pain in both the eyes. She is taking proper medication from hospital. She also takes steriods for this reason in the form or eyes drops. Eye redishess and pain is often repeated , can any one tell the causes and remedies. Or when it will settle. Any ideas on this....

10:09 AM | 28-02-2020

I am 32, I have anxiety and sometimes get panic attack, please suggest whether I should take medication and counselling or can I cure it in natural way?

04:19 PM | 30-04-2021

I am 26 years old. I see red spots on my body (hives). I consulted 2-3 Dr they told it's due to allergy or some eating habit which doesn't suits my body. The patches become red and its type of rash due to which I get itching or hives. Is there any natural way to cure itching and infection? Please help

02:05 PM | 13-08-2019

Hi I m suffering from anxiety and taking daily D VENIZ 50 Morning. If I am not take that medicine then suffering from fobia and many issue in body. Please guide how can I left this medicine

05:58 PM | 23-04-2024

I am facing several issues hypothyroid, high cholesterol and gut issues like ibs diarrhea. I take hypo thyroid medicine for one year now. I tried ayurveda and homeopathy but nothing worked. Only allopathic medicine got the level under control.

10:46 AM | 31-07-2019

I have anal fissure visit surgeon he gave me medicines for 12 days later he stop all the medicine and continued with sitz bath continuously since 2 months And applying xylocaine ointment 3-4 times a day but a problem is same. Please suggest so that it can be treated

01:40 PM | 08-09-2019

I have dust allergy and continuous sneezing with running nose and headache. Kindly suggest remedies. What do I do?

01:51 PM | 26-08-2019

I am having sore throat for past 1 month and it's not curing after doing gargles and I have been on 6 days azythromycin course, it improved but again when i came in contact of smoke it went to same. Please helplp

02:16 PM | 01-07-2020

For last 4 years I am suffering from anxiety disorder I had consulted psychiatrist for sometimes and took medicines but not much relief after that I had Counselling from Psychologist some what relief and took ACCUPUNCTURE and flower therapy but got 90% cured and taking homeopathy medicines I am almost cleared but even now some times I feel anxiety rarely. What shall i do tocure 100%?

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