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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

09:39 PM | 09-06-2019

Hi, I am having stomach pain from last 5-6 days and having around same time at night between 8-10 PM. I am on calorie deficit diet and consuming whey protein. Please help

08:35 AM | 01-01-2019

Should I be using ghee for tadka instead of oil?

09:48 PM | 25-12-2018

I'm often suggested by well wishers to feed lots of ghee to my son because he has a tiny structure. He takes ghee in limited quantities. What say?

06:25 PM | 28-08-2018

Hi. Any suggestions for blood from nose. It's not much but just drops sometime. Not sure if it is due to heat, guess that might be the reason.

11:45 AM | 24-11-2020

Please suggest what kind of food to give to baby from two month to two years. Please share food chart

06:49 PM | 18-03-2020

My sgot is 41 and sgpt 53 i m occasionally drinker. Don't know why it is higher. Plz suggest natural way to heal this?

01:09 PM | 15-11-2019

I am 19 year old boy and my weight is 50 kg and height is 5 ft 6 in , my weight and height has not been increasing from 2015.

01:05 PM | 10-11-2019

Now i m 18 years old but my height is now soo good.. How can i grow my height.. Can anyone hav this answer??

04:34 PM | 08-11-2019

I'm 17 years old. My height has increased very less since I was 12. It's almost negligible. And I'm suffering from allergy. What should I do?

01:50 PM | 22-10-2019

My uric acid and sgpt level are little high, how I lower my uric acid and sgpt level?

07:52 PM | 06-10-2019

I have severe hair loss problem. Can't Control. What to do?

07:05 PM | 23-09-2019

I'm facing trouble during respiration. Any suggestions plz as I have epileptic disorder?

09:59 AM | 18-09-2019

Is it possible to increase height after 23 years in a natural way? Please suggest.

09:57 AM | 30-08-2019

My baby vomits whenever he cries, starts coughing first and then takes everything out. What to do?

12:50 PM | 29-08-2019

How to cure tonsils with home remedies? Please suggest

07:50 AM | 17-08-2019

I have uric acid problem its going to 11. 3 sometimes medicines like zyloric taken for 4 months but no results

12:55 PM | 13-08-2019

Hii my mom age is 45 and she has bad cholesterol level because of medicine she has a headache problem also so plz give me suggestion what should I do to control her Cholesterol

09:45 AM | 05-08-2019

Hi i have blessed with baby boy on November 26 2018 which was premature. Got BP so doctors did C-section. From that day i am suffering from phobia of BP and anxiety. And every three weeks and month consulting doctors about BP. It has gone. But its there in mind. I am unable to remove it from mind. And lot of anxiety. Don't know suddenly i feel fast heart beats and fear of death. I am trying a lot to be stronger. For one month i will be fine and happy and sometimes feel too terrible.

09:43 AM | 02-07-2019

How to cure from long cough

05:26 PM | 24-06-2019

For all Dentists fluoride is very important. They keep advocating fluoride based toothpastes. But you speak to a nature cure expert and fluoride becomes a devil. What to do? How to choose?

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