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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

10:09 AM | 14-10-2020

Which fruit, vegetable, grain should be avoided in hypothyroidism. I'm 31 yr old female and have many health issues.

10:04 AM | 21-01-2020

Why my complexion is not changing even after eating healthy food, home remedies and using skin whitening creams?

08:05 AM | 17-08-2019

My age is 20. My weight is 38. Is it anything serious to my healthy life

09:58 AM | 05-08-2019

I am 38 yrs, I do workout daily regularly ,having low carb diet and healthy diet, I am starting to develop some knee pain when I climb or get down stairs, fellow members please advise the cause and remedy for this..

11:32 AM | 09-02-2021

Is spirulina good for health?

03:00 PM | 11-02-2021

I am experiencing blood in my stool. I had been treated for anal fissure few years back. According to me, I m eating healthy but that's not helping me. Can u help me what all should be included in my diet and what not

12:22 PM | 26-06-2020

Hi, I have query regarding my health issues. I have stone in my gall bladder 18 mm but I don’t have any problem due to stone like pain, nausea etc. I had PCOS now it’s cured and don’t have any problem in periods. Now my concern is mostly in evening I feel empty under my sternum in between the ribs and feel heavy( no pain and other symptoms) if I have antacid or sugar it stops hurting me. Please suggest me what can I do?

12:59 PM | 24-06-2020

Some people tell me that doing kapalbhati in summer have some side effect for health then please tell me it's beneficial or not? And also tell me how I do kapalbhati to get more benefits?.

10:45 AM | 19-06-2020

I am on 72 hr or 3 day fasting. Tomorrow at 9 pm I will breaking my fast. I want to know, with what I should break my fast? I am a 35 yrs old and healthy.

09:56 AM | 16-09-2019

Can roasted chana be a healthy snacks for a person seeking health from autoimmune disease?

11:36 AM | 15-09-2019

Is greek yogurt healtheir then regular yogurt?

11:31 AM | 18-08-2019

I'm 20 years old male and my weight is 40kg, How can i gain health weight

05:26 PM | 17-08-2019

I am a 28 year old. My height is 5'2"inch and weight is 48. 9 kg. I dont have any health issues but i am suffering from hair loss. Can any one help me out?

02:02 PM | 13-08-2019

Hi my mom is suffering from ILD, artharitis, gastric problem and recently she has went through 2 major operation- thrombectomy and total abdomenal hystectomy Please suggest me something for her good health

10:19 AM | 02-08-2019

Respected All, Before 8 Months I am 78 Kg weight and Healthy Personality But Now I am 74 Kg Why it is happening and May I become Once Again Healthy Plz provide me Such A Healthy Tips For Gaining weight Naturally and I have some Problems of Indigestion and After eating Food i have to Go For Bathroom within few minutes

07:36 PM | 26-07-2019

Please suggest me healthy wealth lose tips..

10:15 AM | 07-05-2019

I am a part of various health groups. I have heard contradicting views about consuming fruits in combination verses single fruit at a time. Anyone who can share their views/personal experience regarding this? I often wonder if its fine to have a bowl full of mixed fruits!

09:50 AM | 20-12-2018

I want to start living healthy... The natural way. But don’t want to change my diet or routine drastically all of a sudden. How should I approach this? What is the 1 habit change I can start with?

02:19 PM | 24-11-2018

Is there a healthy way to make saambhar?

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