Am having fungal nail in right leg. Kindly suggest some remedies to treat.
05:23 PM | 24-09-2020
हेलो, कारण - पैर के नाखून मेंं संक्रमण इस बात का सूचक हैै कि ऑक्सीजन और रक्त का संचार ठीक प्रकार से नहीं हो पा रहा है। रक्त और ऑक्सीजन के संचार में कमी होने का मुख्य कारण पाचन तंत्र में अम्ल का बढ़ना है। जैसे वायुमंडल में हवा दूषित होने पर ऑक्सीजन की मात्रा कम हो जाती है उसी तरीके से शरीर में अम्ल की मात्रा बढ़ने से ऑक्सीजन और रक्त की संचार में कमी आती है। संक्रमण का मूल कारण को समझ कर उसके ऊपर काम करे ना की प्रतिक्रिया के ऊपर अपना ध्यान रखें। पाचन तंत्र को स्वस्थ करते हैं संक्रमण ठीक हो जाएगा। प्राकृतिक जीवन शैली को अपनाकर इसे पूर्ण रूप से ठीक किया जा सकता है समाधान- 1. पैर के नाखून में नीम और गुड़हल(hibiscus) के पत्ते का पेस्ट लगाएँ। 20 मिनट बाद इसे सादे पानी से साफ कर लें। मैग्नीफाइंग लेंस की मदद से सूर्य का रिफ्लेक्शन को पैर के संक्रमित नाखून में कोई भी हरा पत्ता लगाकर घड़ी कि सीधी दिशा में और घड़ी की उलटी दिशा में घूम आए। सूर्य की रोशनी में 20 मिनट का स्नान सूर्य की रोशनी से करें 5 मिनट सामने 5 मिनट पीछे 5 मिनट दाएं 5 मिनट बाएं भाग में धूप लगाएं। धूप लेट कर लेना चाहिए धूप की रोशनी लेते वक्त सर और आपको किसी सूती कपड़े से ढक ले। सूर्य नारी मंद होने पर इन्फेक्शन अधिक होता है अतः आप जब भी सोए अपना दायां भाग ऊपर करके सोए। 2. खानपान में मुख्य रूप से गहरे हरे रंग के पत्तों का जूस बहुत ही फायदेमंद होता है। गहरे हरे रंग के पत्तों में क्लोरोफिल होता है और ऑक्सीजन की संचार में यह बहुत ही मददगार साबित होता है। चार भिंडी को लंबा काटकर एक गिलास पानी में डाल दें और सुबह खाली पेट नेचुरल मोशन होने से पहले उसको पी लें। पीते वक्त इस बात का ध्यान रखें कि पानी को मुंह में रख रख केपीए। पेट को साफ रखेगा अम्ल शरीर में नहीं बनेगा। 3. मेरुदंड स्नान काफी लाभकारी होता है यह हमारे स्नायु तंत्र को स्वस्थ रखता है । एक मोटा तोलिया लेकर उसको भिगो दें बिना निचोड़े योगा मैट पर बिछाए और उसके ऊपर कमर से लेकर के कंधे तक का हिस्सा रखें। उस गीले तौलिए पर रहे 20 मिनट के बाद इसको हटा दें। ऐसा करने से आप का मेरुदंड में ब्लड और ऑक्सीजन का सरकुलेशन ठीक हो जाएगा। जो कि हमारे सिर के नसों से कनेक्टेड रहता है। 4. लंबा गहरा श्वास अंदर लें रुको थोड़ी देर सांस को पूरी तरीके से खाली करें और फिर रुके थोड़ी देर ऐसा करने से आपके शरीर में ऑक्सीजन का सरकुलेशन ठीक हो जाएगा ऑक्सीजन की मात्रा ठीक हो जाएगी। सूर्य नमस्कार 10 बार करें सूर्य नमस्कार बहुत ही उपयोगी है हमारे सिर के हिस्से में रक्त संचार के लिए। पवनमुक्तासन अम्ल को कम करेगा शरीर में अम्ल के कम होने से सिर में ऑक्सीजन और रक्त का संचार होगा। 5.पृथ्वी - सुबह खीरा 1/2 भाग धनिया पत्ती (10 ग्राम) पीस लें, 100 ml पानी मिला कर पीएँ। यह juice आप कई प्रकार के ले सकते हैं। पेठे (ash guard ) का जूस लें और कुछ नहीं लेना है। नारियल पानी भी ले सकते हैं। पालक पत्ते धो कर पीस कर 100 ml पानी डाल पीएँ। दुब घास 25 ग्राम पीस कर छान कर 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। कच्चे सब्ज़ी का जूस आपका मुख्य भोजन है। 2 घंटे बाद फल नाश्ते में लेना है। फल को चबा कर खाएँ। इसका juice ना लें। फल सूखे फल नाश्ते में लें। दोपहर के खाने में सलाद नट्स और अंकुरित अनाज के साथ सलाद में हरे पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी को डालें और नारियल पीस कर मिलाएँ। कच्चा पपीता 50 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। कभी सीताफल ( yellow pumpkin)50 ग्राम ऐसे ही डालें। कभी सफ़ेद पेठा (ash guard) 30 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। ऐसे ही ज़ूकीनी 50 ग्राम डालें।कद्दूकस करके डालें।कभी काजू बादाम अखरोट मूँगफली भिगोए हुए पीस कर मिलाएँ। लाल, हरा, पीला शिमला मिर्च 1/4 हिस्सा हर एक का मिलाएँ। लें। बिना नींबू और नमक के लें। स्वाद के लिए नारियल और herbs मिलाएँ। रात के खाने में इस अनुपात से खाना खाएँ 2 कटोरी सब्ज़ी के साथ 1कटोरी चावल या 1रोटी लेएक बार पका हुआ खाना रात को 7 बजे से पहले लें। 6.