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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

12:06 PM | 06-02-2020

This is Gaurav. I'm facing problem regarding cough and cold. Whenever I do some hard work and get tired I automatically get sore throat, sneezing and cough. I am facing this problem for 3-4 years. Consulted many doctors but they give medicines that go for a fortnight and again it persists. What should I do?

09:30 PM | 31-12-2019

How to get rid of negative thoughts and anxiety naturally

03:09 PM | 16-11-2019

Hi, I got miscarriage in 8 month of pregnancy when I did torch test I found Rubella infection. Dr. Said miscarriage happen due to this infection. Now what should I do? When can I plan my next pregnancy?

03:40 PM | 29-10-2019

I am facing hair problems from last 1 year. Can u please help me? Please help me out.

09:43 AM | 10-10-2019

Since last 8/9 months, I am feeling extremely sick. Always a health anxiety, panic, nervousness, uneasiness, apprehension surrounding me. Which is affecting my daily work. I am always thinking about my problem. Very uncomfortable in head. Can you help me please?

01:35 PM | 28-09-2019

I have too much of hairfall. What to do?

11:04 AM | 10-08-2020

Can pranayam have power to turn body white hair into black? Also tell me which one pranayam.

10:08 AM | 21-01-2020

I am suffering from unwanted thoughts. Can anyone suggest me remedies for a calm mindset?

03:11 PM | 13-01-2020

How can I increase haemoglobin content in blood naturally? Doctors have prescribed iron and folic acid tablets. Are there any natural remedies?

09:51 AM | 02-01-2020

I always feel low and negative. Don't know the reason behind it. Why? Any solution?

01:15 PM | 05-10-2019

I have hair falling problem what I can I do?

10:12 AM | 27-09-2019

I am feeling tired all the time. Feeling lack of oxygen in my body. I am doing exercises in morning but can't find any change. What should I do?

06:50 PM | 04-08-2019

High pulse rate even while resting i feel fast pulsing or heart rate

11:08 PM | 14-06-2019

I have been trying to follow from last one year. My problems are endometriosis, low BP, excessive fatigue, low digestive fire, hair fall, under lying hypothyroidism. In past one year my condition definitely improved but still not fully recovered. Now I feel full pain in my upper left abdomen area, I think it's my spleen that got sluggish and inflamed due to toxins flow but unable to flow them out ,can you suggest me something and I still feel unbearable pain and mucus flow during mensuration.

02:07 PM | 06-07-2021

I am 24 year old, my height is 5'10 but my weight according my height is very low ,what should I do?

04:25 PM | 07-06-2021

I am 24 year old, my weight is 46 am very frustrated to about my weight. Plz tell me how to gain weight

09:51 AM | 30-11-2020

I'm 31 years old and my weight is only 41 kgs. I want to gain weight. Please suggest any supplements if any? Or diet plans?

03:05 PM | 13-11-2020

Hi! I am too thin but I want to build up my body a little bit so I can fit in my dresses. Please help me.

09:37 AM | 03-02-2020

I am unable to concentrate while reading? My mind keeps on wandering somewhere else while reading? I HV to read 2-3times coz of that... Wht should I do?

09:35 AM | 03-02-2020

Sir getting useless thoughts and suffer from stress always what should I do??

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