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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

09:52 AM | 27-12-2019

I am 45 yrs women and I am suffering from anxiety and depression for the last 4 to 5 yrs and I am taking clonafit 0. 25 mg regularly and above all my menstruation have been stopped. Can anyone suggest me something good?

01:51 PM | 06-02-2023

I am suffering from Cervical Spondylitis and bone degeneration , pain and discomfort in daily life, please suggest the natural way to get rid of it.

03:50 PM | 09-01-2019

Is there a way to deal with accumulated gas on a particular side of abdomen leading to acute pain and discomfort?

12:35 PM | 20-05-2020

Hello everyone, From past two days I am experiencing tiredness, body pains and chills. Also, sometimes my feet are getting ice cold from past few days. The body temperature in the evening time rises to 98. 4 F. Can you please what is it and how to cure it?

09:54 PM | 28-08-2019

My 7 year old daughter has been having high viral fever a day after recovering from food poisoning induced diarrhoea and vomiting. Till now we have been giving her Coconut Water, fruits a few times, Khichdi, Idli etc. It is the 2nd day and her temperature soars up to 103. 5 too. I have done wet cloth therapy (keeping it on her stomach) for sometime. I understand and believe the fever is not a sign of illness and is a good defence mechanism but can I do anything else to reduce the infection?

02:33 PM | 11-12-2021

Hi! My sister is suffering from cancer. Though her gall bladder is removed and chemo, radiation also given, but her condition has not improved. Any suggestions?

09:56 AM | 05-08-2019

My friend is Having mucous(jhaag) in his stool and not the hard stool,sometimes bleeding is also noticed. He has decreased appetite and lost about 17kg weight in last 6 months. He has blood pressure also. What should be followed to cure it?

10:13 AM | 31-08-2020

Hello everyone, I am suffering form high bp and thyroid. Any home remedies?

05:25 PM | 20-01-2019

Is Almond and Almond milk acidic or alkaline?

10:13 AM | 05-12-2019

I have both pcod and kidney stone and low bone density and body strength. The diet I take for pcod is not good for my stone as i m not allowed to eat protein because of stone. I am getting weak day by day. Unable to understand that how should i cope up with both the issues?

10:07 AM | 13-11-2019

From last few days,feeling extreme fatigue along with leg and back pain,it happened after joining the job where before three months too was in another job where schedule was damn hectic than now,yes i had some improper sleep in past few days where last two days it was good sleep then also feeling extreme fatigue and sudden hunger arises. What is the issue and how to solve?

10:31 AM | 23-08-2019

6 months ago my pulse rate was 110+ and BP 140/90, currently on medication of panic attack and BP. Dr. Has advised to take Serta and ciplar-la tablet once a day.

01:11 PM | 16-03-2020

I have Protein S deficiency and also elevated levels of ACA and ANA. I have been told that Protein S indicates a blood clotting disorder hence I need to take blood thinners. ACA and ANA are autoimmune markers, haven't done further testing. Please advise on natural ways to reverse these conditions. I am 39 years old with no physical health issues except occasional bruising.

09:52 AM | 03-10-2019

My prostate size is 31 cc. My doctor has prescribed me Alfusin-D for a period of 6 month. I am not taking any of dairy products, viz. Milk, cheese, butter, lassi and all other things made of milk. I am also not taking any non-veg. Items. I am taking tomatoes, pomegranates, pumpkin seeds and such things on daily basis. I am also taking raw garlic, lemon water and apple cider on daily basis. I am also doing walking on regular basis. What else should I do to shrink the size of prostate?

04:04 PM | 09-07-2019

Hi, my daughter is 1 year 8 months old. She is breastfed while I am at home (while not at office). She drinks 1 small cup of cow milk in a day. She also eats ghee, butter. I am planning to wean her off cow milk and other dairy products. But me and my husband are bit skeptical about her overall nutrient intake if she is not given milk, ghee and butter. I am planning to make nut milks at home but I am not sure whether she will accept the new taste. She is on family food otherwise. Please guide us

09:54 AM | 06-12-2019

Hi, i would require an expert opinion on how we can cure irritable bowel syndrome and gastritis naturally? Thanks in advance for the help.

12:55 PM | 10-04-2024

Hello! My daughter of 21 months and the family follows whole food plant based diet except for few cheat meals. She has been recently been detected with hypothyroidism. I am suffering from hypothyroidism since 8 years and I am taking medication. My entire pregnancy and few years before that was totally wfpb. What can I do to reverse her condition? I have not yet started her medication. I will be forever grateful for any guidance which helps my daughter. Thank you so much all of you!

01:32 PM | 29-01-2019

Hello, my name is Bhagyashri and I live in Europe. Since a couple of years I had been noticing my 2-3 fingers of right get a bit swollen and blue/green in color during peak winter. Left hand is normal. Swollen fingers are little bit painful at times. Does anyone know why it happens and what can be done for this? Thank you.

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