एक नियम हमेशा याद रखें ठोस(solid) खाने को चबा कर तरल (liquid) बना कर खाएँ। तरल को मुँह में घूँट घूँट पीएँ। खाना ज़मीन पर बैठ कर खाएँ। खाते वक़्त ना तो बात करें और ना ही TV और mobile को देखें।ठोस भोजन के तुरंत बाद या बीच बीच में जूस या पानी ना लें। भोजन हो जाने के एक घंटे बाद तरल पदार्थ ले सकते हैं।हफ़्ते में एक दिन उपवास करें। शाम तक केवल पानी लें, प्यास लगे तो ही पीएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी और रात 7 बजे सलाद लें। 7. उपवास के अगले दिन किसी प्राकृतिक चिकित्सक के देख रेख में टोना लें। जिससे आँत की प्रदाह को शांत किया जा सके। एनिमा किट मँगा लें। यह किट ऑनलाइन मिल जाएगा। इससे 200 ml पानी गुदाद्वार से अंदर डालें और प्रेशर आने पर मल त्याग करें। ऐसा दिन में दो बार करना है अगले 21 दिनों के लिए। ये करना है ताकि शरीर में मोजुद विषाणु निष्कासित हो जाये। इसके बाद हफ़्ते में केवल एक बार लेना है उपवास के अगले दिन। टोना का फ़ायदा तभी होगा जब आहार शुद्धि करेंगे। धन्यवाद। रूबी, प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)
I'm Rashida. My age is 35 and my weight is 84 kg I want to lose weight. My periods are irregular and I have hair fall problem as well. Pls guide me.
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
07:41 PM | 02-09-2020
Hello Rashida, Your periods, hair fall, and weight gain are all signs of imbalance in hormones. If we keep on loading ourselves with adulterated things and chemical-based products, we are definitely going to be prone to any kind of illness. Once the disease enters the body, it is the whole body that needs to heal and not just the part and this is what natural cure is all about. A disease of the reproductive system starts with the high fat and chemical-based diet that we are loading our gastrointestinal tract with. Any disease can make you pre-dispose to another, because of your lifestyle continuation. If you take care of your lifestyle at this moment, then, there are definite chances that you get yourself treated well and your menstrual cycle will regularise. But we have to treat our body on the whole so that we can even stop any future problems with our reproductive tract. In any case, the cure remains the same, which is a holistic cure in nature's way. Eat: Start with food items like jaggery, dates, sprouts, green leafy vegetables which help in increasing iron content. Vitamin C addition helps in easy-iron absorption, for example adding lemon to dals. Vitamin C keeps our cells activated by absorbing the iron in the body. Include one fruit like apple, papaya, a banana a day to have a healthy GUT. Apply ice packs every 20 minutes which helps in lowering the pain, if you have any. Cumin water acts as a coolant and helps in enhancing the reproductive cycle. Exercise: Sleep on your back, raise your one leg, and start rotating in a circular motion for 5 times and place it back, repeat the same with another leg. This will elevate your uterine muscles. Squats are another exercise to improve uterine health. Do it 15-20 times at one time. Sit and take 10-15 long deep breaths from the abdomen, to release all the toxicity from the body helping us to gain back our healthy uterus. Meditation: While sleeping, take a bowl of water. Put two-three essential oil drops like lavender or orange and inhale it. It will help in calming nerves and automatically our body will start getting the rhythm back. Listen to music for 15 minutes by closing your eyes and deep breathing. This will help in controlling anxiety during stress. Sleep: Sleep should be of 7-8 hours, sound. This will help in releasing all stress and treat all the issues in a healthy manner. It is time to get yourself healthy and wise. Hopefully, these suggestions will be helpful Thank you.
