Getting ear pain after one or two days of persistence, it shifts to headache and I feel heaviness in chest. Calf muscles also start paining & breathing issue also happens. Once I press or massage calf muscles of my left leg, it passes the gas and after few of it get relief. But this happens regularly. Also I observe little shivering unnecessarily sometimes. Took medicines but after few days symptoms reappeared. Shall I get checked with anything related to kidney, lungs or neuro related issue?
11:34 AM | 16-01-2020
We suggest you take a personal consultation with our Natural Health Coach who can understand your background better & give you an action plan. You can explore our Nature-Nurtures Program for the same.
How to treat Foliculatits behind forehead?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
08:09 PM | 14-01-2020
Application of tea tree oil on the affected area helps, use it thrice a day. Thank you
I have been having pain in the chest area since past one week. Can you please suggest a suitable remedy?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
06:53 PM | 09-01-2020
If we rule out heart history is background then high chances of suffering from heartburn which might be causing chest pain. Start your day with two-three glasses of water which will help in flushing out toxins. Consuming Coconut water also helps in controlling acid-disorder. Having a raw vegetable salad before meals helps in improving the pH. of the stomach. Even fruit salad which ideally should be taken in day time helps in giving your stomach relief from heartburn issues. Tomatoes with black pepper an hour before dinner will help in curbing down the acidity. Thank you
Can mental illness like anxiety, paranoia curable without allopathic medicine? If yes, how?
Dr.Elanchezhiyan Devar...
08:37 PM | 29-12-2019
Hi Anxiety is a normal part of our life, a by-product of the fast-moving world. It is not bad as it helps to make us more aware. It gets dangerous when it gets more. If it is not controlled it is risky and has more impact on our life. It disturbs the day to day activities. Anxiety causes or leads to Paranoia. Anxious thought leads to paranoia. Avoid anxiety and anxious thinking. It will help to get relieved from paranoia. Take proper sleep. Take rest and spend time with friends and family. Stay always active. Regular exercises give gives both mental and physical health. Lifestyle modification is the most important thing to treat anxiety. Do regular physical exercises, helps to get relief from mental pressure. Do Yoga Asanas, meditation, relaxation techniques and pranayama. Helps to focus your mind and control your thoughts. Reduces mood swings and changes. Reading books and expressing anxiety by writing a personal diary will help to reduce your anxiety. Hearing mild music and chanting Mantras will also help. Avoid caffeine and aerated drinks. Avoid non-veg and dairy products. Taking proper sleep of 7-8 Hrs in necessary. Natural treatment like rejuvenating massage, mud pack to eyes and barefoot walking in natural grass. Acupressure and foot reflexology therapies help to relax your mind and relieves anxiety. Namasthe!
I am feeling numbness in leg, Headache, feeling low energy all time. What should I do?
Smitha Hemadri
12:54 PM | 19-11-2019
All issues in the body are majorly because of this condition called toxaemia. This is nothing but an excessive collection of toxins in the body. When the body is busy trying to deal with toxins, it will have no time , it will have no energy for your other activities. This is why you feel that you absolutely have a lack of energy to do other daily activities. To change this balance, you have to ensure that the toxins are less and the amount of energy that you are getting for your daily activities is sufficient. How do you do this? By consuming food that is easy for digestion and thats nutritious. When your digestive load reduces, your body will find sufficient time in cleaning you up. Read it as efficient energy as well. The issue starts as a result of the excessive toxic buildup and an unclean gut.Stress releases cortisol and adrenaline which corrodes the GUT and makes your body even more tired for normal routine as days progress. Strengthening the muscles in a healthy way is the only option when we focus on the issue in your leg. The lymphatic system needs a lot of flushing. Hence the peripheral organs are collecting toxins. The blood itself when it become thick, the heart cannot pump from there. Its your overall health that needs improvement. Fatigue and stress can be managed only if you are eating a positive diet else they acidosis caused by cooked and animal products will drain your energy even more. You must also exercise your body especially your muscles of the legs. Follow this :- Morning on empty stomach Celery juice 500 ml filtered / ash gourd juice / cucumber juice/ Green juice with any watery vegetable like ashgourd / cucumber / ridge gourd / bottle gourd / carrot / beet with ginger and lime filtered/ tender coconut water or more pure veggie juice Afternoon from 12 :- A bowl of fruits - don’t mix melons and other fruits. Eat melons alone. Eat citrus alone Followed by a bowl of veg salad Dinner 2-3 hrs before sleep with Gluten free, oilfree , 30% unpolished grains or dals and 70% veggies Include some exercises that involves moving all your parts ( neck , shoulder, elbows, wrist , hip bending twisting , squats, knees, ankles ) along with the 1 hr of workout. Focus on yoga or exercises that will strengthen the lower portion more along with overall See if u can go to the morning sun for sometime in a day 30 mins atleast. Ensure that you are asleep between 10-2 which is when the body needs deep sleep. What to Avoid :- Avoid refined oils, fried food , packaged ready to eat foods, dairy in any form including ghee, refined salt and sugar , gluten , refined oils meat eggs fish coffee tea alcohol , oils in any form Avoid mental stress by not thinking about things you cannot control. Present is inevitable. Future can be planned. Stay happy. Happiness is only inside yourself . The world around you is a better place if you learn to stay happy inside yourself. Reach us if you need more help in this area. Emotional stress can cascade the effects. Thank your body and love it Be blessed. Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)
I'm 14 suffering from diabetes type 2 from 25 days how to treat completely?
