Hello sir, I m taking the medicine of vitiligo and acne. So due to its medication my hair loss had started. Plz tell me how can I control my hair loss without stopping medicines?
Nikita Mishra
06:30 PM | 15-06-2021
Hello User, We always work in curing the root cause naturally and you yourself said that the reason for your hair loss is the medicines that you are taking for your other health problems. So, instead of focusing on any temporary tips and tricks, focus on improving your overall health. Acne is a skin condition which results in pimples, rashes, etc. It usually occurs on forehead, neck, upper chest but it may also occur in other parts of the body. Acne results when skin pores are blogged by the dirt or oil whereas Vitiligo is a condition in which white patches appear on the skin. It occurs when the cells forming melanin are damaged or stop functioning. Diet Start the day with 3 to 4 glasses of warm water. This will help to flush out the toxins out of the body. Drink coconut water. Vitamin C is essential as it has antioxidant properties. Have lemon juice or orange juice or amla regularly. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices. Eat soaked nuts and raisins. Cook oil free. Avoid alcohol. Say no to deeply fried, spicy, processed and packaged foods. Avoid tea and coffee. Local application Mix besan and turmeric to make a paste. Apply this paste on the effected part. Keep it for 10 minutes and then rinse it with cold water. Apply fresh aloe vera jel and gulab jal on the effected part. Avoid using any chemical based products. Protect yourself from dust and dirt. Exercise Exercising is essential for an improved metabolism which will help to flush out the toxins out of the body. Start the day with a short morning walk. Do plank for 5min. Practice pranayam regularly specially anulom-vilom and kapalbhati pranayam. Sleep Sometimes stress also triggers the acne issues and a proper sleep is important to relieve the stress. So, take a proper sleep of atleast 7-8hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Thank you
My daughter is 30 years old and her hair is thinning gradually and also falling. Her hair is especially thin at the centre. She has tried a lot of allopathic remedies, but no use. Can there be any cure?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
07:19 PM | 20-01-2020
A high protein diet is necessary to depend on at this point. Green leafy vegetables, seeds, almonds and walnuts are high sources of proteins. With this, you can start with hair packs like: 1. Onion hair pack: Onion juice with lemons helps in improving the quality of hair. 2. Methi powder with water helps in aiding hair growth by improving thickness and reducing hair fall. 3. Warm coconut oil and let curry leaves splutter in it, this mixture when used for head massages, will help in improving blood circulation and treat all hair issues. Hope my suggestions help. Thank you
My age is 21 and have very serious hair fall problem. Can you pls guide me for stopping my hair fall problem?
05:44 PM | 09-11-2019
