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'Gut Health' - 3126 Results

01:15 PM | 03-09-2019

What are 5 health tips that can change one's life and are easy to follow?

12:24 PM | 11-01-2021

Health issues - Type 1 diabetes and CKD, creatinine is 2, hba1c 7. 1, age 50 yrs, digestion weak. Pls help with the treatment

10:38 AM | 02-08-2019

I'm 28 years old, my personality used to be very bubbly and happy. Nowadays my skin looks dull and have very dark dark circles, and I don't look healthy like used to be. I'm working for 9 hours in front of computers, I changed my diet, going for workout but still not getting any results. I feel stressed and dull don't kno why. Please look into my problem and assist me with a solution. Thanks.

12:41 PM | 07-05-2021

Hi! My father is suffering from chronic kidney disease. We are trying to give him proper nutritious food but his health condition is not improving and his haemoglobin level is low and he was good with other health issues few months back but now his health getting deteriorated. Please tell me what to do?

10:43 PM | 09-04-2024

I feel very stressed like i have no mental stability. I feel guilty for some pasts thing now I just want to grow up in life. But my mind strucked in unusual things. How can I become mentally healthy?

06:20 PM | 06-06-2019

I came across a patient today, who had come to me for fatty liver treatment. On taking history I found out that she was eating a full box of chalk daily for the last one year. She refuses to give it up. She is a 29 year old married female with two kids. Any suggestions on how I may help her in a natural way? I have already counselled her on healthy eating and planned a balanced diet for her.

02:20 PM | 12-01-2020

Can you please suggest a healthy Diabetes diet plan?

10:35 AM | 14-09-2020

Hello sir/mam! I m 45 years old. I'm a thyroid patient and got early menopause. That is the reason I have many health problems, muscle problems. When I wake up in morning I feel very lazy and tired. What can I do? Plz suggest some diet plan.

08:20 AM | 27-05-2019

Hi everyone! I have had a fatty liver for long time now. Though I eat healthy and work out regularly and I am also a pure vegetarian, still I have high cholesterol level….. 240. How do get under control?

08:49 AM | 23-07-2019

I live in a hostel. And the food is very oily and spicy. How can i keep my body healthy with such diet?

03:20 PM | 23-07-2019

Hi I am Ekta. I am 23 years old. I had viral meningitis last year. After that my health is not totally recovered. I have headache, lower back pain, also sinus is detected. Could someone give tips to improve my immunity power as well as tips for good health

02:07 PM | 13-08-2019

Hello.. Thier My name is soubhagini(49yrs old) , Doctor suggest me for dual valve replacement.. ( mital& tricuspid). Is that any possibility that I can manage my health naturally. ?? Or I will have to opted for open-heart surgery. Please need help.. (health is getting worsen day by day with regular drugs)

06:35 PM | 25-07-2019

I can't pass gas,have constipation,chest pain sometimes,water in burps ,help me please I have anxiety too , health anxiety

10:02 AM | 18-09-2019

My sister always have a low hb%. ,around 6-8. Even after a good and healthy plant based diet,there is no improvement. What can be done?

09:51 AM | 05-11-2019

I am too thin, so what can I do for proper health?

03:22 PM | 01-12-2019

I am doing daily 30 mins excercise, controlling my eating habits and avoid outside food too. Still I am unable to loose weight. I checked I have no health issues or disorders but even after following everything I am unable to lose weight. What to do?

11:24 AM | 07-01-2020

How much water intake is good for health?

04:03 PM | 30-07-2019

Too much of walking like 5k or 10k run or walking and too much of exercise are not good for health? Because I heard if in case you leave all this then you will get legs swollen and all other kidney/liver problems and many more is that true? Plz tl me what should I do?

11:30 AM | 20-02-2019

I’ve been reading natural foods articles, some excellent health journeys and recipes. Frankly I was struggling with same old no milk-no calcium and no animal based diet-no protein. Finally came across the two articles relating to these and makes a lot of sense. But still struggling where to start with? Any tips for slowly changing the habits? I had stopped drinking milk few months back but it’s hard to give up yogurt, cheese etc. Is there a step by step transition or a diet chart that might

01:21 PM | 29-07-2019

I am not happy bcoz of my mental problems that affecting my physical body.. Plz suggest me to come over above this & be a healthy both as physically & mentally

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