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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

12:41 PM | 22-09-2019

How can we maintain a good health n looking always fresh n fine at the age of 20?

11:54 AM | 28-01-2019

11:38 AM | 26-11-2020

Hi! I am suffering from irregular periods from last 1year. We are trying for conceive, is there any healthy diet plan that will be very useful to me?

11:37 AM | 08-04-2020

What is the standard BP and pulse of a healthy old man aged 72-73 years?

05:16 PM | 30-09-2019

Hi, some times suddenly my eyes are rolling and i am getting sick now a days. I have low haemoglobin levels. I keep on eating healthy food, even then why my haemoglobin levels are decreasing? Please let me know.

01:42 PM | 26-08-2019

Hi i am having severe knee pain since 2016. Since june 2019, I am on healthy lifestyle. I eat fruits in breakfast, only salads in lunch, boiled dal or vegetables in dinner. Less salt, no sugar. My water intake as per my body needs. I am also doing affirmation for my knee pain. I have lost 3Kg of weight since June this year. No milk and milk products. Nothing from outside only natural diet. Doing Walking, Breathing exercises & sun bathing is regular. But no relief in knee pain. Please suggest?

09:42 AM | 05-08-2019

05:39 PM | 02-08-2019

Hello I m 31 years female and married and mother of a son of 4 years old... I have thyroid... And my immunity is very low.. Feel ill very often... Have periods issue also so having that treatment too along... Please help me and guide me how to hve healthy and happy lifestyle

11:13 AM | 27-07-2019

Because of pollution and enormous environmental changes acne has really being a headache for people from working sector as well as teenagers. Kindly suggest something natural for acne free and healthy skin.

04:45 PM | 18-02-2019

My question is on cereals... Which cereals are good and which ones are loaded with sugar? Also, which is better museli or oats. In the market we have products like baggery oats and museli.... Are they healthy? Please suggest.

09:27 AM | 24-07-2019

My height is 5'4 nd my weight is 40 approx i m under weight. I m trying for a long time but i m not able to gain wait. I hardly wanted to be healthy

09:15 AM | 18-06-2019

I am looking to replace refined oil with a healthier substitute. Can anyone help with options that works well for indian style cooking. Also, if anyone has used avocado oil before, would love to hear their feedback!

02:49 PM | 13-04-2019

I am 37 year old and slightly obese (82 kg at 5"9 height) and no other major health problem. Whenever I try to fast, after 3-4 hours some mild pain starts across my chest area and it keeps increasing till I don't eat something. It goes away completely after a meal. What can this pain be? Do I need to worry?

04:26 PM | 12-09-2019

What natural foods and lifestyle should we follow for sound sleep?

01:01 PM | 04-09-2019

How a working person can apply practically law of Naturopathy of eating food before sunset in city life?

02:51 PM | 03-03-2022

I suffer from chronic anxiety and fear. I get pain in the middle portion of the gut. I have stopped sugar ,gluten and dairy products. So how will I get calcium? I have got my CBC ,ESR,LIPASE AMYLASE,STOOL CULTURE FOR OCCULT BLOOD ,H. PYLORI,CERATININ,SONOGRAPHY OF STOMACH ,LIVER ,KIDNEY TEST, THYROID ,CHOLESTEROL TESTS. All are normal. Can the doctors on this platform guide me if I need endoscopy?

12:05 PM | 06-07-2022

Is it healthy to drink water from copper utensils?

01:51 PM | 06-04-2020

Hii I hv frequent urination at night due to which I m unable to sleep. I hv multiple stones in both kidneys is my bladder over active or other?

08:21 PM | 27-05-2020

I am 36 year old facing vitiligo mild on elbows and increasing creatinine from last 2 years. What diet and lifestyle can I follow. I am overweight.

11:51 AM | 16-07-2020

How to gain weight for dialysis patient where fruits, nuts, green leafy vegetables, liquid are not allowed? Doctor told to gain weight for kidney transplant.

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