हेलो, कारण - बाल हमारे शरीर का हिस्सा है। बालों में पोषक तत्व की कमी, ठीक प्रकार से ऑक्सिजन का संचार, और पेट में प्रदाह (inflammation) के कारण बाल झड़ते हैं। बाल असमय पकने लगते हैं। अन्य समस्या होती है। समाधान - सर पर सूती कपड़ा बाँध कर उसके ऊपर खीरा और मेहंदी या करी पत्ते का पेस्ट लगाएँ,नाभि पर खीरा का पेस्ट लगाएँ।पैरों को 20 मिनट के लिए सादे पानी से भरे किसी बाल्टी या टब में डूबो कर रखें। जीवन शैली - हम उसको आहार शुद्धि से मदद करें। बार बार कुछ भी खाने से बचे फल के बाद 3 घंटे का अंतराल (gap) रखें। क्षार (alkaline) जूस के बाद 1घंटे का अंतराल रखें। कच्चे सब्ज़ियों के सलाद के बाद 5 घंटे का अंतराल रखें। अनाज और पकी हुई सब्ज़ी अगर तेल रहित (oil free) के बाद 8 घंटे का तेल घी का प्रयोग किया गया हो तो 12 से 13 घंटे का अंतराल रखें। रोज़ाना 15 घंटे का उपवास करें जैसे रात का भोजन 7 बजे तक कर लिया और सुबह का नाश्ता 9 बजे लें। त्वचा या शरीर के किसी भी हिस्से को स्वस्थ प्रदान करने के लिए ज़रूरी है। सुबह लंबा गहरा स्वाँस अंदर भरें और रुकें फिर पूरे तरीक़े से स्वाँस को ख़ाली करें रुकें फिर स्वाँस अंदर भरें ये एक चक्र हुआ। ऐसे 10 चक्र एक टाइम पर करना है। ये दिन में चार बार करें। सूर्य उदय के एक घंटे बाद या सूर्य अस्त के एक घंटे पहले का धूप शरीर को ज़रूर लगाएँ। सर और आँख को किसी सूती कपड़े से ढक कर। जब भी लेंटे अपना दायाँ भाग ऊपर करके लेटें ताकि आपकी सूर्य नाड़ी सक्रिय रहे। खाना खाने से एक घंटे पहले नाभि के ऊपर गीला सूती कपड़ा लपेट कर रखें या खाना के 2 घंटे बाद भी ऐसा कर सकते हैं। मेरुदंड (स्पाइन) सीधा करके बैठें। हमेशा इस बात ध्यान रखें और हफ़्ते में 3 दिन मेरुदंड का स्नान करें। मेरुदंड स्नान के लिए अगर टब ना हो तो एक मोटा तौलिया गीला कर लें बिना निचोरे उसको बिछा लें और अपने मेरुदंड को उस स्थान पर रखें। कच्चे सब्ज़ी का जूस आपका मुख्य भोजन है। अगले सुबह ख़ाली पेट इनमे से कोई भी हरा जूस लें।पेठे (ashguard ) का जूस लें और नारियल पानी भी ले सकते हैं। बेल का पत्ता 8 से 10 पीस कर 100ml पानी में मिला कर छान कर पीएँ। खीरा 1/2 भाग + धनिया पत्ती (10 ग्राम) पीस लें, 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। दुब घास 25 ग्राम पीस कर छान कर 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। ये जूस सुबह नाश्ते से एक घंटे पहले लें। नाश्ते में फल लें। दोपहर के खाने से एक घंटा पहले हरा जूस लें। खाने में सलाद नमक सेंधा ही प्रयोग करें। नमक की पके हुए खाने में भी बहुत कम लें। सब्ज़ी पकने बाद उसमें नमक डालें। नमक पका कर या अधिक खाने से शरीर में (fluid) की कमी हो जाती। सलाद दोपहर 1बजे बिना नमक के खाएँ तो अच्छा होगा क्योंकि नमक सलाद के गुणों को कम कर देता है। सलाद में हरे पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी को डालें और नारियल पीस कर मिलाएँ। कच्चा पपीता 50 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। कभी सीताफल ( yellow pumpkin)50 ग्राम ऐसे ही डालें। कभी सफ़ेद पेठा (ashgurad) 30 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। ऐसे ही ज़ूकीनी 50 ग्राम डालें।कद्दूकस करके डालें।कभी काजू बादाम अखरोट मूँगफली भिगोए हुए पीस कर मिलाएँ। लाल, हरा, पीला शिमला मिर्च 1/4 हिस्सा हर एक का मिलाएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी लें। रात के खाने में इस अनुपात से खाना खाएँ 2 कटोरी सब्ज़ी के साथ 1कटोरी चावल या 1रोटी लें। रात 8 बजे के बाद कुछ ना खाएँ, 12 घंटे का (gap) अंतराल रखें। 8बजे रात से 8 बजे सुबह तक कुछ नहीं खाना है। एक नियम हमेशा याद रखें ठोस(solid) खाने को चबा कर तरल (liquid) बना कर खाएँ। तरल को मुँह में घूँट घूँट पीएँ। खाना ज़मीन पर बैठ कर खाएँ। खाते वक़्त ना तो बात करें और ना ही TV और mobile को देखें।ठोस भोजन के तुरंत बाद या बीच बीच में जूस या पानी ना लें। भोजन हो जाने के एक घंटे बाद तरल पदार्थ ले सकते हैं। जानवरों से उपलब्ध होने वाले भोजन वर्जित हैं। तेल, मसाला, और गेहूँ से परहेज़ करेंगे तो अच्छा होगा। चीनी के जगह गुड़ लें। हफ़्ते में एक दिन उपवास करें। शाम तक केवल पानी लें, प्यास लगे तो ही पीएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी और रात 8 बजे सलाद लें। धन्यवाद। रूबी, प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)
Muje skin pores ki problem hai. Isko reduce krne ya clear skin k liye kuch suggest kr skte hain?
