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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

09:52 AM | 16-12-2019

I am suffering from stomach pain and loose motion in paste form. And whatever I intake I need to go to washroom within 5 min. And pre and post stool passing, pain of stomach also experienced. Can you help me to overcome this problem?

04:38 PM | 13-12-2019

I have a problem of overthinking. Whenever I try to do some work I get completely distracted by my own thoughts. I am unable to come over it. What to do about it?

09:41 AM | 12-12-2019

How to cure wheat allergy?

10:05 AM | 11-12-2019

Whenever I don't eat for more than 4 hours, apart from basic hunger I start getting a feeling of burning in my chest, which also turns a bit painful at times. What could be the possible reason for this?

10:03 AM | 11-12-2019

How to cure high blood pressure?

09:53 AM | 06-12-2019

What can be done for kidney stone problem?

10:13 AM | 05-12-2019

I have both pcod and kidney stone and low bone density and body strength. The diet I take for pcod is not good for my stone as i m not allowed to eat protein because of stone. I am getting weak day by day. Unable to understand that how should i cope up with both the issues?

09:34 AM | 02-12-2019

What is the natural cure for Psoriasis?

07:57 PM | 30-11-2019

Does applying coconut oil in belly button helps to clear pimples and makes your skin glowing?

03:48 PM | 29-11-2019

My skin is too sensitive. When I wander In open atmosphere, my face darkens & takes 3-4 days to come back to normal. What to do?

09:41 AM | 29-11-2019

I'm suffering from Eczema. Plz tell how to cure?

01:39 PM | 25-11-2019

I have high acidity problem. I was taking treatment from many doctors but this problem not solved yet. What can I do now?

05:38 PM | 24-11-2019

My problem is constipation. What should I do?

06:00 PM | 23-11-2019

One my cousin brother ,age 35yr was damaged 2 kidney,now on dialysis, what is the Naturopathy Treatment in kidney damage?

04:33 PM | 22-11-2019

I'm diabetic from 4 years, I have belly fat, I am 5'4 and weight is 61. I'm fedup taking insulin n medicines. Is there anything else that I can do?

11:58 AM | 22-11-2019

I am suffering from pcod. Due to this i have irregular and heavy periods. Is there any solution for this?

09:59 AM | 21-11-2019

My wife, 55 years, is suffering from arthritis for last six years. She is having stiffness and pain in both the knees. Any good remedy please?

09:59 AM | 21-11-2019

I have been suffering through a mind illness and it's cleared. But I really don't know what is that disorder exactly is. I have been taking the psychiatrist treatment as well,but not getting desire results. So now I am totally so desperate. Actually what happen in my condition. See, I can not concentrate on any particular thing which I am doing, lack of interest , lack of enthusiasm, forgetfulness, I don't even remember the thing which I did before 15 minutes. What to do?

04:48 PM | 20-11-2019

I have nightfall 3 times in a month.. Is it problem.. If it is then what should i do?

10:20 AM | 20-11-2019

Diet for neuro patients?

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