Dr.Rajesh Kumar
06:17 PM | 29-11-2019
टाइप मधुमेह– इसमें शरीर में इंसुलिन की मात्रा कम हो जाती है या फिर शरीर सही तरीके से इंसुलिन का इस्तेमाल नहीं कर पाता। कारण- अगर आपके परिवार में किसी को डायबिटीज़ है, तो आपको भी डायबिटीज़ होने का ख़तरा हो सकता है। ज़्यादा तला या बाहर का खाना खाने से बढ़ता हुआ वज़न भी डायबिटीज़ का कारण है।व्यायाम या कोई शारीरिक श्रम ना करना। ज़्यादा मीठा खाना।अगर कोई ह्रदय संबंधी बीमारी है, तो डायबिटीज़ हो सकती है। अगर गर्भावस्था के दौरान डायबिटीज़ हुई हो या शिशु का वज़न 9 पौंड से ज्यादा हो तो आगे चलकर टाइप 2 डायबिटीज़ होने की आशंका बढ़ जाती है। बढ़ती उम्र से भी डायबिटीज़ हो सकती है। लक्षण- बार-बार पेशाब लगना। लगातार शरीर में दर्द की शिकायत होना। बार-बार त्वचा और प्राइवेट पार्ट्स में संक्रमण होना या कैविटी होना। घाव का जल्दी न भरना। गला सूखना या बार-बार प्यास लगना। आंखों की रोशनी कमज़ोर होना। वज़न का अचानक से ज़्यादा बढ़ना या कम होना। लगातार थकान या कमज़ोरी महसूस होना। ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा भूख लगना। व्यवहार में चिड़चिड़ापन होना। आपको निम्नलिखित चीजों का पालन करना चाहिए- नींद- रात्रि में 7 से 8 घंटे की नींद अवश्य लें इससे शरीर में स्थित दूषित पदार्थ बाहर निकलते हैं। एलोवेरा के जूस का सेवन करें,एलोवेरा में लिपिड और ब्लड शुगर को कम करने वाले गुण होते हैं, इसके लगातार सेवन से आपका ब्लड ग्लूकोज़ लेवल नियंत्रित रहता है। करेले को धोकर उसका जूस निकाल लें,अब इसमें स्वादानुसार नमक, कालीमिर्च और नींबू का रस मिला लें, हर रोज़ सुबह खाली पेट इसका सेवन कर सकते हैं,करेले में फाइबर होता है, जो एंटीडायबिटिक यौगिक है। इसमें ब्लड ग्लूकोज़ लेवल को कम करने के गुण होते हैं। दो चम्मच मेथी दाने में दो कप पानी मिलाएं,अब इसे ढककर रात भर छोड़ दें,अगले दिन पानी को छानकर खाली पेट पिएं, जिससे आपका ब्लड शुगर लेवल कम होगा,मेथी में ब्लड ग्लूकोज कम करने के गुण होते हैं, जो टाइप 2 मधुमेह के इलाज में काफ़ी मददगार साबित हो सकता है। आंवले के जूस का सेवन करें,आंवला में मौजूद क्रोमियम (chromium) ब्लड शुगर लेवल को नियंत्रित करने में मददगार होता है,यह इंसुलिन के प्रवाह को भी बढ़ाता है। खाने 80% में हरी पत्तेदार सब्ज़ियां, गाजर, टमाटर, संतरा, केला व अंगूर खा सकते हैं, हल्के एवं सुपाच्य होते हैं उनका पाचन आसानी से हो जाता है। प्यास लगने पर मिट्टी के घड़े में रखे हुए जल को बैठकर धीरे-धीरे सेवन करें इससे शरीर को आवश्यक मात्रा में जल की आपूर्ति होती है सभी सुचारू रूप से अपना कार्य करते हैं। प्रतिदिन भुजंगासन, मत्स्यासन ,अर्धमत्स्येंद्रासन ,मंडूकासन का अभ्यास अनुभवी योग एवं नेचुरोपैथी फिजीशियन के निर्देशन में ही करें रोज सुगंधित पुष्पों से युक्त बगीचे में प्रसन्न चित्त होकर नंगे पांव टहलें इससे मन शांत एवं तनाव मुक्त होता है। इनसे जितना हो सके दूर रहें। कोल्ड ड्रिंक शहद केक, पेस्ट्री, मिठाई अत्यधिक चावल, पास्ता या सफ़ेद ब्रेड डिब्बा बंद खाद्य पदार्थ चीनी व मैदे से बनी हुई चीजें दुध व उससे बने हुए भोज्य पदार्थ क्रोध ईर्ष्या चिंता तनाव रात्रि जागरण सोने से 2 घंटे पहले मोबाइल ,टेलीविजन, कंप्यूटर का प्रयोग।
From last few days,feeling extreme fatigue along with leg and back pain,it happened after joining the job where before three months too was in another job where schedule was damn hectic than now,yes i had some improper sleep in past few days where last two days it was good sleep then also feeling extreme fatigue and sudden hunger arises. What is the issue and how to solve?
Mohan M
06:29 PM | 13-11-2019
