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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

10:07 AM | 19-12-2019

I am 64 old my height is 5'11". Weight is 81 kg. I want to know if weight is ok or am I overweight?

07:54 AM | 17-08-2019

I am type 1 diabetes and ckd stage 3 creatine is 2 urea is 41 hbaic 6. 8 can it be cured no appetite age is 48 since 30 years diabetes. I have digestion problem.

12:13 PM | 02-04-2020

My baby boy is 2 n half years old but the problem of constipation he is facing since he was 6 months old. I was constantly giving him laxatives like Eva q ,smuth l,sodium picosulfate ,but without these laxatives his stool becomes very hard and very difficult to pass out then I take help of suppositories. Plz suggest some guidelines to avoid his constipation.

09:51 AM | 17-02-2020

I'm suffering from UTI and I'm 22 weeks pregnant. Can you pls suggest any home remedy?

10:08 AM | 06-09-2019

Is it normal to hair fall everyday

02:28 PM | 04-05-2020

I am suffering from UTI for last 2 months. Taking medicine regularly still not fully cured. My age is 48 years(male). I am able to control but not feeling comfortable. Always feel a urine sensation and irritation kindly suggest what to do?

07:49 PM | 16-03-2020


06:01 PM | 31-08-2021

Hi doctor! Can you please suggest best home remedy for over active bladder (frequent urination)

09:09 PM | 31-07-2021

I am Male,38. From last few days I am suffering from over active bladder pls guide!!

12:44 PM | 11-05-2020

Hi I have frequent urination in day time, sugar and bp are normal and I don't take any medicines. What is the cause and remedy of this problem?

03:50 PM | 14-04-2020

Please tell me how to stop the dribbling of urine and also the foul smell of urine naturally?

09:59 AM | 06-01-2020

Scalp itching due to dandruff and my hairs become so thin and hairline is receding, went with dermatologist also but no result. What to do?

09:39 AM | 03-02-2020

How to cure dandruff at home permanently?

02:21 PM | 13-05-2020

Hi to all, I am Monica. Married. I am a housewife. I do all my household work. I am 29 yrs old. Weight 85kg. I have 3 daughters, who are 8 and 2 yrs old twins. I delivered normally followed by pph. I have severe neck pain radiating to left hand. My vitamin d level is 12 as per blood test. Also I have been suspected C6 radiculopathy and got an MRI done, the diagnosis was degenerative changes more at C3 and C4, cervical spine. When I wake up I get pain all over my body. Please help!

09:58 AM | 18-09-2019

Hi, I have got petyriasis versicolor. How can that be healed?

01:37 PM | 26-09-2019

Im 33 and married,i have too many moles on my face. It's not from birth but recently it started to increase. So can anybody suggest me how to overcome this?

01:25 PM | 25-01-2019

Hi, am very new to this platform. Could anyone please suggest what should I do to treat polycystic ovaries. Thank you

11:09 AM | 24-08-2020

I am 44 Yrs old, many times, at any time I get head ache, always at the back side of the head. I use to have a pill NYCIP pain killer. I am suffering from this kind of head ache since I was 15 Years old. I want the solutions, pls suggest.

02:05 PM | 04-11-2019

I have chronic urticaria. Plz give natural home made remedy for it. I have been suffering from last 6-7 years. Can you pls help me?

10:05 AM | 25-10-2019

I have itching on my skin & also have watery moles on face. Tried a lot of allopathic treatment but all in vain. What to do?

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