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9 Natural Ways To Sleep Better!
Sleep helps us renew ourselves, literally! It is nature's real doctor.A good night's sleep means laying down a strong foundation for a happier, healthier wellness oriented life. However, in our busy lives, unfortunately sleep is our biggest casualty. Not being able to sleep well, can be hugely frustrating for those facing sleep issues. This article explores measures that can help you restore and build good sleeping habits again! Are you facing sleep challenges? Try as hard you may, is restful sleep evading you? Today, with extended working hours, bright artificial lights, erratic mealtimes, and more screen time becoming de rigueur our sleep quality is suffering severely. World over, sleep deprivation, broken sleep, inability to get deep sleep, and insomnia are almost reaching epidemic levels. Going by statistics, 1 out of every 5 persons is sleep deprived. That's a whopping 20% of the global population! Given this state of affairs, is it possible to reclaim
How Naturopathy Can Save India’s Overburdened Healthcare System?
We've seen our healthcare system collapse during COVID. Although, it recovered soon, and thankfully we're out of the global pandemic yet a lot needs to be done. “The Doctor: Patient ratio in India is 854” “India has one of the lowest budgets for public health in the world” And yet, we seek healthcare only when we fall sick! Why not be proactive and choose a healthcare system that can keep you healthy every day without any medicines or surgeries? We're talking about Naturopathy - a system of healthcare that's ages old, but still relevant and working perfectly in modern times. Why? Because Naturopathy aligns with the basic nature of the human body. It doesn't alter or malign our body's composition through chemicals or medicines. It maintains the body's cycle of functioning with nature's circadian rhythm. And most importantly, it uses the 5 Elements of Nature to Heal Diseases. Today is natio
What Happens To Your Body & Brain When You Drink Alcohol?
Historically, alcohol has played a very influential role across cultures and civilizations. It has not only brought people together but also torn them apart. Be it celebrations, socializing, or escape from reality, this pleasure poison has found its place in history since 3000 BCE in Babylon. But over the last millennium, alcohol has swerved from a warm embrace to moral abuse. What is alcohol? Wine, Rum, Beer, etc are all various names and flavours of alcohol that contain Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol along with other ingredients. It is created as a result of the fermentation of dead fruits or grains when certain species of yeast metabolize sugar in the absence of oxygen. Alcohol's History Studies say that humans may have developed a taste for alcohol around 10 million years ago. One study noted that when food was scarce, human ancestors living on trees came down to live on land to dine on fallen rotten fruits. There arose a genetic mutation to break down alcohol
National Naturopathy Day | The Medicine-Free Science of Healing
National Naturopathy Day “Only in Naturopathy, The Patient Becomes The Doctor' ~ Pranaw Yoga Maruthuvan The Ministry of Ayush, India celebrated the first Naturopathy Day in 2018 to promote this science of healing. This day is observed every year on 18th November to encourage people to adopt this natural and medicine-free form of healthcare, which removes diseases by altering diet & lifestyle. This year, we bring to you some interesting insights about Naturopathy & a quick self-health check. Read on to discover more about Naturopathy... What is Naturopathy? Naturopathy is the science of using the five natural elements to raise health and remove the cause of diseases from the body. It is based on the principle that our bodies have self-healing capability that can be harnessed by living in sync with nature. The process includes managing our inner life-force (Vitality) to achieve optimum health and elimination of toxins from our body. History &