Dr-Ruchika Sharma
12:26 PM | 07-10-2019
Hello, Skin pores occur due to lack of water intake as you neglecte your body's sufficient intake of water our body start's loosing its ph level. It makes our ph more acidic which cause our to become dry due to lack of moisture production through our secretory glands. I highly suggest you to increase your water intake upto 3 liters per day. Ive application twice a day will help shrinking the pores apply it for 4-5 min daily for food results. Wash your face twice in a day and in night before sleep to wash out all the dust and impurities which can be accumulated in the pores. Use Aloe Vera gel daily in the night for general application on face. Use multani mitti or mud pack on face at least twice a week keep it for 20min and wash it afterwards. Clean your face with rose water daily twice or you can keep rose water in a spray bottle and can use it anytime in a day for 4-5 times to keep your skin hydrated. These methods will definitely help you solve your skin pore problems. Thank you, Dr. Ruchika Sharma.
I am 53. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 2011 for which I am taking 25 mcg. Presently,I suffer also from Constipation, forgetfulness,almost no urge of hunger & thirst, shortness of breath,drowsiness, gradually decreasing eye-vision,(recently diagnosed with black cataract and glaucoma),thinness of hair,and issues associated with Hypothyroidism having a bearing on family-life (low-libido,etc) Pl. Suggest remedial method to reverse my condition to normal through natural hygiene/Naturopathy.
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
12:53 PM | 28-04-2020
Hello User, As you have mentioned all the symptoms are of hypothyroidism if we correct this function of your body then we will definitely help you get rid of all the problems. Hypothyroid happens due to what we have been putting in our body, which is eating a tamasic diet (adulterated, rotten and unhealthy junk is considered as tamasic).In this case, when we load our body with this kind of food, our metabolism becomes sluggish, "hypo" thyroid happens. Here, our body starts pushing on more to reach an optimal level of functioning. Now as our boy already in a sluggish state, the immunity is weakened. Our metabolism is surely going to become slow leading to shortness in breath, vision problems, nutrients not reaching the body causes hair thinning and low libido reflects everything accordingly. The main thing to treat this multidimensional illness should be about everything, food, meditation, sleep, and exercise which amalgamate for good health and reach your optimal solution. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. The ideal diet would be to depend on fruits and raw vegetable intake for at least one month and refrain from something oil-based. One inch of ginger boiled in two cups of water with one tablespoon lemon, boil them for 5-10 minutes. Consume this mixture during evening time to accelerate metabolism. High selenium diet which is peanuts, almonds, mushroom, etc helps to increase the function of the thyroid. Exercise: Pranayam helps in detoxifying the body. Practicing it early morning in an area that has good sunlight will help in improving blood circulation. Suryanamaskar, daily 12 sets will help in increasing the blood circulation of your body. Cat and Cow pose helps in increasing the function of the thyroid gland. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it. But with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleeping with the help of music to stay positive. In a room take a bowl of water and add two-three drops of orange or lavender essential oil. This will help in soothing you and the aroma will relax you and keep you away from any kind of disease. Use a 15-minute relaxation technique before sleep by hearing a piece of soothing music and deep breathing will help in relaxing your mind. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem. Sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. During sleep, our body goes into a repair mechanism where it heals itself. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you. Thank you.
How to close open pores on face and to make facial skin tight and glowing?
Dollie kashvani
08:23 PM | 31-08-2019
extra melanin production can cause large pores, so you need to balance the hormones first. stop eating oily n high protein food. avoid sun exposure in the afternoon and stay hydrated. eat more fruits n salads,drink fresh orange juice.
I am 34 yrs woman ,I am suffering my allergies, over weight ,asthama and sensitive skin, stress and anxiety. Please guide me
Nikita Mishra
02:03 PM | 30-10-2020
Hello Sheetal, Gaining weight may be due to improper lifestyle or it may also be the result of some underlying disease like hypothyroidism which disturbs the balance of many hormones and also affects the metabolism. This leads to other health issues like stress, anxiety. Obesity also results in low immunity levels which leads to various allergies and respiratory issues like asthma. Since all the problems are interconnected, we need to deal with root cause which is the lifestyle and eating habits. So, here are some tips to follow- Diet: Eat only plant-based natural raw foods. Eat fresh fruits like banana, pomegranate, avocado. Eat fresh green leafy vegetables like spinach, coriander. Eat salads, steamed sprouts, nuts. Avoid dairy products and animal foods. Avoid tea and coffee. Avoid carbonated drinks. Avoid processed and packaged foods. Eat whole grains like barley, millets, oats. Drink coconut water. Ginger It has anti-inflammatory properties and hence is effective in cough. Add the ginger paste to warm water and have this drink twice or thrice a day. Take steam Boil some water, keep it in a big bowl and lean over the bowl, then cover your head with a towel. Take steam this way once or twice a day. Gargle with saltwater Mix salt in warm water and gargle with this water 4-5times a day. Physical activity: Do suryanamaskar daily. Do gomukha asana, paschimottan asana, padahasta asana, garuda asana daily. Perform pranayam like bhramri pranayam and ujjayi pranayam for benefitting thyroid gland. Sleep: Sleeping pattern and quality greatly affects the circadian rhythm and in turn the hormonal balance. So, take a deep sleep of good quality for 77-8hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. Thank you.
