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'Weight Loss and Detox' - 3831 Results

09:37 AM | 21-09-2019

I’m on a vegan diet, I eat fruits till noon and mostly on raw. I eat food veg/ legumes at night. I’m on gluten free, dairy free diet 90% unless I’m in social setting. I drink 500ml of veg and fruit juice daily. But I’m noticing tingling in my little finger and ring finger elbow down sometimes. Sometimes during sleep at night too. What should I do?

04:02 PM | 16-01-2020

My monthly cycle lasts long. I experience heavy bleeding and then heavy white discharge throughout month. Also having multiple fibroids in uterus. Doctor advised laser surgery to get rid of fibroids which will eventually help in having normal periods. But I want to opt for natural remedies. I feel anaemic and tired all the time. I have given up non veg and diary products totally for past 1 year and not a fan of packaged foods either. Can you pls advice something?

11:15 AM | 27-07-2019

My thyroid level is 9. 0 and I always have acidity problem and constipation pain in stomach. Give me some natural solution

10:10 AM | 26-04-2019

I have pimple all over my face and there are some very old scars as well. What should I do?

07:18 PM | 22-10-2019

My brother is suffering from cold and cough from last 15 years. He has sometimes also breathing problem. It is something like asthma. What r the precaution and how to cure it.

09:42 AM | 13-12-2019

My age 29. I have bloating and gas trouble almost for 3 years. I have bloating almost all the day. As soon as i pass urine or stools, bloating gets increased. I go to motion 5 to 7 times a day. Usually huge amount of gas comes out earlier than stool. Many tests have been done like, blood, urine, motion, endoscopy, colonoscopy, hydrozen breath test, gastric emptying test. But all the tests are normal. None of the doctor found the root cause as of now. Can you identify and help?

09:33 PM | 24-06-2021

I am 63 years old and a CKD patient also with hypothyroidism and BP. I have frequent night fall, which happens very frequently. Is there any solution for this?

11:15 AM | 31-08-2019

I have thin and short hair but i want to long hair. What should i do?

08:15 AM | 27-04-2020

My mother is having bleeding gum and smelling breath. Is this gingitivis? Please suggest me any remedies and tips for it.

02:13 PM | 11-04-2024

Hello everyone, I am getting high fever (till 104),I have visited physician but unable to detect anything. I was diagnosed with cyst and was operated in December 2022... Now I have developed cyst again but doctor says it's just collection of water... My fever started on 1st March and doctors have run several tests for so many days... Please suggest what can I do

12:00 PM | 19-03-2019

Hi! My sister has a tendency to develop stones in her kidney. She has already had 3 re-occurrences. We were able to get rid of the stones through the urinary passage. However, it’s a very painful process. Recently, she started developing similar symptoms again! It’s very scary. I am wondering why stones happen and is there any way to stop them from forming again and again!! Plz help.

02:18 PM | 12-01-2020

I have chronic cervical pain. I suffer from shoulder and neck stiffness. I have tried Yoga and Ayurveda but the problem still persists. My doctor told me that my cervical disc is damaged and suggested that surgery can be performed. I am 40 years old. Can you please suggest a treatment?

07:32 PM | 17-11-2019

I have a long case history of GI disorder. Presently I am having problem in stool evacuation properly. Doctors diagnosed it as IBS. Subsequently resulting to gas, acidity and headache due to improper evacuation. I don't drink and smoke. Have normal low non vegetarian diet almost. Doctors say this is a kind of psychosomatic disorder. Can you please help?

10:04 AM | 17-09-2019

How to maintain good health @ age of 62 years? I mean how to keep myself hail and healthy. I am very thin since birth. But, now I have wrinkles on my face which make me look older. Kindly suggest some natural remedies so that my face become wrinkle-free and also i maintain good health.

05:29 PM | 06-08-2019

Sir I am 24 years old. I am suffering from insomnia and anxiety disorder. Now I am feeling drowsiness. I can't understand where I am going. Where I am walking. The situation is same alike I have drunk and don't know what is happening. Where i am going. The feeling is worse. Please tell me Why it's happening with me.

10:57 AM | 22-08-2019

My age is 23yrs and whenever I close my eyes I am unable to balance my body myself and even my hands trembles.... Is it due to weakness? I even have gastric problem due to which my backside of neck pains sometimes but during a walk I feel relief from it.

01:49 PM | 20-04-2019

How to cure hyperacidity? Keep in mind that I am from a normal family and can only afford commonly available indian recipes. The acidity is causing sore throat and also pain in lower right abdomen area.

09:40 PM | 19-10-2019

I get very little sleep at night. By 10 pm I feel very sleepy and I go to sleep then I get up 2 / 3 times at night and wide awake by 4 4. 30am

06:57 PM | 08-08-2019

I am facing problem of constipation since 10-12 years, over the period of time I tried various healing methods from Ayurveda, acupuncture, homeopathy, but none could cure me. I was having high dose of laxatives. I got endoscopy some other test done, where I got to know that my anal sphinter has become dysfunctional, As per doctors advise, was suggested to take a botox at the sphinter opening, so that it can relax and and start working, but no improvement.

09:41 AM | 03-02-2020

Hello friendsMy name is Kalpesh and I am suffering from chronic hives. This has been going on since June 2019. I have tried many antihistamines and homeopathic medicine so far. We still don’t know the cause of the *hives* but I have noticed that it aggravates by sour foods, some lentils, Besan flour, Acidic foods etc. I get them everyday in even if I don’t eat above foods. These *hives* starts to occur everyday in the evening and then intensity increase at night. Can you please help me?

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