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'Skin care' - 1964 Results

05:09 PM | 08-06-2019

My Father Shri Bachcha Singh,age 60 ,1 day ago ,a 3. 7 cm Stone found inside Gall Bladder. What We have to go for next?

02:13 PM | 06-06-2019

What is the reason behind dark circles under the eyes and how we can remove these dark circles?

10:44 AM | 05-06-2019

My son is suffering with allergy. We took him to the skin doctor and she said IT was scabies. The treatment was going on. It's nearly 2 mnths and their is no result. Can any one sujest any remedy plz

06:14 PM | 07-06-2019

Hi.. I have pcos and my menstruals dont happen for 5-6 months in a stretch. Can anyone suggest any natural measures for making my cycle normal?

06:25 PM | 07-06-2019

06:20 PM | 07-06-2019

08:41 PM | 06-06-2019

Hii..... Can anyone suggest me any natural remedy to remove warts.?

10:45 AM | 07-06-2019

My wife is suffering from low hemoglobin. Please let me know what diet is recommended.

06:20 PM | 06-06-2019

I came across a patient today, who had come to me for fatty liver treatment. On taking history I found out that she was eating a full box of chalk daily for the last one year. She refuses to give it up. She is a 29 year old married female with two kids. Any suggestions on how I may help her in a natural way? I have already counselled her on healthy eating and planned a balanced diet for her.

06:20 PM | 06-06-2019

What is the natural way to treat knee instability in diabetic patients?

09:45 AM | 03-06-2019

Hi I have been diagnosed with mucosal lp in my genital area. Any natural cure for it? Want to refrain from streoids or any ointments... Doing my intermittent fasting and less on grains. Please help!

09:40 AM | 03-06-2019

I feel too tried these days. Keep experiencing pain in some or other part of body. Last November doctor diagnosis’s was that I have fibromyalgia. He gave me some medicine and told me to remain more happy and less stressed. This is really not possible to achieve nowadays with high pressure jobs. Is there any that I can do like change my eating habits , my lifestyle that might help me.

Natural Cure
06:10 PM | 04-06-2019

02:20 PM | 04-06-2019

How can I get rid of teeth moulting due to flourosis?

09:50 AM | 03-06-2019

Hi... Any natural measures to tackle blocked drains in kitchen and bathroom?

10:45 AM | 01-06-2019

07:00 AM | 19-02-2019

Hi! What is the cause of premature greying of hair? How to prevent / reverse the same??

12:10 PM | 23-05-2019

What are some good options for kids’ breakfast??

05:04 PM | 30-05-2019

There is this conception of Hot and cold food. It is said that cold foods are the ones like banana, curd,etc. Hot foods include Ragi, Bajra. Is this conception scientifically true?

08:54 PM | 30-05-2019

My 8 year old niece has Wheezing cough n nose filled with mucus but flume not coming from mouth? They are traveling next week to india, need some home remedies for cure.. Plz help TIA

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