Hello Experts, my 1. 5 year old son is suffering from Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis). He has severely dry skin, skin rashes and itching. When he was 4 months old we 1st noticed his rashes. We tried allopathy treatment but not happy with results and don't want to take steroids. Now giving Homeopathy treatment. The results are somewhat better & he is healing but not 100% satisfactory. The problem is reoccurring. Can you please suggest a natural way to heal Eczema skin condition for 1. 5 old baby?
Anjali Rauthan
06:20 PM | 20-04-2024
Namaste Bharat, We understand that it must be challenging for you to deal with this. Eczema is an inflammation of the skin which results in the formation of vesicles. The root cause of eczema is the failure of the human system to excrete the toxins. Sometimes the pores of the skin are overworked as waste matter is not properly eliminated and skin pores get clogged up. This gives rise to Skin diseases, Tips to treat eczema naturally: 1. The affected area should be wrapped with a thick soft cloth. The cloth should be moistened with cold water every 15-30mins for two hours at a time. There may be an intensification of itching or pain initially but this will soon subside. 2. Coconut oil may be applied to the portions of the eczema. it will help the skin to stay soft. 3. Dietary changes: Include vegetable juices and seasonal fruits in the diet as they will help the body to release toxins. For more guidance, you can explore our E-Learning program on Raising kids medicine-free or come for the Heal Skin Diseases personal coaching program. Our Natural Health Coach will comprehensively look into your daily routine and give you an action plan. She/he will guide you on diet, sleep, exercise, and stress to correct your existing routine & make it in line with Natural Laws. For queries regarding the program you can contact our teammates: 9238611952 (Sanjana), 9411817885 (Neha) Wishing you good health
Hair problem like a dandruff, hair fall, colour. Can you please sir suggest for me?
11:21 AM | 10-11-2019
Hi. You may find this blog useful - Healthy Hair - Nourish your crowning glory.
I have very bad acne since 10 year.. How can I cure this
Mohan M
11:44 AM | 26-07-2019
Hello, Avoid spicy, oily and sour foods. Eat fresh, unprocessed food. Increase the use of herbs that have cooling effects on the body like fennel, coriander seeds, Indian gooseberry (amla) and aloe vera. Increase intake of water to about 8-10 glasses per day. Wash your face frequently with mild herbal soaps. Avoid irritant cosmetics. Do not squeeze the acne lesions, it spread more. Prepare a powdered mixture of coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric and Indian gooseberry (amla) in equal parts. Take ½ teaspoon of this powder 15 minutes before lunch and dinner. Have 1 teaspoon of powdered Indian gooseberry fruit (amla) in morning and evening with water.
My hair have started greying, how would i stop grey hair problem naturally? My age is 35.
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
06:09 PM | 11-10-2019
Methi seeds help in stopping the greying of hair and bring back the lustre. Make methi seeds powder, add lemon, water as per consistency in it with the help of these you will get the best results. Another good hair pack you can try is: Warm coconut oil and put curry leaves in it, use this mixture to apply on hair and massage for 10-15 minutes. This will help you in enhancing the colour of hair, stop greying. Thank you
Hello Sir/Ma’am, I am 23 years old guy. I have been suffering from social anxiety for quite a long time now. I feel that the sole reason behind this is my skin colour which is dark & it causes me lot of hesitation and consciousness to face and talk to people. The main thing which I also wanted to share is that when I in my childhood I had fair skin & with time I turned darker. Is there any natural proven remedy to help for the same or shall I try for laser treatment?
