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'Heart Health' - 3109 Results

05:36 PM | 19-09-2019

How to reduce leg swelling and urinate more as a Kidney Dialysis patient?

09:55 AM | 16-09-2019

Scatica problem from last 3-4 months.. L4- l5 disc problem.. Pain running from hip to lower leg. What remedy to follow?

11:44 AM | 15-09-2019

Hi My nails have become dark( blackish) Can I please know the reason/ remedy?

11:43 AM | 15-09-2019

How to purify blood?

06:50 PM | 11-09-2019

My feet feel chill at times and burning sensation in my body at times.. I am slightly diabetic and my sugar is under control. Can you suggest some remedy?

06:45 PM | 11-09-2019

I feel like something is stuck in my throat.. Nd also having acidity... Is it serious... I hv this prblm since 7 days. What to do?

06:08 PM | 04-09-2019

I'm suffering from GERD endoscopy shows the area where oesophagus and stomach joins was opened all the time ,is there any cure or I've to rely completely on medicine.

09:19 AM | 02-09-2019

My cousin is 25 years old and his speech is not clear. Please suggest some remedies.

10:06 PM | 30-08-2019

My Sister in law is suffering from clotting in mind and her right Part is not working.. IT happened three months before but she is not responding.. Not interested to talk any body.. Treatment is continoue.. Exercise also doing... Plz help

02:03 PM | 13-08-2019

What is the cause of pain in foot (paw), I am diabetic. Are there remedies for curing diabetes?

01:58 PM | 13-08-2019

Hii iam 27 years old and I have a chronic lower back pain and irritation that radiates towards the feet.. And also experience the pain when I press my left side abdomen.. I feel this pain only when iam in empty stomach

12:53 PM | 13-08-2019

I am 62 year old and facing muscle pain especially the lower part of my body and getting worse during night time. It is difficult for me to get up from my seat or from my bed. Once i get up, i can walk without any problem. I am also having knee pain. Can you suggest some home remedies

06:45 PM | 04-08-2019

I have sever muscle chest pain please tell some good oil or remedy

10:39 AM | 02-08-2019

My mom is suffering for sciatica nerve pain Her leg pains a lot from where she walks Please recommend some thing.

10:50 AM | 22-05-2019

I have cone in my foot with pain, how to cure that....

03:49 PM | 15-04-2024

Suffering from Cervical Spondylitis pls suggest natural ways to get rid of this

03:44 PM | 15-04-2024

Any solution for SELENBP1 mutation that causes severe halitosis. The person brushes like 3 times a day but she's frustrated and about losing it

11:59 AM | 09-12-2021

Can you share some remedies for Gall bladder stone (9mm)?

02:43 PM | 10-04-2024

I had recurrent or resistant UTIs last year for which I took 7 rounds of antibiotics. Last antibiotic resolved my uti. But the previous one wiped all my gut microbiome. I now get autoimmune attacks in different parts, have sinus, and varicose veins symptoms. I have white patches on tongue which fade when I eat something spicy and then reappear. I tried many antifungals, probiotics, and diet changes. I have chances of a leaky gut due to the candida overgrowth in intestine. What can i do?

02:58 PM | 26-10-2021

I am 30 years old & post 3 years my delivery, I am suffering from gastric problem and back bone pain problem. When gastric reflux starts, I face breathing and skin rash related problems. Is there any way to treat this issue?

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