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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

09:56 AM | 14-10-2019

Can arthritis be cured naturally or by doing any exercises?

09:19 AM | 02-09-2019

My cousin is 25 years old and his speech is not clear. Please suggest some remedies.

06:02 PM | 27-08-2019

05:28 PM | 09-07-2019

Back pain is common in middle age woman these days ,what precautions should one take for betterment.

09:40 AM | 03-06-2019

I feel too tried these days. Keep experiencing pain in some or other part of body. Last November doctor diagnosis’s was that I have fibromyalgia. He gave me some medicine and told me to remain more happy and less stressed. This is really not possible to achieve nowadays with high pressure jobs. Is there any that I can do like change my eating habits , my lifestyle that might help me.

11:45 AM | 22-04-2019

My husband has a tendency of high stress and migraine how to get rid of?

10:20 PM | 14-09-2021

I'm 70 years old, I have been suffering from headache of front part of head & above right ear. Pls suggest what to do?

01:06 PM | 23-08-2021

I am getting headaches frequently, but in different regions, like right side of the head, once in the left side and other time I feel pain in the eyebrows region. Can you help me understand what causes this and how can it be controlled?

03:48 PM | 17-06-2021

How can i naturally and permanently cure migraine?

08:13 PM | 15-06-2021

I have sinus problem after doing ct scan it was confirmed that their is blockage in both nostrils and I lost my smelling power too, doctor treated with anti biotics and steroid,all got well but after 1 month it re started and again smell is lost,what to do? Doctor recommend surgery,plz help

04:34 PM | 27-05-2021

My husband gets severe headaches which last up to 24 hours. It used to happen on full moon and new moon day. But now it's more often. What could it be due to and anything you can suggest to help?

01:16 PM | 24-02-2021

My Blood pressure is 140/82. How can I reduce the Blood pressure, not taking any medication.

01:13 PM | 02-11-2020

Hi! I'm 27 years old I'm suffering from feeling dizzy everyday, anxiety and fear. How to overcome this?

07:41 PM | 27-08-2020

Hello, I am having sever migraine from last 40 years which is now very chronic. I am taking medicine but no relief. I tried homeopathy- Allopathy and Ayurvedic. I am having one sided pain very very severe. What should I do. Please tell me.

05:22 PM | 24-08-2020

I m suffering from migraine..! How to recover it through home remedies, and without any involvement of medicine how I treat it better as I can.. ? Help me

11:37 AM | 24-08-2020

Hi! I am Darshna Shah, 46 years. I am having menopause, sleep problem, hair fall, gas, weight gain, sweet carvings. What shall I eat for this? I do exercise everyday.

10:50 AM | 17-08-2020

I have sleep problem, can’t go to sleep even if I take sleeping pill. Pls suggest what to do.

08:16 PM | 12-08-2020

My brother is 30 yr old he Feels lazy the whole day Burping problem since long. If he drinks only water he burps after that too. Sometimes he eats too much food sometimes too less like a kid. He looks weak but his weight is normal. He has habit of smoking whenever he gets stressed. His eye color is littel yellowish. Does that have any connection with liver? He has quit milk, tea but indirectly he takes milk unhealthy way via ice cream etc Kindly give advise

10:23 AM | 27-07-2020

Hi, I have head ache because of stress. I took tablet then also.. Eyes are paining. Please help me out.. Since one week.

10:12 AM | 27-07-2020

What is the best time for drinking hot water for a good digestion?

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