Nikita Mishra
01:28 PM | 16-03-2021
Hello User, Good mental health is equally important as our physical health. Anxiety, restlessness, fears, etc. All these are indications of deteriorating mental health. Following the wrong lifestyle, incorrect sleeping patterns, and a bad environment are the main reasons for this. However, one can achieve good mental health by just making small changes in the daily routine and adopting a natural lifestyle. In your case, you said that the dark colour of your skin is the reason for your anxiety but it is not something to focus on. Every person has their own identity in terms of colour, body shape, height, skin, etc. Having a dark skin colour is not bad at all. You need to focus your energies on positive things instead of thinking on this negative side. Your confidence comes from what you feel and not from your skin colour. A good environment is also important, good environment also includes good friends and relatives. Here are some tips that will help you to deal with the situation. Diet Start the day with 3 to 4 glasses of warm water. This will help to eliminate the toxins out of the body. Eat sprouts in your breakfast. Along with sprouts, have freshly prepared homemade fruit juices. Have soaked raisins and almonds in the morning. This will provide the body with easily absorbable nutrients. Include Vitamin C in your diet like blueberries, amla, orange, lemon, etc. Have fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Have whole grains like barley, millets, oats, etc. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Foods to avoid- Avoid dairy products like ghee, milk, paneer, curd, etc, and animal foods. Avoid tea and coffee. Avoid carbonated drinks. Avoid processed, packaged, oily, and spicy foods. Avoid refined oils and refined grains. Meditation Meditation is the key to cure any kind of health problem, especially mental illness. Practicing meditation daily keeps the mind fit and healthy. Practice meditation regularly for 30 minutes. Meditate early in the morning and in a place full of trees. Practice bhramri pranayam as it also gives a soothing effect to the mind. Sleep Proper sleep is extremely important for a healthy mind as sleeping pattern helps to maintain our circadian rhythm. Lack of sleep may also lead to irritability and anxiety. So, take proper sleep of at least 8 to 10 hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Avoid the use of electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, computers, tv, etc at least 1hour before sleeping and read books before sleeping. This will help to get a better quality of sleep. Thank you
I have too much of hairfall. What to do?
Dollie kashvani
10:37 AM | 30-09-2019
stop using chemical shampoo n oil. stop using table salt which has impact on hair. include magnesium rich food in your diet. give scalp massage with organic oil twice a week. drink more water n consume more salads n fruits. d stop eating fast food n inflammatory food. practice daily meditation .
I am 30 years old & post 3 years my delivery, I am suffering from gastric problem and back bone pain problem. When gastric reflux starts, I face breathing and skin rash related problems. Is there any way to treat this issue?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
06:37 PM | 30-10-2021
Hello User, It all starts from GUT if your gut is clean and healthy it will show in different areas of body. Regular consumption of fatty diet and highly spiced food, toxins are the primary cause of gastritis, our sedentary lifestyle also plays a role in this picture. What needs to be taken care of now is the fact that a major change in lifestyle and diet will be the cure of the problem. In gastritis with the consumption of this kind of food, what is disturbing is from the esophagus to rectum everything is disturbed. The toxins are in the body, call it stomach ulcers or piles they relate to the same cause. With a healthy change in the diet and your routine, we can readily deal with all the issues related to the problem of the gastrointestinal tract which in turn definitely disturbs our sleep cycle. What makes a major difference is by changing lifestyles, that we are not only curing the disease at this stage but also preventing future relapses. Now let us understand what changes we can make: Eat: Starting your day with something light in nature and easy to digest is what your breakfast should be. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. Including a fiber-rich food item that helps in adding bulk to the stools, for example having apples, bananas, nuts, etc. which have a good amount of fiber in them. Have one tomato with black pepper in the evening time an hour before dinner. Before sleep, take an inch of ginger and boil in two cups of water with half a teaspoon of turmeric and honey. This will be soothing for your nerves and sleep. Exercise: Sitting in the position of Vajraasana will help in the treatment of gastritis. After your meals practice, this poses for better digestion and easy stools. A brisk walk in early morning sun from 30-45 minutes, helps in treating your body to its level best. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it, but with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleep with the help of music to stay positive. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem, sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you Thank you.
Hi there! My name is Brijesh. I am 30 yrs old. I've been suffering from hair loss from past few years. I have tried allopathy and homeopathy too but it didn't work out for me. Now I have lost almost all hair in the mid portion of my head. How can I stop my hair loss and what should I do for regrowth. Please suggest me any effective remedy. Thank you!!