Do we have any remedies for not getting sleep because of depression n anxiety?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
07:01 PM | 18-08-2020
Hello User, The best advice for suffering from anxiety is taking a natural way to treat it. Going the natural way will only help in treating the episode but will also help in preventing it. As the stressors in today's lifestyle have increased be it for a student, a person working at home, or a corporate lifestyle everything needs to be tackled in a healthy manner. A lifestyle filled with green vegetables, fruits, exercise, and meditation is what is needed. Eat: Start the day with two-three glasses of warm water, this will help in flushing out the toxins and improving the state of metabolism by increasing it. The inclusion of a vegetable juice in your breakfast will help in giving the right amount of energy for the day. The next thing is going for a head massage, daily at night massage the head with coconut oil and aloe vera gel, this will help in soothing the nerves and reduce the episode of anxiety. Increasing Vitamin B12 and minerals in the diet will help in treating mood disorders. Chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds are a good source of vitamin B 12. Exercise: Taking a brisk walk in the early morning sun rays helps in treating all the problems, as the sun helps in treating the mood and freshen us for the whole day. Early morning walk is recommendable. Even Suryanamaskar will help in treating the mental issues and will help in dealing with all problems, 12 sets a day is recommendable. If you are a beginner start with 6 and increase it. Sitting in an area where you have a good amount of sunlight is highly beneficial this will correct your backache which is due to low vitamin D. Morning sun rays help. Meditation: Stop using the gadget on hour before sleep, you can use a fragrant diffuser where you can use essential oils, and then with the smell itself, you will start feeling calm. The next thing is to take 10 long deep breaths, and allowing your body to relax, any thought which comes let it go do not resist. Saying the affirmation, I am healthy and happy" release each breath. This will help a lot in calming you. Sleep: Sleep is a very important part of treating any mental symptom, a sleep cycle of 90 minutes should be completed in order to get a sound body. This sleep cycle should be repeated 5 times. This makes 7-8 hours of healthy sleep. This will make your body and mind strong and refreshing. Hopefully, these suggestions will help. Thank you.
My wife is 60 years old having thyroid, cervical and arthritis. Kindly suggest natural treatment and diet chart for the same.
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
06:21 PM | 10-08-2020
Hello Harvinder Singh ji, We can understand that the pain of rheumatoid arthritis with the cervical disc can be excruciating and the reason behind both is because there is an inflammation process happening in the body. If we are getting exposed to junk, and our lifestyle is sedentary, the body goes under the defense mechanism and start inflammation. When our immunity is vulnerable, we become our enemy and tend to get these signs of inflammation like pain, swelling, redness in joints. In arthritis, every joint becomes painful hence we have to make sure that our body is getting a good amount of diet and exercise together. With the thyroid picture in the background, the body's metabolism becomes slow and difficult for the nutrients to absorb. Hopefully, with the following guidelines, you will be able to sort all your problems. A good diet and exercise can surely be helpful. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water which will help in flushing out all the toxins. Antioxidants rich food like berries, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, mosumbi will help to treat the inflammation. Take one teaspoon of gond with one glass of warm water in the morning. This will help in muscle repair and make the joints stronger by hastening the process. Copper minerals help in treating inflammation to its best, store drinking water in a copper vessel to get the best of it. High selenium filled diet like dried fruits etc will help in increasing thyroid metabolism. Exercise: Pranayam helps in detoxifying the body. Practicing it early morning in an area that has good sunlight will help in improving blood circulation. Suryanamaskar, daily 12 sets will help in increasing the blood circulation of your body. Tell her to do slowly, perhaps under expert guidance, without putting much pressure on the joint prone area. Downward dog pose, chest expansion, and shoulder circles will definitely help you in treating shoulder pain, please do it to the length of comfort any kind of discomfort felt stop it immediately. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it. But with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleeping with the help of music to stay positive. In a room take a bowl of water and add two-three drops of orange or lavender essential oil. This will help in soothing you and the aroma will relax you and keep you away from any kind of disease. Use a 15-minute relaxation technique before sleep by hearing a piece of soothing music and deep breathing will help in relaxing your mind. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem. Sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. During sleep, our body goes into a repair mechanism where it heals itself. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you. Thank you.
How to get rid of piles?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
02:03 PM | 13-07-2020
Hello User, Regular consumption of fatty diet and highly spiced food, toxins are the primary cause of piles, our sedentary lifestyle also plays a role in this picture. What needs to be taken care of now is the fact that a major change in lifestyle and diet will be the cure of the problem. In piles with the consumption of this kind of food, what is disturbing is from the oesophagus to rectum everything is disturbed. The toxins are in the body, call it stomach ulcers or piles they relate to the same cause. With a healthy change in the diet and your routine, we can readily deal with all the issues related to the problem of piles. What makes a major difference is by changing lifestyles, that we are not only curing the disease at this stage but also preventing future relapses. Now let us understand what changes we can make: Eat: Starting your day with something light in nature and easy to digest is what your breakfast should be. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. The next thing is including a fibre-rich food item which helps in adding bulk to the stools, for example having apples, bananas, nuts, etc. which have a good amount of fiber in them. Let us understand some things which you can apply for dealing with burning sensation: 1. Aloe vera gel: Application of naturally extracted aloe gel helps in the treatment of the wounds caused by piles. 2. Take a teaspoon of coconut oil and add two-three drops of tea tree oil, apply on the wound. These two things will help in treating the piles. Exercise: Sitting in the position of Vajraasana will help in the treatment of piles. After your meals practice, this poses for better digestion and easy stools. A brisk walk in early morning sun from 30-45 minutes, helps in treating your body to its level best. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it, but with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleep with the help of music to stay positive. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem, sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you Thank you.
