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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

09:40 AM | 03-06-2019

I feel too tried these days. Keep experiencing pain in some or other part of body. Last November doctor diagnosis’s was that I have fibromyalgia. He gave me some medicine and told me to remain more happy and less stressed. This is really not possible to achieve nowadays with high pressure jobs. Is there any that I can do like change my eating habits , my lifestyle that might help me.

09:32 AM | 21-04-2020

I'm 19 yrs old and I'm suffering from gut health issues, gastric issues from last 1 year. In a day I have to visit toilet 2 to 3 times for complete bowel movements. My bowel movements do not complete once in a day. And my food does not get digested properly. That's why I'm scared to leave my house and I'm stressed.

07:40 AM | 13-06-2019

What (in your individual opinion) is the single largest problem Nature Cure healers face in order to heal the people through this science and grow that number? Is it the lack of trust of people on this science due to lack of organised scientific evidence, difficulty in changing current food habits or lack of funding, operational and marketing support or any other reason? Give 1 main reason and then other small reasons.

07:05 PM | 21-08-2019

How to close open pores on face and to make facial skin tight and glowing?

06:23 PM | 01-09-2019

Kindly recommend a really good and chemical free shampoo Which can Regrow hair Prevent dandruff Add volume And shine... I will be grateful... Thankyou

10:38 AM | 11-11-2019

Hi, Right now I'm doing intermittent fasting to heal my psoriasis by following it with enema and wet pack. Having only vegetable salad, soup, fruits and brown rice with satvik subji. What more should I do and what are the fruits or vegetables should I avoid?

10:11 AM | 02-08-2019

Suffering from acute back pain percolating to entire back and feeling stiffness and discomfort for most of the time for last many years.. Can u suggest some naturopathy to cure it.

03:50 PM | 30-07-2019

Plz can anyone tell me when shall I do all this morning like 1st shall i do warm up exercise or meditation or exercise or walking and surya namaskar and then cool down plz tell the correct format plz as Im getting confusion so plz help me out!! Thanks a lot!!

12:32 PM | 13-09-2019

I have been suffering from inguinal hernia from past week and I have started yoga and asanas and exercises to reverse it. I even fasted for 2 days, so that my intestine gets cleansed. But still it's there the same. I got 3 lumps at right upper thighs and 3 lumps on left upper thighs. It's not painful but I can feel when I am walking. Any remedies to treat this condition? Edit: i got a scan and it wasnt hernia... Its just a swollen lymph nodes... And i am healed now.... Thanks for the answers kud

01:31 PM | 09-04-2024

My hands and feet remain cold what is the reason behind it

12:10 PM | 18-10-2022

Hi sir/madam after delivery I am suffering from sever gastric problem because of gastric problem I am totally depending on medicines once the gas had formed in my stomach it gives sever pain in below the chest area. I had thyroid and PCOD problem also I need to cure it nature I need to loose my weight and my belly plz help me to cure it naturally. Which type of food should I eat and I should not eat.

05:35 PM | 17-10-2022

Hello, I am a 35 year old female. I have been suffering from chronic gastritis, acid reflux, bloating, excessive burping for many years. I am also 20 kgs overweight and have back and knee pain. Wanted to explore naturopathy to heal myself and lose weight. Can I have an online consultation with one of your doctors?

11:16 AM | 07-09-2020

Hi this is Sai, 28 years old I got tested covid positive 5 days back lost my smell using medications like Azythromycin and multi vitamins. Can anyone please suggest how do i get my smell back?

08:21 PM | 27-05-2020

I am 36 year old facing vitiligo mild on elbows and increasing creatinine from last 2 years. What diet and lifestyle can I follow. I am overweight.

02:14 PM | 24-09-2019

Hi everyone! Navratra are approaching and I am planning to fast for 9 days. But then the traditional navratra recipes are mostly made using ghee and other dairy products. Any ideas for healthy recipes for fasts?

08:20 AM | 27-05-2019

Hi everyone! I have had a fatty liver for long time now. Though I eat healthy and work out regularly and I am also a pure vegetarian, still I have high cholesterol level….. 240. How do get under control?

11:18 AM | 01-05-2020

After going through Wellcure suggestion have just started including natural food habits. I have two issues- Hypothyrodism and High triglycerides. May I request if you can suggest remedy for both. Also, from couple of months I am observing whenever I drink alcohol, next day evening Its cold and sneezing with whole night difficulty in sleep becuase of nose block. Reuest your guidance. Regards

10:35 AM | 14-09-2020

Hello sir/mam! I m 45 years old. I'm a thyroid patient and got early menopause. That is the reason I have many health problems, muscle problems. When I wake up in morning I feel very lazy and tired. What can I do? Plz suggest some diet plan.

10:56 AM | 23-11-2020

Hi Team, even though we know that all fruits and vegetables heal any diseases including chronic illnesses. But Allopathic doctors say avoid sour things, in fact sour fruits are big healers many people say that. As I am having Vitiligo is it recommended to have Citrus fruits like Orange,Lemon and Pineapple, Papaya etc? What should be avoided to heal or reverse these kind of Chronic illnesses. Suggestions and advice needed here. Thanks and Regards.

04:03 PM | 12-08-2019

Hello. I have hypothyroidism. I feel tierd all the time. Weakness and drowsiness. Plz suggest me helpful exercise and diet.

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