Beat the SMOG - Natural Ways to Protect Yourself From Pollution
Air pollution is something one cannot avoid being all-time at home. At some point of time, we might have to venture out and this has been an alarming issue in the past few years in Delhi and other major metros of India. This pollution is very high during the Diwali celebrations. This is the time one could experience a rise in AQI which might result in worst air quality and visibility. Currently, we are ina stage where the cold air gets trapped by a layer of warm air which results in this type of worst AQI. In this process, the air pollutants get trapped to form something called SMOG. We have been hearing this new term very frequently in the last few years. What is Smog? Smog is a mixture of SMOKE and FOG which combine to form SMOG. This smog has resulted in 10 million deaths in children below five years of age which a recent study quoted. Breathing air with worst AQI might result in serious respiratory illnesses. It is high time that we protect ourselves and be healt
Do's and Don'ts of Healthy Karva Chauth Fasting
Karva Chauth, a celebrated tradition among Indian women, can also be a great opportunity to prioritize your health. Fasting not only supports your spouse/partner's well-being but also offers significant health benefits. Discover the power of nature's way of fasting with these tips: Fasting allows the body to detox. As we shed toxins, over a period of time we lose weight, feel more energetic, improve immunity, and are able to prevent as well as cure disease. With fasting, the body is able to recycle old damaged parts of cells so that cellular function can be done properly. This is very important as cells are the building block of our body. Healthy cells mean a healthy body. Here's How You Can Fast Nature's Way This Karva Chauth: 1. Early Morning Meal (To be eaten before sunrise) What is usually eaten? - Fruits, tea/coffee, paranthas, sweets, roti-sabji, etc. Idea is to stuff yourself up so that you don'
COVID-19 Pandemic - Making The Best Of The Worst Of Times
The global health crisis brought on to us by the COVID-19 virus has many perspectives. If you did not use extended lockdowns to introspect, analyze your life and the world around you, you are “Vimoodha” - not just a fool, but a colossal one. I call it a colossal compassion crisis. Because we, humans have endlessly and ruthlessly exploited natural environmental resources, animals, and each other to the point where our actions have boomeranged on us. It is also the law of nature or call it Karma - as you sow so shall you reap. We have brought upon ourselves our own misfortunes. Now Nature has pushed us back from all spheres of life - work, entertainment, education, and others. So that Nature and animals can get a breather and reclaim their lost, encroached upon spaces. Many people are still in bewilderment at why the pandemic? Please see how the collective actions of the masses have brought forth this crisis and examine your actions, choices - how good or bad t
Mahatma Gandhi - The Nature Curist you did not know
Foresightedness is a virtue that has led to the evolution of humans since time immemorial. And how can you not expect this quality in a man who is the ‘Father of The Nation'? What many people are saying today about health and healing, had been voiced ages ago by our very own ‘Bapu'. Gandhiji did lifelong experiments in Health and Hygiene and that lead to his believe in Nature cure. He believed that the Human body is a wonderful and perfect machine. If it gets out of order, it can set itself right without medicine, provided it is given a chance to adjust itself. If we are not self-disciplined in our habits of food etc. or if our mind is agitated by passion, emotion or anxiety, the body cannot eliminate all the refuse and that part which remains uneliminated turns into toxins whose presence gives rise to symptoms which we call disease. The disease is an attempt of the body to get rid of toxins. If the body is helped in the process of elimination by fas
How To Boost Your Immunity Naturally?