Hello, Fatigue is a common problem that is explained as a feeling of weariness, tiredness or lack of energy. It can be triggered by stress, medication, overwork, or mental and physical illness or disease. In severe cases, it may be one of the symptoms of a more serious psychological or physical disorder. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the condition at an early stage, and treat its root cause. Fatigue can be caused by any or some of the reasons given ahead: Sleep disturbances such as not enough sleep, too much sleep, sleep apnea, shift work (changing shifts, night shifts) and alcohol can cause fatigue. Exercise disturbances such as lack of exercise, too much exercise (worn out), excessive workload and psychological reasons such as depression (loss of interest, ambition), anxiety, grief and stress are also blamed for causing fatigue Symptoms: Laziness Palpitations Dizziness or vertigo Shortness of breath Lack of energy Tiredness or exhaustion Weakness If you are suffering from problems of fatigue, avoid excessive or physically demanding exercises. Always exercise at half of your stamina. Yoga can be beneficial. Breathing exercises (Pranayama) can also be helpful. Breathe deeply and rhythmically to strengthen the respiration system. Learn from Yoga expert and practice it regularly. Eat fresh fruits and drink vegetable juice often. Spend more time with nature and walk barefoot in garden. Take care.
Can cancer be cured through natural lifestyle?
Dr-Ruchika Sharma
04:19 PM | 01-11-2019
Hello Moumita, Naturopathy treatment protocol provide great relief in relieving symptoms and side effects of other treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation as their side effects can be managed by naturopathy and diet to prevent further problems. Cancer is a broad term and naturopathy and diet helps prevent further formation of abnormal cell division. Naturopathy therapies provide cytotoxic effects on cancer cells and one must be under proper guidance of naturopathic and oncologist specialist. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet and yoga mainly helps fighting the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and medications as they can combine and make a huge difference to patients outcomes and their day to day experience with cancer but it is a one on one approach one must be in proper consultation by the doctor. Changing diet switching to vegan food is one the best known way to fight for cancer.Patients using Naturopathic treatments always provide better results and stay stronger longer as well as tolerate chemotherapy better. Naturopathy and alternative medicine helps in- Reducing side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Improve tolerance to chemotherapy. It improves the efficiency of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It increases the survival rates and prevent its recurrence. Improve quality of life. Increase vitality and energy of the body. Provide the symptomatic relief from nausea, vomiting, pains, appetite. Improve sleep and helps relief stress and strain. Thankyou, Dr. Ruchika Sharma
I have heterogeneous lesion in prostate, problem in urinating with pain. Any remedies?