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
08:04 PM | 21-04-2020
hello Brijesh, Yes, we can definitely work on your hair loss with proper diet and lifestyle you can achieve healthy quality hair. Protein intake being low is the cause for decreased hair growth, as our hair is made up of proteins. Eating a low-quality diet with complex carbs also does not allow protein in the food to get absorbed. Continuous hair fall happens because of the inflammation of the body's defense mechanism triggering to protect our body that is why it is showing symptoms in all areas. Hence we need a multidimensional solution, in order to treat hair growth problems, it should be about everything, food, meditation, sleep and exercise which amalgamate for good health. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. Proteins in the form of fruits and vegetables, seeds like chia and flax also have good proteins, and will be light on the stomach and will help in complete absorption. A mineral-rich diet addition like carrots, apples, guavas, cashews for your teeth will help in controlling the decay soon. Hair packs which you should try for hair fall and grey: 1. Onion juice helps in increasing hair quality. 2. Massage hair with coconut oil with aloe vera gel natural extract to improve blood circulation in hair. 3. Methi seeds powder mixed in water helps in giving shiny hair and treat the hair greying effectively. Exercise: Rubbing nails of both hands with each other tends to increase blood circulation in the scalp. This leads to show healthy effects on hair. Pranayam helps in detoxifying the body. Practicing it early morning in an area that has good sunlight will help in improving blood circulation. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it. But with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleeping with the help of music to stay positive. In a room take a bowl of water and add two-three drops of orange or lavender essential oil. This will help in soothing you and the aroma will relax you and keep you away from any kind of disease. Use a 15-minute relaxation technique before sleep by hearing a piece of soothing music and deep breathing will help in relaxing your mind. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem. Sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. During sleep, our body goes into a repair mechanism where it heals itself. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you. Thank you.
I'm 22 years I'm facing hairfall from few months. What should I do?
Doshi Zarana - Jeevan ...
10:19 AM | 06-09-2019
Let us understand Law of Nature for Hair Fall . Where we break the Law of Nature and attracts imbalance in Living style. Our body system is very smart. When we disobey , Nature starts giving us signals for our unhealthy conditions. Here are few Points , if you can change in your living style. ✔️ Lack of Sound Sleep ✔️ Poor Digestion ✔️ Lots of Thinking ✔️ Anger ✔️ Junk Food ✔️ Chemical based Hair Oils and Shampoo , Contionor. Thank you
Hello, I have skin rosacea and burning in body. I am 49 year old.. Please tell what to do?
Nikita Mishra
11:18 AM | 17-01-2022
Hello Sonal, Skin issues may result due to the continuous use of chemical-based products or deficiency of Vitamin C. Skin issues may also result due to improper gut movement. Local application- Apply aloe vera gel mixed with coconut oil on the affected part. Take turmeric and add Gulab Jal to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected part. Avoid the use of any chemical-based products. Diet Drink 3 to 4 glasses of warm water early in the morning on an empty stomach. This will help to clean the gut and flush the toxins out of the body. Have lemon juice or orange juice or one amla daily. This contains Vitamin C and will act as antioxidants. Eat salads, sprouts, nuts, and beans in your diet. Have freshly prepared homemade fruit juices with fibers. Drink plenty of water during the day. Avoid processed, packaged, oily, and spicy foods. Avoid dairy foods and animal products. Thank you
Hi this is varinder singh. I am 30 year old, I have lost lot of my hair. I also take hair transplant treatment. But not much good result, Please give me some advice. So that I can get my hair back.
