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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

10:35 AM | 02-08-2019

Please suggest diet for diabetes?

01:41 PM | 20-02-2020

My name is Lakshmi Narayanan, age 60. I have back pain, knee pain from last 22 years. I am a type 2 diabetic and have BP issues also. Can it be cured naturally?

11:39 AM | 26-01-2020

I have a lower back pain only on the right side for more than 4 years. I am 40 yrs old male. Can you help me?

05:50 PM | 09-11-2019

Suffering from cervical spondylosis. Right hand & arm fells numbness. In MRI report. C5,C6 and C7C8. Reduced difference between verticals. Please suggest

09:59 AM | 24-02-2020

My whole body is swollen. I am of 49 year old lady. There is also body ache. I consume amifru 40. Tablet. Is there any problem?

09:46 AM | 31-01-2020

I am 32 year old, have a knee gaps while practising yoga. It pains a lot and can't stand for a long duration. How to overcome this?

09:57 AM | 17-01-2020

Any medicine to get cure from milk allergy?

11:02 AM | 24-08-2020

How to prevent early puberty. I see the signs of puberty at 7 years like (breast development, pubic hair).

09:00 AM | 29-07-2019

I am suffering from epilepsy side 2016 and taking 9 tablets everyday , still sometimes i get epilepsy attacks. How can i get rid of this disease?

05:28 PM | 09-07-2019

Back pain is common in middle age woman these days ,what precautions should one take for betterment.

09:04 AM | 25-12-2018

Hi I have low BP for last few weeks. Feeling tired and dizzy at times. What can one do?

06:53 PM | 07-10-2019

How can I take Natural protein and vitamins for daily requirement suitable for digestive system?

11:40 AM | 12-08-2019

11:24 AM | 12-08-2019

How to increase the brain power?

10:25 AM | 10-08-2019

I'm 24 yrs old and Generally I m suffering from UTI (urinary tract infection), so how to cure it naturally and to stay free from UTI in future. Plz help..

05:28 PM | 09-07-2019

One of my relative suffers from epilepsy since more than 5 years. Can we cure it naturally?

02:22 PM | 01-07-2019

How to cure brain fog. Not able to think clearly and properly. Heaviness in head. How should I cure..?

06:00 PM | 09-06-2019

Hi, I am diagnosed with lower levels of Vitamin D and B12. My age is 32 years and often have to deal with office and personal stress. I often feel very tired and take lot of stress and anxiety. Doctor has advised some tablets supplements , apart from this any diet advisory to be followed? I am a pure vegetarian. Thanks!!

10:05 AM | 21-01-2020

I m 60 years old. My foot got twisted few days ago and it's paining since then. Doctor said it's not fracture. How to get rid of this pain?

10:04 AM | 16-10-2019

I am not able to concentrate on what others are saying my age is 40. What should I do?

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