Smitha Hemadri
06:19 PM | 07-10-2019
Whether they are benign or malignant, lesions cause enlargement of the gland, constricting the urethra and thus causing various urinary symptoms. Hence you have pain while urinating. Please read this article on stages of diseases. You are either on hardening or cancer. These are the stages of how a disease progresses. Stage 1 - Enervation Stage 2 - Toxaemia Stage 3 - Irritation Stage 4 - Inflammation Stage 5 - Ulceration Stage 6 - Induration (Hardening) Stage 7 - Fungation or Cancer The body is still trying to protect you. My suggestion is that You must be completely cutoff from man made foods and consume only fruits and vegetables as solids and fruit veg juices and leafy greens. Even water must be obtained from bio available fruits and veggies , tender coconut and such. Absolutely no spices no salt etc. exposure to sun and other elements must be for 1 hr daily , yoga and pranayama. Sleeping early and waking after feeling rested. following the sun cycle - Mediation and such things can attempt to restore the vitality of the person. If chemo is given, then the timeline and severity of recovery increases so much more. Cancer is the highest abuse of the body. It’s best that you do a 180 degree shift in lifestyle and reverse this naturally. As you quit dairy meat eggs fish cooked foods grains sugar maida wheat oils outside foods for 6 months, you will know the difference yourself. There is no solution in medications in allopathy homeopathy or Ayurvedic. My father succumbed eventually and also had prostrate complications along with other forms of cancer. What made you to get to this stage is unhealthy lifestyle such as consuming the wrong foods -animal based diary meat eggs fish eating outside foods , exposure to harsh toxic environments like toxic smells. Mentally, holding negative emotions for people around him In his heart etc. Nature cure can attempt to reverse this, but it needs a dedicated attention at this stage. They also needs to do exactly opposite of what they ate , what they thought , what they spoke in the past. literally live on fruits greens and veg juices , forgive and love everyone around them unconditionally , remove expectations of any form, speak only positivity, lastly surrender to the universe and accept all kinds of outcomes of the actions. Ultimately like Krishna has told in Geetha, you do your actions and don’t worry about the results as thats not yours to give. Journey to read and be inspired Be blessed Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)
मेरी उमर अडतालीस मेरे पाव मे हमेशा दर्द रहता है I
Smitha Hemadri
06:06 PM | 04-10-2019
Pains /discomfort in the lower extremities often is found in people who are on a bad lifestyle but may not have diabetes too. Diabetes will make the condition more prominent. Due to the consumption of dairy and animal products, their calcium levels gets depleted and is leeched from the bones. Detailed explainations can be found under search on osteoporosis. The reason is the same. . Due to excess glucose / toxins in the blood even if the medical tests show less, it’s there. That thickens the blood like a syrup. Heart tries hard to pump viscous blood and in people with type 2 longer than a decade, their legs usually start becoming weaker due to lack of proper blood flow. Solution is to ensure it’s managed with a good lifestyle. Switch to whole food plant based diet. Meaning of whole food is explained under the body wisdom section in detail. Removing any form of fat is first important .Remove oils in the food, have raw foods like fruits vegetables greens for the whole day for one month and such pains usually normalises unless ur on this condition for more than a decade. Continue on the raw as much as you can. That will reverse both leg issues and diabetes. Drink 1-2lts if vegetable juices per day. Eat fruits in plenty. Don’t medicate . Medicines cause more harm than they appear. Avoid dairy eggs meat fish sugar wheat maida oils fried food refined foods bakery products and any junk. Apply a cold wet towel for 30 mins for immediate pain relief. Start with 5 min of hot wet towel Be blessed Smitha Hemadri ( Educator in natural healing practices)
I have fungus in my left toe nails. The inner nail skin has become thick and white. What should I apply?
Smitha Hemadri
04:19 PM | 25-09-2019
Have you hurt yourself with anything heavy ? Loss of blood flow / clot can temporarily cause this. This nail will fall off and new one will grow. Conditions that can create such issues causing lack of proper blood flow and an acidic environment. The thick and toxic blood can cause accumulation of toxins in the legs as heart will find it challenging to pump the viscous blood which has all kinds of toxins that it’s carrying all over the body and depositing it in places. Stay on fruit juices all morning . Natural Hydration all day to ensure body has enough to maintain homeostasis - 2-3 lts High raw foods - fruits greens veggies till dinner. Dinner to be gluten free, oilfree. Respecting the circadian rhythm Enough exercise like yoga Breathing - Pranayam Mental poise - mental peace and positive thinking Resting well - sleeping in time and following circadian rhythm Experience natural elements - exposure to sun daily for 1 hr Not medicating the body to suppress any eliminations - are chemicals used to suppress natural elimination from body. Dip your leg in alternate cold and hot water 5 mins each for 20 mins total daily Avoid Avoid closed shoes Not overloading the body with toxic foods the body can’t recognise - things unnatural that we can’t chew and digest in its raw state. Man made fake foods, animal foods like Dairy eggs meat fish , processed and wrong grains like sugar wheat maida refined oil white rice salty store bought foods fried foods , coffee tea etc Freeing the body off digestion every few days - fasting on juices all day Spending time Connecting with oneself the form of meditation The more you are on raw foods and juices all day your problems will be fixed automatically Do let me know if you have any questions Be blessed Smitha Hemadri (Educator of natural healing practices)
Hi My nails have become dark( blackish) Can I please know the reason/ remedy?
