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'Heart issues' - 1706 Results

09:59 AM | 30-10-2019

Hi I am 41 years old female and I suffer from left ventricle dysfunction of heart which is irreversible. Can you pls give me some advice regarding this problem?

03:40 PM | 28-10-2019

Hi. I am 41 years old, have heart problem called cardiomyopathy and mass in left ovary. Plz give me heath tips for my heart disease.

06:50 PM | 04-08-2019

High pulse rate even while resting i feel fast pulsing or heart rate

09:20 PM | 24-10-2019

My mother is about 64 years and a heart patient. She has high sugar these days ranging 170 as fasting. She is seeing a diabetic doctor and taking medicine however I wanted to know a cure that’s sustainable and less of medication. Thanks

02:07 PM | 13-08-2019

Hello.. Thier My name is soubhagini(49yrs old) , Doctor suggest me for dual valve replacement.. ( mital& tricuspid). Is that any possibility that I can manage my health naturally. ?? Or I will have to opted for open-heart surgery. Please need help.. (health is getting worsen day by day with regular drugs)

10:28 AM | 19-07-2021

Hello i'm suffering from severe fear which is causing me anxiety, i'm on a medication of estomine ls but its not helping i always feel like i'll get a heart attack or cardiac arrest (all my heart report are normal) and ill die or sudden pressures situation will cause ha. Feeling of breathless my stomach is also not functioning well due to this,i want to quit medication and try healing natural

01:18 PM | 24-12-2019

When I was 16, I felt very tired and had a panic attack, frequent urination with burning problem too. I was unable to concentrate as my heart was racing, palpitations. After that I started to have breathing problems. Slowly my digestion got disturbed, I was unable to sleep. Now I'm 20 doing my M B B S in Bangalore and have developed IBS like symptoms. I checked my vitamin levels. My vitamin D is 7ng/do and Vitamin B12. Can you help me?

10:16 AM | 15-10-2019

Sir i had an open heart surgery in 2014. Can you kindly suggest me diet to lower cholesterol and fit heart?

07:21 PM | 08-08-2019

I am suffering from migraine and acidity, heart pain for the past 1 yr plz give me any suggestion

01:11 PM | 16-03-2020

I have Protein S deficiency and also elevated levels of ACA and ANA. I have been told that Protein S indicates a blood clotting disorder hence I need to take blood thinners. ACA and ANA are autoimmune markers, haven't done further testing. Please advise on natural ways to reverse these conditions. I am 39 years old with no physical health issues except occasional bruising.

01:41 PM | 20-02-2020

My name is Lakshmi Narayanan, age 60. I have back pain, knee pain from last 22 years. I am a type 2 diabetic and have BP issues also. Can it be cured naturally?

01:22 PM | 05-10-2019

I am a 45 year old female with 2 children. About 5 months ago developed ulcerative colitis. I am on treatment for this. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid about 13 yrs ago. Stopped medication 3 yrs ago, as I attended a workshop on naturopathy. Followed diet for few months. But couldn't continue because I always felt hungry and weak. About 4 yrs ago developed hip joint pain. Then a year ago developed pain in my left shoulder. What diet plan can I follow to get rid of all these issues?

09:49 AM | 19-11-2019

I'm suffering from bronchitis since 3 years before I don't have any breathing issues. Now I'm taking medicine and inhaler. Is it curable or not?

01:46 PM | 26-08-2019

I am 55 years old female. Uterus removed and appendix also removed I have insomnia if I take sleeping pills still I can't get sound sleep. Moreover I mean facing serotonin syndrome also. I'm a diabetic having many issues like cervical and disc problem. Gastritis also. Fed up of all this. Having sinus also. Please advise

10:39 AM | 11-03-2020

I am facing unexplained infertility issues since an year now. Have got all my test done- HCG, amh level, hormonal test, thyroid test and all. But the doctor is not able to identify the cause of infertility. She has prescribed some vitamins and folic acid tab, which i am taking since 6 months now. I want a natural therapy or way to conceive since the medication is not working. Can you pls help?

10:13 AM | 05-12-2019

I have both pcod and kidney stone and low bone density and body strength. The diet I take for pcod is not good for my stone as i m not allowed to eat protein because of stone. I am getting weak day by day. Unable to understand that how should i cope up with both the issues?

09:45 AM | 24-01-2020

Hi, my mom is diagnosed with parkinsons in 2017, because of which she has developed walking issues, feels tired most of the time, wants to lie down or sleeps mostly, at times confusions trigger post she gets up from sleep. We need to give a helping hand for her daily activities since last 3-4months. ,we dont give her allopathy medicines as it hasn't helped her much. My mom has high sugar and BP, at times creatine levels go little high. Any suggestions for my mom's better health?

10:00 AM | 30-10-2019

Hi I am having hypothyroid, hormonal imbalance and weight gain, give me guidance to control health issues and weight. Can you help?

06:11 PM | 17-08-2019

I am under weight since my birth and due to which I suffer from social issues people make fun of my slim physique

07:25 AM | 07-07-2019

Usually during this time of the year I go through a lot of hair related issues like the fall,dryness of the hair along with the thinning of it ,what can be the best natural remedies to combat this problem.?

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