I want you to solve my problem, I have cough from past 1 year and along with that I am having vomiting and loose motion and tiredness and sometimes fever also. When I vomit it comes along with clear mucus(balgam) with lather( jhaag) the only condition when I vomit first breathless and cough occur then after vomiting occurs in regular period of 15 to 20. When vomit occurs loose motion also occurs although all my blood test and tb test are done due to this I have lost weigh. Please help!
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
01:06 PM | 25-05-2020
Hello User, In a simple way what you suffering from is indigestion which is not allowing nutrition to get absorbed in your body through vomiting and lose motions lead to weak and febrile feeling. Regular consumption of fatty diet and highly spiced food leads to indigestion. Toxins are the primary cause of gastric trouble. Our sedentary lifestyle also plays a role in this picture. What needs to be taken care of now is the fact that a major change in lifestyle and diet will be the cure of the problem. In digestive problems with the consumption of this kind of food, the problem is, from the esophagus to rectum everything is disturbed. The toxins are in the body, call it to stomach ulcers or gastritis, they relate to the same cause. With a healthy change in routine, what makes a major difference is by changing lifestyles, that we are not only curing the disease at this stage but also preventing future relapses. Now let us understand what changes we can make: Eat: Starting your day with something light in nature and easy to digest is what your breakfast should be. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. Including a fiber-rich food item that helps in adding bulk to the stools, for example having apples, bananas, nuts, etc. which have a good amount of fiber in them. Have one tomato with black pepper in the evening time an hour before dinner. During evening time, take an inch of ginger and boil in two cups of water with half a teaspoon of turmeric and honey, this will help in beating inflammation caused by indigestion. have one teaspoon of mulethi with a half teaspoon of honey, which will help you to deal with cough. Drink plenty of water. Exercise: Sitting in the position of Vajraasana will help in the treatment of indigestion. After your meals practice, this poses for better digestion and easy stools. A brisk walk in early morning sun from 30-45 minutes helps in treating your body to its level best. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it, but with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleep with the help of music to stay positive. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem, sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you Thank you.
I have got my Ultrasound done of whole abdomen & the results Or finding are as below *Grade 1 fatty liver *Cholelithiasis. Dr has given some medicines for six months and advised some exercises. I am in great worry. What should I do? Please tell me a remedy.
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
05:30 PM | 23-04-2020
Hello Sunil Thorat, Gall bladder and liver both are correlated to our digestive tract. The causation of fatty liver is due to fat deposition on our organ which has a primary function of detoxification but tends to slow down and there is a lot of toxin accumulation due to it. The liver helps in excreting out all the waste, but this organ gets covered with fats cell which is unwanted by our body and thus resulting in a sluggish metabolism which also leads to formation of stones in gall bladder. Our body becomes lethargic with the type of food consumption like milk products, gluten, packaged chemical-based products. We have to work on it in order to lead a healthier lifestyle. By taking measures in all the directions, and reaching towards a healthy health growth, we can get our ideal health. With a holistic way you can overall help yourself, that is why by taking a step towards holistic health you can effectively treat yourself in nature's way. Eat: Start the day with two-three glasses of warm water, this will help in flushing out the toxins and improve the state of metabolism by increasing it. The next thing is the inclusion of vegetable juice in your breakfast as this will help in giving the right amount of energy for the day. Keep at least two hours gap between your food and your sleep timing at night. You can also choose to have vegetable juice in your breakfast, it is an easier way to absorb all the nutrients. Soak chia seeds in a glass of water for an hour, soak them and add one tablespoon of lemon juice. Consume it two hours after the meal, this will help as a detox for our organ as lemon helps in detoxing stones. Take one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in the morning empty stomach with warm water, this will help in accelerating our metabolism and reduce the fat cells stuck on the liver. One tablespoon of flax seeds after the meal help in increasing the protection for the liver and improves digestion. Exercise: Taking a brisk walk in the early morning sun rays helps in treating all the problems, as the sun helps in treating the mood and freshens us for the whole day, it stimulates our system and strengthens our immunity. Early morning walk is recommended. Cat pose, cobra pose, bridge pose, big toe pose, repeat each pose 3-5 times by holding it for 5-10 seconds and continue in the given order. This will help in treating the issue. And proceed with a session of Suryanamaskar. These poses help in accelerating the action of liver. Suryanamaskar will help in treating the health issues and will help in dealing with all problems, 12 sets a day is recommendable. If you are a beginner start with 6 and increase it. Meditation: Stop using the gadget on hour before sleep, you can use a fragrant diffuser where you can use essential oils and then with the smell itself you will start feeling calm. Rosemary and lavender oil will be helpful. Take 10 long deep breaths, and allow your body to relax, any thought which comes, let it go do not resist. Say the affirmation, "I am healthy and happy" with each breath. Imagine your liver to be healthy and see yourself breathing completely and enjoying nature. This will help in curbing all your issues even in the long run. Sleep: The sleep is a very important part of treating any mental symptom, a sleep cycle of 90 minutes should be completed in order to get a sound body. This sleep cycle should be repeated 5 times. This makes 7-8 hours of healthy sleep. This will make your body and mind strong and refreshing. Make sure your room is gadget-free an hour before sleep. Hopefully, these suggestions will help. Thank you.