Smitha Hemadri
02:12 PM | 16-09-2019
Have you hurt yourself with anything heavy ? Loss of blood flow / clot can temporarily cause this. This nail will fall off and new one will grow. Other conditions that can make similar issues causing lack of proper blood flow . The thick and toxic blood can cause accumulation of toxins in the legs as heart will find it challenging to pump the viscous blood which has all kinds of toxins that it’s carrying all over the body and depositing it in places. High raw foods - fruits greens veggies till dinner. Dinner to be gluten free, oilfree. Respecting the circadian rhythm Natural Hydration to ensure body has enough to maintain homeostasis - 2-3 lts Enough exercise like yoga Breathing - Pranayam Mental poise - mental peace and positive thinking Resting well - sleeping in time and following circadian rhythm Experience natural elements - exposure to sun daily Not medicating the body to suppress any eliminations - are chemicals used to suppress natural elimination from body. Dip your leg in alternate cold and hot water 5 mins each for 20 mins total daily Avoid Not overloading the body with toxic foods the body can’t recognise - things unnatural that we can’t chew and digest in its raw state. Man made fake foods . Dairy eggs meat fish sugar wheat maida refined oil white rice salty store bought foods fried foods , coffee tea etc Freeing the body off digestion every few days - fasting Spending time Connecting with oneself the form of meditation Do let me know if you have any questions Be blessed Smitha Hemadri (Educator of natural healing practices)
My feet feel chill at times and burning sensation in my body at times.. I am slightly diabetic and my sugar is under control. Can you suggest some remedy?
Smitha Hemadri
01:55 PM | 12-09-2019
Peripheral neuropathy or pains/discomfort in the lower extremities often is found in people who are on a bad lifestyle but may not have diabetes too. Diabetes will make the condition more prominent. Due to the consumption of dairy and animal products, their calcium levels gets depleted and is leeched from the bones. Detailed explainations can be found under search on osteoporosis. The reason is the same. In diabetes particularly, one more reason we can see is that the peripheral organs start becoming weaker. Due to excess glucose in the blood even if the medical tests show less, it’s there. That thickens the blood like a sweet syrup. Heart tries hard to pump viscous blood and in people with type 2 longer than a decade, their legs usually start becoming weaker due to lack of proper blood flow. Solution is to ensure it’s managed with a good lifestyle. Switch to whole food plant based diet. Meaning of whole food is explained under the body wisdom section in detail. Removing any form of fat is first important for diabetes patients more than sugar. The root cause is fat and that’s why glucose can’t get into the cells. Remove oils in the food, have raw foods like fruits vegetables greens for the whole day for one month and diabetes usually normalises unless ur on this condition for more than a decade. Continue on the raw as much as you can. That will reverse both leg issues and diabetes. Drink 1-2lts if vegetable juices per day. Eat fruits in plenty. Continue your meds and as the diabetes reverses, adjust and reduce meds. If you are on insulin, your first target must be to slowly get rid of that. Medicines cause more harm than they appear. Please search the key word diabetes / under journeys section, select diabetes and how to manage it is brilliantly listed in more details than what we can explain in few words here Be blessed Smitha Hemadri ( Educator in natural healing practices)
Hlo sir/mam... Actually i m taking health suppliments but i m week... What should i do?
