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'healthy cooking' - 2171 Results

02:10 PM | 04-06-2019

Is coffee bad for autoimmune diseases?

09:40 AM | 03-06-2019

I feel too tried these days. Keep experiencing pain in some or other part of body. Last November doctor diagnosis’s was that I have fibromyalgia. He gave me some medicine and told me to remain more happy and less stressed. This is really not possible to achieve nowadays with high pressure jobs. Is there any that I can do like change my eating habits , my lifestyle that might help me.

10:33 AM | 01-06-2019

What is the best remedy to reduce arthritic pain and swelling?

10:32 AM | 01-06-2019

This summer am feeling fatigued a lot... I eat 2 cooked meals only, eat a lot of fruits and veg juice daily. But still low on energy many days... Does this mean i need to further up my raw portion... Some ideas would be helpful!

08:54 PM | 30-05-2019

My 8 year old niece has Wheezing cough n nose filled with mucus but flume not coming from mouth? They are traveling next week to india, need some home remedies for cure.. Plz help TIA

04:25 PM | 30-05-2019

Is anyone going through adenomyosis, chronic pain during menstrual cycle?

07:55 AM | 28-05-2019

Need inputs. .. Hubby has a bad stiff back.... Perhaps a catch while exercising... Apart from rest what other options.... He wants to avoid painkillers.

08:05 AM | 27-05-2019

Hi… how can i keep the house mosquito free? Please suggest some natural ways. Any tips for protecting kids?

12:20 PM | 23-05-2019

So some time back I replaced my regular salt to sea salt. But every time I refill my salt in the container I come across this line in bold and caps on the box “THIS SALT DOES NOT CONTAIN IODINE A NECESSARY NUTRIENT! ” So should I not be using it?

12:35 PM | 20-05-2019

Can Eating Fruits Be Considered A Full Meal For Babies?

10:15 AM | 16-05-2019

Anyone here suffering from endometriosis? Got surgery done, or on medication? Or someone who has been through it and now living free from it?

04:03 PM | 15-05-2019

My 7 year old has been diagnosed with vitiligo. He is off dairy now and also started to eat more fresh fruits and raw veggies too. Many doctors advice to avoid foods like grapes and tomatoes for vitiligo ppl. But my son loves to eat cherry tomatoes. Is this a myth or a truth?

09:10 AM | 15-05-2019

Hi! I am a mother of two and like most other mother I am also very conscious about my kid’s nutrition. Off late there has been a lot of buzzword regarding purity of milk. But I am confused what to do - milk is adulterated, if we stop giving milk where do children get the required calcium from?

07:03 PM | 10-05-2019

Are vanilla extract and vanilla flavour the one and same thing

10:15 AM | 10-05-2019

In a party , what you should choose , salads or cooked food?

10:10 AM | 08-05-2019

Hi! I am trying to quit dairy, facing a challenge. I often have to work for extended hours and don’t get enough sleep. Tea/Coffee is the first things that comes to my mind to give me an energy boost. How can I manage this without taking tea/coffee?

10:15 AM | 07-05-2019

I am a part of various health groups. I have heard contradicting views about consuming fruits in combination verses single fruit at a time. Anyone who can share their views/personal experience regarding this? I often wonder if its fine to have a bowl full of mixed fruits!

10:45 AM | 03-05-2019

Hi, Can anyone suggest Natural remedy for nose bleeding? My 8yr old daughter is having quite frequently these days. Thank you

10:25 AM | 03-05-2019

Hi, any suggestions for a wellness program or ayurvedic courses for detox. Pls share your experiences. Thanks.

09:20 AM | 02-05-2019

Can asthma patients consume nuts?

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