I have a lot of stomach pains and pimples on the face during the menstrual period, is there any solution for this?
04:10 PM | 27-03-2020
Hello User, We understand the pain that you are going through. Menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones - estrogen & progesterone. If there is toxic overload in the body, it can prevent these hormones from performing their routine functions. The toxic overload can happen due to stress, lack of sleep, inadequate hydration, high intake of acidic foods, etc. Following holistic ways of eating well, relaxing your body and mind will help you deal with the pain. You will also be able to get rid the pimples you get during this time of the month, as this too, is hormone related. Our Natural Health Coach can look into your routine in a more comprehensive way and give you an action plan. You can explore our Nature-Nurtures Program for the same. If interested, you can reach out to us. We encourage you to take charge of your health. Be inspired by Women’s Health stories in our Journey's section how i got freedom from chronic pain menstruation issues We wish you all the best for your good health. Regards, Team Wellcure
How to cure psoriasis without taking any medicine?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
04:53 PM | 25-02-2020
Hello User, The basic pathology behind the psoriasis disease is in two parts, one part is our immunity gets hampered and starts producing abnormal cells and second is inflammation. To simplify both, our body is getting affected by our day to day lifestyle and activates its defence mechanism in order to protect it. Skin giving the first reaction to everything going inside the body, that is where psoriasis begins. Now what can be these things which are body is protecting from? Stress, smoking, vitamin D deficiency (low sun exposure), any kind of past skin injury-causing infection, a high-fat diet which causes difficulty indigestion. Now that we are clear about the cause. An initiative for holistic change can help you from within and treat you the best. Eat: Starting your day with something light in nature and easy to digest is what your breakfast should be. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. The diet rich in Vitamin C is what we should start with like oranges, mosumbi, lemon, berries are going to be very helpful in the case of iron absorption. Refined sugar and salt, dairy product and gluten should be completely avoided in your situation. Application of coconut oil is important, one tablespoon of coconut oil in 2-3 drops of tea tree oil will help in keeping the skin moist, apply thrice a day. One tablespoon of olive oil mix with your bathing water while taking a bath. In the evening two hours after your meal in the afternoon take one inch of ginger, one teaspoon of honey and half teaspoon of turmeric in one cup of water, bring it to boil for 5-10 minutes and consume daily. This will help in treating inflammation. Exercise: Surynamakar helps in increasing the blood circulation doing 12 sets will help, start with 6 if you are a beginner. A brisk walk in early morning sun from 30-45 minutes, helps in treating your body to its level best. Sun is the best source of Vitamin D taking brisk to walk around 6-7 will help in treating psoriasis. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it, but with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleep with the help of music to stay positive.A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life.15-minute relaxing meditation with the help of light music before sleep will help you in relaxing. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem, sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you Thank you.
I am 21 yrs old my weight is 80. From past 2 years i am suffering from anxiety, hypothyroidism, irregular periods. I don't know how to accept anxiety. It is going very extreme where i am not able to control. What should I do?
Smitha Hemadri
06:32 PM | 02-11-2019
This is not a major issue.. don’t think you have something that you can not overcome. Food based changes and confidence that you will be ok overtime body wise and emotionally will definitely bring changes. You can start by eating healthy, juicing a lot. Once your digestion and assimilation becomes efficient, your body will start shedding the excess. Losing or gaining healthy weight happens when your body and mainly your gut is in a good shape to absorb nutrients or shed the excess. The solution is the same for both the cases. Whatever is the imbalance the body decides and fixes it. High raw whole food plant based meal is your solution. Good sleep , exposure to sun, exercises that help you gain healthy muscles. Fats don’t come because you have nuts or avocado or coconut. Unless your body is ready to act on the food you eat, no food will help. The more the body gets digestive rest from cooked and other wrong foods, it will heal u off the your problems and then build you muscles after u work towards it with weights. You have to work on shedding fat and strengthening the muscles. There are no short cuts Underlying toxaemia or accumulation of toxins are some of the major reasons for anxiety attacks depression, insomnia , fear and similar issues. Correcting the food habits and living conditions is very important to bring improvement in these areas. Remove all kinds of dead animal products from your life such as dairy from the food; that is meant for the calf and not for humans, meat and fish that is dead and lifeless, Eggs that attract viral activity in the body, refined sugar refined salt, excessive consumption of grains in the entire day, Consumption of excessive oil in cooking, eating fried food can lead to accumulation of debris in the body which putrefies and rots giving rise to all kinds of viral and bacterial activity that can impact the sleep cycles and cause nervous issues such as anxiety. Everything in the body is based on electrical signals. If there are inflammations then short circuiting can happen and messages can be misinterpreted by the brain. Start drinking only fruit and veg cold pressed juices for 10 days. Nothing else. 3-4 lts a day After 10 days eat just stomach full of fruits and greens and occasional vegetables for rest of the month and nothing else. Workout in the gym for 1 hr daily / do 24 surya namaskara daily with regular breathIng. You will lose the toxins that