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'Heart health' - 4032 Results

04:19 PM | 09-02-2019

Any homemade cure for furuncles (baltod)?

01:07 PM | 08-02-2019

Hi everyone! A quick question - can we mix coconut with fruits?

Natural Cure
05:42 AM | 04-02-2019

06:48 AM | 04-02-2019

What are those top 10 daily or weekly habits that one should start in their life to get the benefits of natural health and cure? We know we should not eat toxic food etc but one can't suddenly leave a habit or taste buds formed in years, so need to know the small changes one can make which are easy to adopt and realistic.

09:52 PM | 05-02-2019

Hi. Swine flu is on in Delhi. One of my friends has contracted it. What can she do to naturally get well?

08:55 AM | 02-01-2019

01:04 PM | 06-02-2019

I switched to healthier food and started consuming raw food. Challenge is eating majorly raw, my stomach is always bloated and always paining. The moment i start eating roti, the pain stops. If i eat other millets it still pains.

01:29 PM | 05-02-2019

One of my friends is having vocal cord contact ulcer. She has lost her voice and is in a fix because she has client visiting next week. Allopathy medicines prescribed steroids which only helped a bit. Please suggest what to do.

03:47 PM | 02-02-2019

10:56 AM | 30-01-2019

Hi my eyes are very puffy. In fact sometimes when I wake up in morning the eye bags are so big that I feel very embarraed. No amount of good sleep is helping. Please advise natural cure.

03:35 PM | 01-02-2019

09:15 PM | 28-01-2019

Hi I am suffering from hypothyroid for last 16 years. It happened right after giving birth to my son. My thyroid over time has gone up and so now I am taking 150 mcg everyday. I have gained at least 20 pound in last 1 year and my cholesterol is through the roof - 190 for ldl and overall total cholesterol as 275. Please advise

09:19 AM | 02-02-2019

May i know recommended foods in early pregnancy. (Suffered from a miscarriage an year back- reason unknown) all blood tests were normal. Please suggest. I am 28 years old, living in Haridwar, India.

11:58 AM | 31-01-2019

Hi all! My son (age 12 years) is facing a strange problem - he is exceptionally sensitive to touch. Gets a strange sensation, discomfort and irritation upon touching rough paper, synthetic cloth. Feels the urge to keep his hands wet. He is otherwise healthy. Can anyone help me understand what could be the reason??

12:20 PM | 01-02-2019

03:25 PM | 01-02-2019

12:05 PM | 31-01-2019

What food to be taken to reduce creatinine levels

05:10 PM | 31-01-2019

11:55 AM | 31-01-2019

What is the natural cure for migraine and high blood pressure?

07:48 AM | 24-01-2019

I have mild PCOS, and that's the reason I am unable to conceive. Trying from past 2 years. With detox diet along with Enema therapy, how soon can I recover? Also, please suggest how to de-stress ourselves. Thank you

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