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'Heart Health' - 3109 Results

11:58 AM | 26-09-2019

I'm suffering from asthma last 8 year and still no changes and recovery in my health. What to do?

12:24 PM | 11-01-2021

Health issues - Type 1 diabetes and CKD, creatinine is 2, hba1c 7. 1, age 50 yrs, digestion weak. Pls help with the treatment

10:38 AM | 02-08-2019

I'm 28 years old, my personality used to be very bubbly and happy. Nowadays my skin looks dull and have very dark dark circles, and I don't look healthy like used to be. I'm working for 9 hours in front of computers, I changed my diet, going for workout but still not getting any results. I feel stressed and dull don't kno why. Please look into my problem and assist me with a solution. Thanks.

12:41 PM | 07-05-2021

Hi! My father is suffering from chronic kidney disease. We are trying to give him proper nutritious food but his health condition is not improving and his haemoglobin level is low and he was good with other health issues few months back but now his health getting deteriorated. Please tell me what to do?

09:20 PM | 24-10-2019

My mother is about 64 years and a heart patient. She has high sugar these days ranging 170 as fasting. She is seeing a diabetic doctor and taking medicine however I wanted to know a cure that’s sustainable and less of medication. Thanks

06:50 PM | 04-08-2019

High pulse rate even while resting i feel fast pulsing or heart rate

10:43 PM | 09-04-2024

I feel very stressed like i have no mental stability. I feel guilty for some pasts thing now I just want to grow up in life. But my mind strucked in unusual things. How can I become mentally healthy?

10:01 AM | 03-08-2020

I am 26 years old and I feel a sharp pain in center of my chest, which lasts for like seconds when I am laying down or when I change my posture, This happens on and off. No cholesterol,No hypertension. Kind of frightens me,what could this be? (I have been to doctors before they say there’s nothing wrong with my heart)

11:39 AM | 26-01-2020

Heart rate is racing. Can you suggest solutions?

09:14 PM | 31-07-2021

Hello sir how can I unblock my arteries of heart as I have heart blockage of 65% by following a plant based diet and change in lifestyle!!

09:43 AM | 17-12-2019

Sir my brain is beating as heart sometimes and severe headache for one month. Is there any kind of problem for my brain?

03:40 PM | 28-10-2019

Hi. I am 41 years old, have heart problem called cardiomyopathy and mass in left ovary. Plz give me heath tips for my heart disease.

01:18 PM | 24-12-2019

When I was 16, I felt very tired and had a panic attack, frequent urination with burning problem too. I was unable to concentrate as my heart was racing, palpitations. After that I started to have breathing problems. Slowly my digestion got disturbed, I was unable to sleep. Now I'm 20 doing my M B B S in Bangalore and have developed IBS like symptoms. I checked my vitamin levels. My vitamin D is 7ng/do and Vitamin B12. Can you help me?

10:28 AM | 19-07-2021

Hello i'm suffering from severe fear which is causing me anxiety, i'm on a medication of estomine ls but its not helping i always feel like i'll get a heart attack or cardiac arrest (all my heart report are normal) and ill die or sudden pressures situation will cause ha. Feeling of breathless my stomach is also not functioning well due to this,i want to quit medication and try healing natural

10:16 AM | 15-10-2019

Sir i had an open heart surgery in 2014. Can you kindly suggest me diet to lower cholesterol and fit heart?

07:21 PM | 08-08-2019

I am suffering from migraine and acidity, heart pain for the past 1 yr plz give me any suggestion

08:20 AM | 27-05-2019

Hi everyone! I have had a fatty liver for long time now. Though I eat healthy and work out regularly and I am also a pure vegetarian, still I have high cholesterol level….. 240. How do get under control?

02:20 PM | 12-01-2020

Can you please suggest a healthy Diabetes diet plan?

10:35 AM | 14-09-2020

Hello sir/mam! I m 45 years old. I'm a thyroid patient and got early menopause. That is the reason I have many health problems, muscle problems. When I wake up in morning I feel very lazy and tired. What can I do? Plz suggest some diet plan.

08:49 AM | 23-07-2019

I live in a hostel. And the food is very oily and spicy. How can i keep my body healthy with such diet?

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