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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

06:46 PM | 30-10-2021

I am 29 years old male. I had panic attacks for 6 months and was under psychiatric medication. Now I am only on propranolol beta blocker 10mg. I experience bloating/acidity everyday which triggers my heart rate and inturn increase health anxiety and i get relief only after gas goes completely. Please suggest diet considering I have kidneystone/sinusitis. Some days I also get insomnia due to bloating on upper abdomen. Heart pounding is the main symptom which increases my anxiety. Please Help.

06:20 PM | 06-06-2019

I came across a patient today, who had come to me for fatty liver treatment. On taking history I found out that she was eating a full box of chalk daily for the last one year. She refuses to give it up. She is a 29 year old married female with two kids. Any suggestions on how I may help her in a natural way? I have already counselled her on healthy eating and planned a balanced diet for her.

04:03 PM | 30-07-2019

Too much of walking like 5k or 10k run or walking and too much of exercise are not good for health? Because I heard if in case you leave all this then you will get legs swollen and all other kidney/liver problems and many more is that true? Plz tl me what should I do?

12:41 PM | 07-05-2021

Hi! My father is suffering from chronic kidney disease. We are trying to give him proper nutritious food but his health condition is not improving and his haemoglobin level is low and he was good with other health issues few months back but now his health getting deteriorated. Please tell me what to do?

12:30 PM | 13-09-2019

What should be Healthy Diet and Healthy Lifestyle during Winter Season?

05:02 PM | 03-09-2019

After losing weight , major people gains weight again in few months , what all care he/she should take for Healthy weight Management?

09:42 AM | 10-09-2019

What should be the Diet during Monsoon Season for Healthy Lifestyle?

07:05 PM | 23-09-2019

How to keep your kidneys healthy after undergoing laser treatment for kidney stones?

05:31 PM | 20-01-2019

Oats are supposed to be healthy, are they acidic or alkaline and what impact it has on my body?

10:38 AM | 09-09-2019

How and why to adopt Jaggery instead of Sugar for Healthy lifestyle?

10:17 AM | 20-09-2019

Early morning I start my working schedule , what should I have empty stomach so that I stay Healthy and Energitic full day?

05:33 PM | 20-01-2019

Nuts which are healthy and generally recommended are acidic or alkaline?

11:49 AM | 18-10-2022

Hello mam I want to know about nutrition for kids of age 4 to above. What we can give the whole day nutrition. I want a total day plan for kids and videos also. My kids feel so tired and they are not taking healthy diet. They mostly feed on junk food. Pls give suggestions

10:07 AM | 04-07-2022

I m 33 yr old mother of one girl suffering from advanced stage chronic kidney disease. Creatinine has risen to 6. 84 and dialysis is not ongoing. Doctors are saying me to go for kidney transplant.. But I don't wanna go for kidney and and I really want to get healthy by any alternative way.. So my humble request pls help me

10:51 AM | 08-02-2021

My kid is 8 years old. From the age of 4 he is suffering from wheezing, cold, cough and later Alopecia. Pls let me know how do I help my kid from this suffering. He has got 4-5 patches on the head.

10:26 AM | 20-08-2019

Is veganism good for kids? Especially in teenage years when substantial growth takes place and when kids are very active in sports. I worry about some of the vitamin deficiencies.

04:28 PM | 10-09-2019

What foods have to be taken and avoided for Kidney stones?

03:09 PM | 13-11-2020

Hello, I have been eating healthy and working out for past 6-7 months. I started this as I was facing Menstrual irregularities. Now, after adapting healthy lifestyle my menstruation has become regular. But my period cycle length keeps getting longer every month initially it was 30, then 35, then 40 in the current month. I am not able to identify the cause. Please help. If anyone has any idea regarding this. I am 22 yrs old. Also, my skin has become very dull despite eating healthy.

09:53 AM | 03-10-2019

My age is 71 , what can I eat at what time in which form to gain Healthy Fat? Pl guide

08:35 AM | 02-01-2019

Hello everyone! I am new to the world of natural health and living….. Have heard a lot about detox diets. Can someone guide me what exactly are detox diets, is it the same as fasting and are they safe for kids?

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