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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

10:55 AM | 16-11-2020

I'm suffering from Cardio phobia, due to which I have death anxiety. My heart reports are normal, Dr said I have tachycardia due to anxiety and stress. But still I have chest tightness (due to acidity Dr said) , high pulse rate, headache and dizziness. Due to anxiety I'm also facing digestive issues and mental health is declining. I always feel like this is my last breath. How do I recover from this?

06:46 PM | 30-10-2021

I am 29 years old male. I had panic attacks for 6 months and was under psychiatric medication. Now I am only on propranolol beta blocker 10mg. I experience bloating/acidity everyday which triggers my heart rate and inturn increase health anxiety and i get relief only after gas goes completely. Please suggest diet considering I have kidneystone/sinusitis. Some days I also get insomnia due to bloating on upper abdomen. Heart pounding is the main symptom which increases my anxiety. Please Help.

10:07 AM | 13-11-2019

I suffered early menopause at an age of 43 followed by anxiety issues... Mild panic attacks. I tried to manage those issues with counselling, positive reading matter etc. Now, high cholestrol, high triglycerides, digestion issues and lastly slight rise in bp which was always on lower side earlier. I dont understand which issue should be addressed initially so that entire upset system should be synced. Can you help me?

10:15 AM | 14-05-2019

10:50 AM | 25-08-2020

My friend needs help she has followings problems. Her age is 30 years. Migraine, Joint Pains (Can’t walk for routine work), Sore Throat (citrus items don’t suit at all), Skin allergy, Herpes (Can’t take nuts ,seeds ,mango or even ginger or turmeric tea), Gastric Issues (Gaps in meals always cause gas and too much burps even after taking homemade light meal), Cervical Spondylitis (cant wear sweater in winters), Anal fissure (Doctor suggested surgery), Dryness in skin.

05:58 PM | 23-04-2024

I am facing several issues hypothyroid, high cholesterol and gut issues like ibs diarrhea. I take hypo thyroid medicine for one year now. I tried ayurveda and homeopathy but nothing worked. Only allopathic medicine got the level under control.

08:42 PM | 15-04-2024

I am suffering from cardiomyopathy how can I cure it

02:58 PM | 03-11-2021

My sister's age is 17, she has issues of TB spine. I don't want to go for allopathic treatment to cure this, What can I do to resolve this naturally?

09:32 AM | 21-04-2020

I'm 19 yrs old and I'm suffering from gut health issues, gastric issues from last 1 year. In a day I have to visit toilet 2 to 3 times for complete bowel movements. My bowel movements do not complete once in a day. And my food does not get digested properly. That's why I'm scared to leave my house and I'm stressed.

11:58 AM | 24-08-2020

I am 42 kgs, age 30 years, I have gluten sensitivity and acidity issue. Trying to gain weight but it's not possible, my sleep is also not deep may be it affects my weight gain. I have one son, at the time of his birth my weight went to 53 but now back to same 42. I can't eat lot of food at a time it gives me bloating and is difficult to digest. I take less quantity with frequent intervals. What should I do to gain weight without having digestion issues?

11:23 AM | 22-04-2020

Hi, I am 34 years old male, from past few days, I am suffering from acidity, with high palpitation. Sometime when I sleep, I feel breathlessness, most of the time I feel something around my heart. My bowel movement is not good, I take around 25 to 20 min, also gas usually forms in my stomach. I have stopped oily, spicy food but its not helping me out. I am a regular night shift worker.

11:59 AM | 02-07-2020

Hello! I am Dhandapani from Bangalore. I had MI 4 years back and one stent was planted. I suffered from anxiety disorder too. I am taking 4 tablets daily, due to this I am suffering from acidity and heart burning. I am on homeopathy medicine also but not much relief so any one of you please suggest good permanent cure.

01:18 PM | 27-04-2020

I am 53. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 2011 for which I am taking 25 mcg. Presently,I suffer also from Constipation, forgetfulness,almost no urge of hunger & thirst, shortness of breath,drowsiness, gradually decreasing eye-vision,(recently diagnosed with black cataract and glaucoma),thinness of hair,and issues associated with Hypothyroidism having a bearing on family-life (low-libido,etc) Pl. Suggest remedial method to reverse my condition to normal through natural hygiene/Naturopathy.

04:05 PM | 12-08-2019

Hello Everyone!.. I am an 18 year old boy My Name is Jatin.. I have some digestive issues.. The bowel movements are not regular.. And I feel some food still inside my stomach or the intestines. A bit of gas... Please help me by suggesting a natural way to flush out all the waste from the body.. Or a natural powerful detox. And as I am a college student my eating habits are horrible. So from where should I start?

09:52 AM | 03-10-2019

What are natural way to get rid of IBS like digestive issues, piles problem and stress issues..?

12:24 PM | 11-01-2021

Health issues - Type 1 diabetes and CKD, creatinine is 2, hba1c 7. 1, age 50 yrs, digestion weak. Pls help with the treatment

06:50 PM | 05-06-2019

I have a lot of acidity and bloating issues for many years now.. I often take antacids for the same.. Give some tips to deal with this

01:31 PM | 28-09-2019

Hi, I have been experiencing Weakness after bowel movement from one month, also have heartbeat going fast. Did my blood test, Ultrasound n all. But found nothing. Had antibiotics too for stomach. But still have irregular heartbeat sometimes. Why have this problem?

09:57 AM | 26-08-2020

I am experiencing over thinking on everything, all the time. So I cannot sleep properly, cannot concentrate on any work. I feel drowsy when excessive thoughts come. What is the solution? I had thyroid - TSH was 11, diagnosed 3 years back. Allopathy medicine caused me heart palpitation so I stopped medicine. Is this because of thyroid I am facing this issue? I do alunom vilom , kapal bhati pranayam but it relaxes me for few hours only. Pls advise.

11:08 AM | 04-05-2020

Age -24, suffering from Anemia plus increased heart rate, hypertension (shaking hands) and premature ejaculation , from 2-3 years. Help!

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