have clogged the body. To continue a healthy diet and not gain back after that,the following is a lifestyle you can follow this. Follow this :- Morning on empty stomach Celery juice 500 ml filtered / ash gourd juice / cucumber juice/ Green juice with any watery vegetable like ashgourd / cucumber / ridge gourd / bottle gourd / carrot / beet with ginger and lime filtered/ tender coconut water or more pure veggie juice Afternoon from 12 :- A bowl of fruits - don’t mix melons and other fruits. Eat melons alone. Eat citrus alone Followed by a bowl of veg salad Dinner 2-3 hrs before sleep, with Gluten free, oilfree unpolished grains or dals 30% and 70% veggies. This is optional and youcan replace this with raw again and that’s best for you. Please take enema for 30 days with Luke warm water and then slowly reduce the freq. this is not a substitute for daily nature call . Consult an expert as needed Include some exercises that involves moving all your parts ( neck , shoulder, elbows, wrist , hip bending twisting , squats, knees, ankles ) along with the 1 hr of workout. Focus on weight training See if u can go to the morning sun for sometime in a day 30 mins atleast. Ensure that you are asleep between 10-2 which is when the body needs deep sleep. What to Avoid :- Avoid refined oils, fried food , packaged ready to eat foods, dairy in any form including ghee, refined salt and sugar , gluten , refined oils meat eggs fish coffee tea alcohol , oils in any form Avoid mental stress by not thinking about things you cannot control. Present is inevitable. Future can be planned. Stay happy. Happiness is only inside yourself . The world around you is a better place if you learn to stay happy inside yourself. Reach us if you need more help in this area. Emotional stress can cascade the effects. Thank your body and love it Be blessed. Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)
Hi , Please suggest me as I have been detected recently with PCOD. How to reduce PCOD and weight as I have increased 10 kgs of weight in most few months despite of going for gym and yoga from 5 months?
06:02 PM | 09-08-2019
For PCOD, read here. We are commencing a weight loss program next weekend. See if you would like to enrol for it - Guided online weight loss program - Lose weight naturally, by syncing with the Laws of Nature!
Is it harmful to drink water after eating watermelon or is it a myth?
08:38 PM | 23-02-2021
So the question is can we drink water after eating watermelon. It is suggested that one should consume water only after 1 hour of consuming fruits especially one with high water content watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, orange and strawberry as they disturb the pH levels(level of acidity And alkalinity) of the digestive system.
I am 32 year old, have a knee gaps while practising yoga. It pains a lot and can't stand for a long duration. How to overcome this?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
03:48 PM | 31-01-2020
Hello User, The reason our body works in harmony is because of the reason that the fluid is present in the body, this acts as grease in the body which tends to make sure that all the organs have a smooth flow in function. The knee cap gets disturbed due to the fact that the cartilage is not getting a sufficient amount of fluid in the knee region. So our main focus is to make sure that our body gets the fluid. A good amount of water is needed n the body, 5-6 litres of water is at least needed in the body, the blood is there 5-6 litres so at least that much of water is needed in the body. Start storing the water in copper bottles so as to make sure we get a good amount of copper. Copper is the required mineral which helps in treating fluid. Calcium is another mineral which is needed in this stage to make sure our bones is working in harmony, calcium helps in treating all the disease related to grow and wear tear of our tissues, so the good source of calcium are green leafy vegetables, because not only they are easily absorbed in the body but also we can rely on the plant vegetables for not producing toxicity in the body. Seeds are another good source of calcium, for example, flax seeds. When to eat what? When we eat the right kind of food at the right time we make sure that it is easily absorbed. Let us starts your day with a good amount of water, 2-3 glasses of warm water help in flushing out the toxins. This toxins which come and make our immunity vulnerable to diseases needs to be flushed. Your breakfast should comprise of something light, a fruit bowl and after some time a vegetable juice is easy to digest. This will help in the absorption of nutrients easily. The consumption of seeds after lunch like a mouth freshener is a very good chance of dealing with it, is a good way you can rely on to consume seeds. After in evening time, roasted dried fruits, makhanas, corn, sprouts, are a good choice of snacks. Let us start with dealing with the exercise part, exercising will not only help you in bringing back the comfort but also get a good amount of exercise. 1. After sitting on a chair, raise your legs at a right angle one by one and do it continuously, for 25 times. Do it with one long breath at a time. 2. A brisk walk is something which you can do daily without getting knee pain. 3. By sleeping on your back, you do leg raise alternately, this will put more pressure on the muscles. With the help of these guidelines, you will surely be able to work on your knee gap and your exercises will be fruitful without discomfort or pain. Thank you
Im having patches on fingers and knees and elbow and having itching on it
Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,
05:47 PM | 28-08-2019
Namaste Sneha Todi Agarwal Unhealthy skin, dry and itchy skin again is a reflection of the state of your internal health. Too much toxic deposits and dehydration leads to itchy and patchy skin. To heal that you have to follow the same cleansing and healing routine I have mentioned in your previous question for dandruff and falling hair. Other simple skin remedies can be applying coconut oil immediately after bath on wet skin, to keep it hydrated. Do apply oil and get some sun exposure on the affected areas. Don’t use and chemical based products like soaps, shampoos or creams on your skin. Be happy be healthy always Swati Dhariwal Nature cure Practitioner
I am suffering from TAMARA how to cure this?
Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,
12:58 PM | 24-08-2019
Namaste If you are talking about skin infection then you have to understand that the skin is our largest organ of elimination. And when you have issues there it means the skin is highly irritated due to trying out to eliminate the toxins all the time. How can you assist your skin in throwing out all the toxins and healing back to normal? It’s by changing your food habits and your lifestyle. And this goes for all the diseases in general. As the body is only trying to eliminate the toxins during the diseased state. How do we go about it? Lets look into what things we should remove from our diet to improve our cleansing and healing process. Foods to be removed 1 All packaged and processed outside food-like substances. 2 Refined flour and refined oil 3 All types of stimulants like tea and coffee. If you drink alcohol then that too must be stopped. 4 All overcooked, deep-fried oily food. 5 meat dairy eggs fish etc Foods to be included 1 Fresh locally grown seasonal fruits - 50% of daily intake 2 Fresh seasonal vegetables and greens - 35% of daily intake 3 Grains - soaked or sprouted or steamed - 10 % of daily intake 4 soaked nuts and seeds - 5% of daily intake And understand this - it is not only the food that influences your quality of blood but many other things too matter equally. 1 Learn Pranayam and yoga for relaxing your mind, improving your flexibility and activating your lymphatic system. 2 Get good sun exposure either in the early hours of the morning or a couple of hours before sunset. 3 Get in touch with Mother Earth. Do some gardening with your hands or at least walk barefoot on sand or mud. Sit in parks or lie on the ground or lawns and relax. 4 Keep an eye on your bowel movement. See to it that your bowels are always functioning normally. Eliminate larger quantities than what you eat. 5 Rest and relax well. Sleep in the earlier part of the night and sleep through the night. Wake up before or with the sun. 6 Be well hydrated. Consume a lot of juicy fruits veggies and greens to hydrate yourself well. 7 Get your body moving, do yoga or participate in any outdoor sport, walk or do some gardening. Moving your body will support the removal of toxins and free flow of vitality 8 Be happy always. Don’t let life’s negativities to bog you down. Always be positive. 9 stop using all chemical based stuff for your skin. Use only gram flour lemon or shikakai for washing your skin. And moisturise it with coconut oil only. Follow these principles and as you go on eliminating toxins and discarding all damaged unhealthy tissues you will start seeing a great change in your overall health. Be happy be healthy always Swati Dhariwal Nature Cure Practitioner
I do have hypertension from last one year. I am on medication. I do brisk walk and yoga daily. My question is Can I take protein powder daily to meet my protein intake?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
08:46 PM | 07-08-2020
Hello Piyush, More than relying on synthetic material for hypertension I would advise you to choose the natural way and rely on things like natural fruits and vegetables to treat your disease and increase your nutritional intake. The main cause of hypertension is caused because we load our body due to a good amount of toxins with a high-fat diet due to our fatty cravings and living a sedentary lifestyle will lead us to hypertension. So, the best way to prevent hypertension is to take care of oneself with diet, exercise, meditation, and sleep. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. Potassium-rich diet is essential like walnuts, almonds, bananas, coconut water which will help in retaining sodium and decrease the chance of hypertension. Exercise: Pranayam helps in detoxifying the body. Practicing it early morning in an area that has good sunlight will help in improving blood circulation. Suryanamaskar, daily 12 sets will help in increasing the blood circulation of your body. Boat pose, hero pose, extended triangle pose are very good for heart health and blood circulation. Practice them regularly. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it. But with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleeping with the help of music to stay positive. In a room take a bowl of water and add two-three drops of orange or lavender essential oil. This will help in soothing you and the aroma will relax you and keep you away from any kind of disease. Use a 15-minute relaxation technique before sleep by hearing a piece of soothing music and deep breathing will help in relaxing your mind. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem. Sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. During sleep, our body goes into a repair mechanism where it heals itself. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you. Thank you.
Hi I am 18 year mbbs 1 year student. I am little worried because I get angry on small things. How to decrease the anger and anxiety?
Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,
06:27 PM | 02-11-2019
Namaste Dhruvaj Getting angry and stressed out often is reflection of many things. One of them is a disturbed digestive system. Are you constipated often? Is your digestion healthy? What is your daily routine? Are you well rested? Do you sleep enough and at the right time? You need to look into your lifestyle and food habits to bring about a major change in your self. where do you start? Start with your food. Start eating clean. Remove all refined flour ,oil, processed sugar, white salt etc from your daily diet. Stop eating outside food. Stop consumption of processed and packaged food like stuffs. What can you eat? Lots of fresh ,locally grown, seasonal fruits. You can start your day everyday with it. Have more fruits for lunch. And let your dinner be a large bowl of salad withlots of greens, sprouted grains or soaked nuts. Finish eating before sunset, so that your body gets enough time to digest, assimilate the nutrients and send the waste towards the exit for elimination. If you continue eating late at night the body doesnt get enough time to do its functions properly. Become active. Go for walks, do yoga or participate in some active sport daily. This will also improve your metabolism. Connect with nature. Go out in the sun. Get enough exposure to the suns rays, breath fresh air and do some gardening too. Sleep well. rest well. Look into your life for energy vampires. Do you have a stressfull life? Do you have a stressful job? Do you drink alcohol? Do you smoke? If yes for all then stop and change. These are some more things you could follow: Believe in your abilities. Nobody can believe in you, like you. Nurture healthy, positive and uplifting relationships. Practice healthy habits, eating nourishing food, exercise, sleep, hydrate. Let your personality shine, nothing looks or feels better than being happy from within. Let go of comparison, it’s the thief of joy. You are you! Allow yourself to make mistakes, this is where you learn, grow and prosper. Let go of toxic people in your life. Let go of anger, it will spread through your body like a poison. Forget other people’s opinion of you, focus on your opinion of you. Process your fears, understand them. This can help in alleviating some anxiety. Be happy be healthy always Swati Dhariwal Nature cure practitioner
Do we have any treatment for FSGS. NEPHROTIC SYNDROME
Mohan M
05:44 PM | 12-07-2019
Namaste Siva Ji, Nephrotic syndrome is a condition that is often caused by any group of diseases that damage the kidneys filtering system. This occurs due to Diabetes and hypertension means (high blood pressure). Kidney Infection. Intake of High Dose Pills continiously for some reason which may affection Kidney function. Due to above said reason patient may occur Foamy urine- which is due to proteinuria ( Protein in the Urine ). Maintain Lifestyle keeping normal Blood Pressure. Treat high cholesterol to reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel problems. Improve Vitamin D in your system for that explore to Morning Sunlight. Eat green leafy vegetable, fresh fruits and veggies. Giloy root will help. Add more turermic in your diet. Take correct amount of protein. Consume more foods which are high in vitamin and soluble fiber Fruits and vegetables Fruits, such as apples, citrus fruits and strawberries, and vegetables, like carrots and celery, can help the body to rid itself of cholesterol and protect kidney function. Treatment like Panchakarma or Accupuncture, Siddha and Naturopathy can help to cure without any side affects. Takecare.
I was suffering from high blood pressure. But, now my BP is under control. However, I am suffering from debilitating headaches that are accompanied with dizziness and lot of weakness. Can you help me in this regard?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
02:18 PM | 08-01-2020
Definitely Tulika we can help you, The best way to deal with high blood pressure is to start your day with healthy dietary and exercise regime we can give you some tips if you follow will definitely help you in living a healthier lifestyle. Start your day with two-three glasses of water, and go for a brisk walk for 30 minutes in the morning this will help in refreshing your day and in that regime walk on grass for 5 minutes at least so that your mind becomes calmer and your headache will decrease. The next thing is to start with is include more of raw vegetables and greens in your diet this will give you adequate minerals and vitamins. In future whenever you have an episode of High BP, sleep on your left lateral side so that your BP comes down. I hope this helps you. Thank you
Can you pls suggest diet for pcod?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
10:11 PM | 23-12-2019
The first thing doctors advise in PCod is losing weight. What is advisable to start with is get your BMI checked so that we can know approximately how much you have to reduce. With a healthy diet and regular exercise, nothing is impossible not even losing weight. We are here with step by step plan which you can follow to lose weight. Start your day with two-three glasses of warm water and take one tablespoon of methi seeds powder, this will help in losing weight by increasing insulin sensitivity, cinnamon again is another important agent in increasing insulin sensitivity. Taking sprouts and a glass of raw vegetable juice in your breakfast will help in giving energy for the whole day. Fruits should be part of your mid-meal two hours before your lunchtime. Taking lemon water between 5-6 pm helps in dealing with unwanted craving which is due to low sugar levels. Snacks like Makhana, salad, Corn, and sprouts, bhel, Corn Saladare recommended meal plans. Keep your dinner light and have it two hours before sleep. Exercise should be starting from low intensity to high intensity, a set of squats, 1-2 sets of pushups, 6 sets of Suryanamaskar, there are several asanas which helps in improving ovary health and fertility, like Sarvangasana, Bhujangasana. Brisk walk for 30 minutes daily helps in reducing weight as well as heart-healthy. Thank you
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