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'Heart Health' - 3109 Results

10:25 AM | 09-10-2019

I am taking clean diet. 11 am i eat fruits , 1pm i eat little cooked food less of all the spices and oil ghee or any dairy product, 5 pm a plate of fruits and 7 pm raw veggies. I completely avoid animal products but then also i am not getting results in varicocele. I take enema every day then also my constipation problem is not solving. What to do please suggest me?

05:14 PM | 19-08-2019

I am suffering from Pancreatitis and taking Insulin as pancreas is not functioning naturally. How to cure it naturally

03:57 PM | 24-06-2019

My wife has low bp since week went for a all blood test every thing is normal apart from cholesterol but still she feels week and sometimes fainting and huge headaches any remedy please she is around 36 yrs old.

10:04 AM | 10-02-2020

Hi! I have a problem of bad breadth. No gum problem oral hygiene is also ok. How can I get rid from this? Whenever I eat something after sometime it smells very bad please suggest me something

11:29 AM | 18-08-2019

I have chest discomfort problem and it's been 3 months but i didn't get any solution

08:52 AM | 05-10-2020

Hello, I want to know how to increase calcium in our body. As my husband's calcium level is very low after his removal of thyroid gland. Pls suggest.

07:57 PM | 30-11-2019

Hi I'm a myocarditis patient i am having flu since one week what should I do?

08:59 AM | 21-10-2019

I have varicose veins since last many years. I feel numbness on my left thigh. I get itching on the bloated nerves in my left leg below the knee. Little part of my left leg skin has turned black and I get itchiness many a times. Pl advise how can it be cured?

01:18 PM | 05-10-2019

Hello, My age is 62 F , since many years I am suffering from Varicose Veins problem on left leg and also I had tried every medicine but it's not affecting me since long. Can, any one pls suggest me the solution for the problem?

04:01 PM | 17-09-2019

Is there anyone who cured varicocele naturally? If yes, please tell me what to do?

04:22 PM | 28-08-2019

I have problem varicocele in testis have u any solution please

05:27 PM | 17-08-2019

I m suffering from gas and acidity from 2 years.. Fullness and boating. Fed up from all remedies and treatment. .

10:19 AM | 02-08-2019

I have pain in veins of my legs when I do acupressure roller I feel relaxed so please tell me remedis for ever

03:40 PM | 30-07-2019

How to cure varicocele caused in left testicle naturally.

08:05 PM | 24-04-2024

I m having systemic scleroderma symptomatic raynauds phenomenon and sunsensitivity. I have acne which are increasing or decreasing according to stress level. I m having severe PMS symptoms ,severe depression during that period but not PCOD. Plz guide me

09:35 AM | 09-12-2019

How to treat toothache in natural way?

11:22 AM | 07-01-2020

I am working in bpo. I live in a pg and always suffer from cough. What remedies can I adopt?

11:24 AM | 07-01-2020

I have acidity problem. How to detox body and clear toxins?

09:40 AM | 12-12-2019

I have chronic pancreatitis and type 3 diabetes. How can i cure naturally?

09:51 AM | 17-07-2019

Please suggest natural diets treatment for chronic constipation and depression

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