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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

04:37 PM | 08-11-2019

I have problem of stammering?? I want to overcome it How is it possible?? Pls tell me

09:50 AM | 06-11-2019

How to control receding gums? And how to improve gum condition already damaged due to receding?

10:00 AM | 05-11-2019

Hi I am 20 yrs old and am suffering from prolonged thigh pain basically in back thigh bone. Can you please tell me something that provides relief?

09:50 AM | 04-11-2019

I have been having high fever right after Diwali. There is bad cough and congestion in the chest. No phlegm comes out but i feel pain in my chest and uneasiness. There is itchiness in the throat. I tried avoiding the fever medication but it did not help and i had to take Paracetamol and sometimes 2 Disprins together dissolved in water as the fever wouldn't come down. When i went to the doctor, he prescribed Augmentin antibiotic for 1 week. What should I do now?

09:48 AM | 04-11-2019

How can i cure myself of high fever and lower respiratory infection without any antibiotic?

09:34 AM | 04-11-2019

I have diabetes and pcos too detected my sugar level is 450. What should I do?

05:30 PM | 01-11-2019

I am 21 year old and my height is 167 cm. My weight is 46 kg. I want to gain weight. What should I do?

04:05 PM | 01-11-2019

I have many pimples on my face. How to cure them?

10:11 AM | 01-11-2019

My daughter is 3 ¹½years old. Her weight is 11 kg. Her birth weight was 2. 85kg. She is fussy eater.. Please suggest me how I can gain her weight?

10:05 AM | 31-10-2019

Hi,I am 19 years old,i am suffering from pimples on my back since last 2 years. I am not able to get rid of it. Can you please tell some remedy for it?

10:04 AM | 31-10-2019

How do I get rid of this psoriasis disease?

10:03 AM | 30-10-2019

Both my kids are having eye power. How to reduce the power? How can they be without glasses please tell me?

01:39 PM | 28-10-2019

How to get rid of stress and anxiety?

02:12 PM | 25-10-2019

Drinking hot water in the early morning good or bad?

10:46 AM | 25-10-2019

My sister is suffering from asthma can you please suggest some natural remedies for its cure?

09:40 PM | 19-10-2019

I have taken antidepressants for 6 month because I had no idea to come out from depression and anxiety but now I tapered off medication and feelings good to some extent but now I am suffering from sexual dysfunction as a side effect of antidepressants. I am worried about it. Does sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are reversible by natural treatment please guide me. Thanks.

09:36 PM | 19-10-2019

When I do the gym workout i will get the backpain

09:32 PM | 19-10-2019

How should I lose my weight while I am in school?? All the busy schedule with tuitions I don't have the time to go and attend any yoga class or gym I need to lose weight and increase my height

04:07 PM | 17-10-2019

How to get rid of haliotosis,bad breath?

09:58 AM | 17-10-2019

I have more pimples on my face. I have tried many products to cure but nothing useful. Can you pls suggest me how to cure pimples quickly?

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