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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

12:06 PM | 06-02-2020

This is Gaurav. I'm facing problem regarding cough and cold. Whenever I do some hard work and get tired I automatically get sore throat, sneezing and cough. I am facing this problem for 3-4 years. Consulted many doctors but they give medicines that go for a fortnight and again it persists. What should I do?

04:51 PM | 08-11-2019

I m having throat irritation and cough since 15 days. I m tired of medicine can any one tell me home remedies?

09:59 AM | 01-11-2019

I'm suffering from bronchitis asthma and sneezing running nose. What to do?

10:38 AM | 09-09-2019

How to avoid chronic disease Fistula and Piles in this modern Remote control and junk food based lifestyle , if its initial stage already started?

12:15 PM | 29-05-2019

What is the difference between grains, pulses and legumes? Which ones are more acidic?

04:20 PM | 05-01-2019

Can someone tell me that if drinking coffee could affect my chances of conceiving?

01:42 PM | 08-09-2019

I m suffering from social anxiety disorders..... I m getting fear at public place & anoxious....... I m feeling comfortable only at my home.....

10:27 AM | 20-08-2019

I wanted to ask all health practitioners, do you recommend vaccination? Why or why not? Kindly present your views.

01:54 PM | 20-11-2020

I have chest pain and acidity problem. I have done blood testing, it is normal. Could you please suggest if any other testing is required?

10:04 AM | 10-02-2020

Hi! I have a problem of bad breadth. No gum problem oral hygiene is also ok. How can I get rid from this? Whenever I eat something after sometime it smells very bad please suggest me something

09:15 PM | 22-07-2019

Hello everyone, I have literally no one to share the terrible feeling i am having right now. So i will be very clear I have an abusive father he only abuses in house ,use very bad words for me my mother... He respects no one. Today also he abused me in an indirect way and he had no clue how i got effected. I just want to ask what should i do? I know that being at peace and calm and just not reacting will be best but, the kind of words he used made my mind went off! Suggestions please.

10:07 AM | 19-12-2019

I have problem of gas and constipation frequently. What to do?

11:58 AM | 26-09-2019

I'm suffering from asthma last 8 year and still no changes and recovery in my health. What to do?

07:05 PM | 23-09-2019

I'm facing trouble during respiration. Any suggestions plz as I have epileptic disorder?

12:14 PM | 27-01-2020

How to clear bowel movement and constipation?

11:02 AM | 23-10-2019

Requesting for some healthy remedies for bronchilactasis with situs inversus. Can anyone guide me?

01:40 PM | 09-10-2019

Frequent infection of cervix and urinary tract. Acute burning in urinary tract and cervix when infected.. Pap smears normal. Please can you tell me some natural remedies?

05:16 PM | 30-09-2019

I have depression and overthinking. What should I do?

11:14 AM | 14-09-2019

How to cure fungal infection permanently?

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