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
05:26 PM | 06-08-2020
Hello Varinder, Protein intake being low is the cause for decreased hair growth, as our hair is made up of proteins. Eating a low-quality diet with complex carbs also does not allow protein in the food to get absorbed. Hence, we need multidimensional effects to treat hair growth problems. It should be about everything, food, meditation, sleep, and exercise which amalgamate for good health. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. Proteins in the form of fruits and vegetables, seeds like chia and flax also have good proteins, and will be light on the stomach and will help in complete absorption. Hair packs which you should try for controlling Hair fall: 1. Onion juice helps in increasing hair quality. 2. Massage hair with coconut oil with aloe vera gel natural extract to improve blood circulation in hair. 3. Methi seeds powder mixed in water helps in giving shiny hair and treat hair growth effectively. Exercise: Rubbing nails of both hands with each other tends to increase blood circulation in the scalp. This leads to show healthy effects on hair. Pranayam helps in detoxifying the body. Practicing it early morning in an area that has good sunlight will help in improving blood circulation. Meditation: In any kind of disease, stress comes complementary to it. But with our assurance and positive attitude, we can treat anything. The best thing to start with is breathing mindfully before sleeping with the help of music to stay positive. In a room take a bowl of water and add two-three drops of orange or lavender essential oil. This will help in soothing you and the aroma will relax you and keep you away from any kind of disease. Use a 15-minute relaxation technique before sleep by hearing a piece of soothing music and deep breathing will help in relaxing your mind. A positive attitude will help you to deal with everything in life. Sleep: Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is really helpful in dealing with any problem. Sleep is our body's natural response and helps the body to heal. Sleep relaxes the muscles and strengthens our body. During sleep, our body goes into a repair mechanism where it heals itself. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you. Thank you.
Have to travel 6 hrs daily. Unmarried,working lady, age 30 years. Suffering from pitta vata imbalance for long time. As a result, having tremendous hair fall, going bald, constipation, acne problem. I'm so frustrated, plz suggest me some easy steps to balance my life.
Nikita Mishra
03:20 PM | 19-01-2021
Hello, Constipation, hairfall, acne are all interrelated. Constipation becomes the reason for hairfall and acne as it results in the accumulation of excessive toxins in the body. Acne is a skin condition which commonly develops on the face, chest, upper neck but it may also occur in other parts of the body. In this, pimples, rashes, etc get developed in the skin and it is mostly due to blocked pores of the skin. But, a proper diet along with some exercise and local applications can cure the problem naturally. It will require discipline but it is better to have those acne scars. Reasons for acne are - Unhygienic conditions. Any infection. Use of chemical-based products. Exposure to dust, dirt, and pollution. Having oily and spicy foods. Local application Mix besan and turmeric to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected part. Keep it for 10 minutes and then rinse it with cold water. Apply fresh aloe vera gel and Gulab Jal on the affected part. Avoid using any chemical-based products. Health of our hair is the reflection of our body's internal health. Improper lifestyle, eating wrong foods, lack of sleep, constioation, increased stress levels are the reasons which lead to toxic accumulation and result in issues like hairfall, etc. External factors like exposure to dust, chemicals and pollution are also the reason for hairfall and damaged hairs. Local application Mix amla powder with warm water. Keep it for around 2 hours. Then, apply it on your hair and leave it for half an hour and then wash your hair. Don't use any chemical-based products on your hair. Apply fresh aloe vera jel on your hairs. Protect your hair from dust, smoke, etc. Constipation also leads to severe hairfall and skin problems. The root cause for constipation is incorrect lifestyle and wrong eating habits. Diet to follow- Drink 3 to 4 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. This will help to flush the toxins out of the body. Have Vitamin C rich foods like blueberries, orange, etc. Eat soaked raisins on an empty stomach in the morning. Have sprouts, nuts, beans, and salads. Eat fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and vegetables. Drink freshly prepared homemade fruit juices with fibers. This will add bulk to the stool and will aid in the movement of the stool. Drink plenty of water during the day. Have your dinner 3 to 4 hours before your sleeping time. Foods to avoid- Avoid dairy products and animal foods. Avoid processed, packaged, oily, and spicy foods. Avoid refined oils and refined grains. Avoid tea, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks. Avoid carbonated drinks. Exercise Start the day with a brisk morning walk of at least 30min. Do 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily in the morning. Perform pranayam, specially anulom-vilom and bhastrika pranayam. Take sunrays early in the morning. Take short walks after every meal. Sleep A proper sleeping pattern is very important for a healthy digestive system. Hence, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night and also wake up early in the morning. Thank you
I have hyperpigmentation on my face n skin is becoming darker since last six months. Tried many medicines please help me. What to do?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
11:24 AM | 15-09-2019
For any kind of facial issues what I recommend is these three packs to try: 1. Soak chia seeds in cup water let it become fuller, make a paste had two-three strands of beetroot. 2. Aloe vera gel and coconut oil help in dealing with pigmentation. 3. Apply gram flour and turmeric paste which will again help in reducing pigmentation. Thank you.
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