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'Heart Health' - 3109 Results

02:14 PM | 26-09-2019

After Pregnancy I had Anal fissure. When I do sitz bath I feel better. When I don't do sitz bath I again get anal fissure. Can any one suggest a permanent solution for this please?

10:28 AM | 25-09-2019

Can anyone share the diet for body strength. I am working in corporate office sitting job. I am feeling weakness in my body and mind. Can you give me the diet?

07:05 PM | 23-09-2019

I'm facing trouble during respiration. Any suggestions plz as I have epileptic disorder?

07:05 PM | 23-09-2019

Hello. I am 33 year old male. My height is 175 c. M and weight is 76kg. I have an average but good physique except my arms my arm fore arm are comparatively thinner than my whole body. I feel very shy to wear half sleeves and t shirts. I spent lot time in gym for it , but not that much improvement. Is there any nutritional or genetic problem it is? Any suggestions or remedies?

02:00 PM | 23-09-2019

Hey! I have sinus prblm for it i have started using jalneti evry mrng. By using jalneti does water go in lungs?

10:32 AM | 23-09-2019

Is there any veg diet to reduce 5 kg body weight from abdomen?

12:47 PM | 21-09-2019

Plz can anyone help me plz actually im having pain in back left shoulder and near back, ears left also. I want to ask that can i do anulom velom and surya namaskar daily? Is that ok?

02:23 PM | 20-09-2019

Is there any treatment for open pores?

05:36 PM | 19-09-2019

My age his 25yrs. As many naturopathic doctor's recommend juice or smoothies fasting, complete raw foods protocol for autoimmune disease.. But when I have be on this diet, i don't feel full and i always feel hungry with just a little span of time.. Hence can't concentrate on another things always thinking about another meals... How can I differentiate between is it bodies requirement or just emotional eating behaivour or I don't know that I had eaten enough for my body to satisfy its hunger?

10:05 AM | 18-09-2019

I'm 21 year I have height and low weight problem , my family height is fine but I'm short. My height is 5"5. Can you plz tell me how my height can increase and my weight become normal too?

10:05 AM | 18-09-2019

I feel very weakness whole time why it is and I am suffering from common cold and headache since 2 months. What to do?

10:05 AM | 18-09-2019

I am 29. My blood pressure varies between 115-135/65-90 depends on stress level is. Is it okay or do I need medicines? Generally my systolic pressure is always around 130 plus. If I walk or do some stress reliving thing then it is normal. Plz suggest what to do?

09:59 AM | 18-09-2019

Is it possible to increase height after 23 years in a natural way? Please suggest.

09:57 AM | 18-09-2019

Any natural remedies for frost bite?

10:27 AM | 16-09-2019

I have the problem of burning feet in the sole of both the feet which aggravates particularly at night. I am not diabetic. What could the remedy?

09:53 AM | 16-09-2019

I am suffering from pcod and my weight is 58 and height is 5. 2 I am taking medication which doctor prescribed me but I want to reduce weight so that I can stop my medicine and periods become regular. Please suggest me something very genuine. What should I follow?

11:46 AM | 15-09-2019

My friend's daughter who is 13 years of age has not got her period since 3 months... Give some remedy for her....

11:14 AM | 14-09-2019

I have a problem of burning sensation in sole of my feet particularly at night. What can the natural remedy for this problem?

12:15 PM | 12-09-2019

I vomit in buses and cars and even trains some times don't know how to stop that. I am 21 years old and feel sick. I tried all tablets and no tablet working. What should I do?

12:12 PM | 12-09-2019

I am suffering from double chin fat. Can you help me with that?

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