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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

11:27 AM | 25-08-2020

I'm vata n pitta dominated 28 years old woman, suffering from tremendous hairfall, gastric problem and acidity. Pimple like rashes full of pus all over my scalp, cause irritation,itching, pain. There is oily type of dandruff also. Some places of my scalp going bald,hair becomes so loose that it comes with my hair comb. What to do?

10:45 AM | 03-04-2019

Hi. My daughter is not keeping well, skin allergy - eczema. She has been having this issue from age 2. From last 1 yr she is dairy free and bare minimum processed food, so some relief. From last 2 days she's got infection and am working on that. She's had some cheese sandwich in a bday party and it's got flared up.

09:32 AM | 10-01-2020

I get heart palpitations whenever I sit or lay down. I have to cough to get relief from it. I have been practising relaxation and meditation techniques and have increased intake of vitamins to ensure that I’m getting vitamin D and B12. My menstrual cycle has been irregular. Infact, I have had my menses just about three times in last three years. Moreover, I was diagnosed as HPV positive last year. Can you please suggest a treatment for my health woes?

10:01 AM | 18-09-2019

My cousin is suffering from asthma since childhood, she was normal for 6-7 years through homeopath treatment but now she is again facing Breathing issues. Suggest some remedies, please?

10:08 AM | 06-09-2019

My age is 25, suffering from skin issues in pelvic region from past 2 years. Sometimes more itchiness occurs. Tried various natural remedies but no use, should I take allopathy medicines for that. Required your guidance.

09:40 AM | 12-12-2019

I am 35 year old and have a problem of yellowness of teeth and the other problem is hairfall. I want some natural remedies to solve these issues. Can you help?

10:07 AM | 11-02-2020

Am 33 years old diagnosed with premature menopause since 6 years. Also have high cholesterol levels constipation issues and mild kidney issues. There is no estrogen production. What diet is to be followed?

11:47 AM | 15-09-2019

I am male, 32 years with skin problem. For last 1/2 year i get pimples like things with marks on my face. They automatically grow n end but leave marks. My face is now full of spots. I have fatty liver and colon issues. Is it for that? Whats d reason and solution?

09:55 AM | 22-02-2019

I had my gall bladder removed in 2007 but after that I started having acid reflux issues, I’ve had it for almost 8 years now and I took medications as needed. But now it’s bothering me a lot more and my doctor wants me to have pills on a very regular basis and an increased dosage on that. I will have to start medication right now but I am looking for natural ways to reduce it. Please help!

06:45 PM | 04-08-2019

I am having Stomach problem, IBS and sinus issues. Please suggest what can i do?

10:57 AM | 14-12-2018

Hi! Is there anyone else who also has family members struggling with sleep issues? My daughter, who is just 14 years old finds it difficult to fall asleep and keeps getting up in the middle of the night. She remains irritable through the day and finds it difficult to stay focused. Am worried what could be the cause? Is there some way I can help her?

11:06 AM | 18-05-2020

This query is for my wife, she is 32, our 2nd baby is one year old. She is having pain in neck and back shoulders. She is having gastric issues also. After 2nd pregnancy the pain has worsen and if we press some points below neck back, pain is radiating to hands also, because of holding baby the pain has increased, she took some medication, but is not effective. Also due to feeding, worried to take any allopathic medicines. Can I get suggestion, which medication would be effective to treat her

03:47 PM | 30-07-2019

Will braces fix my temporomandibular joint issues or not? Does temporomandibular joint issues causes head heaviness?

04:19 PM | 10-04-2024

Hi Team, can you suggest good diet for pregnancy people. I have gastric and nose block issues.

04:31 PM | 07-06-2021

Hello, I had covid 2 mnths back. During this time I suffered from insomnia, hypertension, weakness, nose block issues, I had mild infection, severity was 0, low hemoglobin. Now again did full body check up, my hemoglobin is 9. 7 and sugar is on boundry line like fasting is 105, hba1c is 5. 77. I dont want to take any medicine for this if possible. Before this I never had sugar but yes hemoglobin was always low. Plz suggest what to eat, how much to eat, & what exercise to do?

06:51 PM | 07-09-2020

Hello, I am 36 years old my height is 5'3" my weight is 80. When I start with diet I feel very hungry and acidity issues. I feel whenever I have acidity I get very weird thoughts and I get stressed. Can u help me explain and give some good diet.

10:25 AM | 23-09-2019

What are the exercises or yoga to do in heart diseases?

12:28 PM | 26-06-2020

Hi. Good morning to You. I am 62 Yrs Old. I had my open heart surgery in 2013. Presently I am having chest pain at all times. And also my digestion system is also not so healthy. Having always Gastric problem. Please suggest me some treatment and Guidance. I shall be very grateful.

05:21 PM | 28-07-2020

Hi! Around 2 yeas ago I felt fastened heartbeat and from that time my anxiety started, and now I am having panic attack once in a week for half and hour. I have not taken any medicine so far, but that half n hour is the most suffocating and strange feeling, kindly suggest what to do.

04:34 PM | 22-11-2019

Hello I m suffering from gastritis from last 2 yrs and I can't live without antacids a single day... If I don't take antacids, heart burning, stomachache , uneasiness and sleepiness starts.. Still I want to stop taking antacids because of its side effects. Casn you please suggest some 100% working and powerful natural remedy?

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