Vijai Pawar
12:13 PM | 13-09-2019
Dear health seeker, Building up strength by food supplements is akin to becoming rich by borrowed money. For your health sake please get away from all food supplements at the earliest as these are dead food, foodless food bereft of any nutritional value and a drag on vitality. These may for sometime afford you some energy and strength but in the end, they will ruin your health for many years. Thousands of examples of wrestlers and athletes are before the world who partook of these supplements for enhancing their performance and ended up miserably by bringing upon themselves many fatal and degenerative diseases,cancer is one of them. Nature has provided us with all the nutrition from plant-based foodstuffs, the only thing required of us by mighty nature is to have the right knowledge and mental built up to benefit. You may please follow as under. 1) After usual bowels have a non-violent enema. 2) Go for a brisk walk in a garden 3) Bask in the early morning sun for 30 minutes followed by spinal bath of 20 to 25 mins and finish with full bath. 4) Eat enough seasonal fruits with coconut in breakfast. 5) Eat 1-2 chapati / rice with boiled/ steamed vegetables and salads. 6) At 4 to 5 PM eat fruit with few dates and coconut milk or cane juice. 7) Dinner as lunch. 8) Apply the wet pack over abdomen for 20 mins. 9) Self massage your body every alternate days. After initial detoxification you will develop keen hunger for which you may increase the intake of positive food which will provide you with enough energy and strength to your entire satisfaction. Stay Healthy V.S.Pawar MIINT
My Sister in law is suffering from clotting in mind and her right Part is not working.. IT happened three months before but she is not responding.. Not interested to talk any body.. Treatment is continoue.. Exercise also doing... Plz help
Dr.Elanchezhiyan Devar...
10:40 AM | 31-08-2019
Hi Bharthi, it seems a severe problem with your sister. My kind advise is take your sister to a good reputated naturopathy hospital. Opt for the inpatient care. Naturopathy treatments like Hydrotheray, Massage, Mud Therapy, Acupressure and Acupuncture, Exercise therapy, Yoga Therapy and diet modifications will help to treat your sister. And she need a motivational Conuscelling also. Namasthe!
I am feeling tired so much and cant do work or study, what can I do?
09:41 AM | 15-08-2019
Hi there, Just take enough rest and do not strain yourself further . Drink plenty of water and increase your liquid intake so that you do not dehydrate. Take tender coconut water , watermelon , banana and apple . Make sure that you're getting an adequate amount of sleep .
What is the cause of pain in foot (paw), I am diabetic. Are there remedies for curing diabetes?
Asha Shivaram
11:05 AM | 14-08-2019
Due to toxins in the blood either due to wrong lifestyle or due to medicines, the quality of blood is compromised. Nutrition cannot reach the cells, circulation is compromised and the body signals it is pain. Diabetes can be completely reversed by following a natural lifestyle. You can read about it in this blog Complete guide to cure diabetes Search also in the Q&A section on diabetes. This is a frequently asked question. My father could reverse diabetes by following a whole food plant based diet, reducing wheat and refined rice and option for millets. The first and foremost action you should take immediately is to give up animal based products like dairy, meat and eggs. All the best.
Hii iam 27 years old and I have a chronic lower back pain and irritation that radiates towards the feet.. And also experience the pain when I press my left side abdomen.. I feel this pain only when iam in empty stomach
10:49 AM | 14-08-2019
Dear User, Suggest you: Read the journey of Shreelalitha N who cured her back pain naturally Follow the thread to a similar query related to a stiff back, click here Read this blog from our Body Wisdom section - Do you understand pain? Team Wellcure
Please share me daily diet for lung cancer 2nd stage patient?
06:02 PM | 07-08-2019
Treatment required for chronic ear pain for my daughter
Doshi Zarana - Jeevan ...
12:56 PM | 23-12-2019
🙏 नमस्ते Ear कान दर्द के लिए यह उपाय जरूर कीजिए । * सरसोंका तेल 1 - 2 बून्द डाले और रुई रखे । * मिल्क और उसकी बनावट भोजन में लेना बंध करिए । * कान पर pressure आये वैसे सोने की जगह सिर के बल सोए । * हल्का गर्म सेक करिए । * पंखे की हवा में कान पर हल्का कपड़ा ढंकीए । * कोई यात्रा के दौरान भी खुली हवा में कान टोपी जरूर पहनाइए । * खोपरेल तेल में 1 बून्द अदरख का रस मिलाकर कान के आसपास के हिस्से पर हल्का मसाज करें । * गर्दन की हल्की फुल्की कसरत करे । * अपना हाजमा ठीक रखे । 🙏 धन्यवाद
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Dr. Khushbu Suthar
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Natural Healing - Leader & Influencer
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Smitha Hemadri
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Nikita Mishra
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Mohan M
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Asha Shivaram
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Asha Shivaram
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Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,
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