The word “immunity” gained a major spotlight since the COVID Pandemic has started. Everybody began raving about how important immunity is and how it is the only thing that can shield you against CoronaVirus. Words spread about how protein is the key to a strong immune system. The fact that nobody understands how our immunity system works made the situation so much worse than it had to be. In this article, we are going to break down what Immunity is and how you can boost it naturally. What is Immunity? Consider you are standing inside a bubble that protects you from germs, viruses, pollution, diseases, and literally everything. This is what immunity is for your body. Immunity is the body's innate defense against invasion by microorganisms. Without immune, we would have no chance to fight the harmful bacteria that try to enter our bodies. The immunity system works at three different levels: 1. Scrutiny: It is the outermost layer that protects the entry
Health Benefits of Running & How to Start Doing It
Have you been wanting to lose weight, tone up your legs, feel great, reduce stress, and sleep well? One simple way to achieve all of the above is Running. Running is much more than you have imagined. It works upon your entire body: It is a great cardio exercise It uplifts your mood & mental health It builds the best leg muscles (you can own the calf muscles to die for!) It helps you lose weight Well, before jumping onto grabbing your shoes & going out for a run, read below. You want to be aware and be prepared before taking up Running! What Happens In Your Body When You Run? As you start to run, during the first 60-90 seconds, your muscles start using Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) for energy. ATP is an energy molecule that our body stores after breaking down the food. As the store of ATP reduces, your cells will start burning up glycogen (a glucose molecule stored in muscles) to make more ATP. To get more glucose, your c
What is Grounding & How it Benefits Your Health
Grounding Connects You to Earth's Calming Energy Try an experiment – After a busy day at work, with your body exhausted and your mind jittery, spend just 10 mins of your time lying on the grass or sitting on a park bench with your bare feet touching the ground, or feeling sand slip through your fingers. How does it make you feel? Do you feel your mind and body settling down and get a sense of release? What is Grounding? Grounding is the act of putting your skin in contact with the Earth's surface – soil, grass, sand, water, trees etc. It is also called as earthing. Until a few generations ago, humans walked and slept in direct contact with the surface of the earth. Now, with a busy life, we hardly ever are in touch with the Earth's natural elements like soil, trees and plants, flowers, rocks etc. This creates a disconnect of our own bio-rhythm with nature's rhythms creating dis-ease. We end up missing the nourishing, healing and calmin
Toxins - The One And Only Cause Of All Diseases
New diseases are being diagnosed and named at alarming frequency. Added to this, the confusion of do's and don't for each of such diseases and the myriad of treatments. This article breaks through the confusion and explains how all diseases are caused due to unremoved toxins in the body. Learn what creates toxins and aid the body in getting back to health. What are toxins? The literal dictionary meaning of the word toxin is poison. It is commonly used to denote unwanted waste material in our body produced through metabolic activities & food. Why are toxins created? Toxins are created in the body by 2 ways: Through metabolism: Just as an industrial machine releases smoke when it is manufacturing a product, every action of the body, big or small, leads to the release of toxic waste. You raise a finger, waste will be produced. You blink your eyes, waste will be produced. You walk, you talk, you think, any activity that your body does, internally or ex
Healthy Forever Calendar - by Wellcure
Download the poster below and keep it on your desk, even having it in your daily view will help you implement these in your life once in a while. It's the small steps that lead to big things! All the best!
10 Natural Health Tips to stay healthy forever
Small habits that you can start today to get in best state of your health. Try reading these once daily - Sun is the best doctor ever - Make it a point to soak some sunlight in morning or evening. Sun is the best doctor ever. Fasting sometimes – Start with 8pm to 8am fasting on some days, not that difficult to implement. This might do wonders to your health. Sleep early – around 10pm. Lie down on your bed and start reading a book if you are not able to sleep. Keep the phone & other electronics away. Eat fruits as a service to your long terms health - Keep a large bowl of your favourites fruits in your living room for daily visibility and pick a fruit every time you feel like munching. Reduce refined Sugar – Keep Jaggery handy in your kitchen or office cafe to replace white sugar. Reduce table Salt – Keep rock salt handy in your kitchen to replace table salt. Eat more Salads – Just keep adding number of salads you eat in a week. Even a
How To Use Wet Packs for Healing & Pain Relief
Our body is capable of healing itself, if we give it the right inputs. The use of water for pain relief, healing, and treatment of diseases is called Hydrotherapy. In this method water's temperature and pressure are used to stimulate blood circulation and equalization of body heat to promote healing. Given the fact that 70% of our body is made up of water, water plays a pivotal role in cleansing and healing. Hydrotherapy encompasses a broad range of approaches and therapeutic methods and Wet Packs is one of those. What is a Wet Pack? It is a water-soaked cloth that is wrapped around different body parts for healing. Why is Wet Pack Used? As per nature cure, the reason behind all diseases is the accumulation of toxins in our body. Wet packs help in eliminating those toxins from targeted body parts, hence help in relieving diseases and pains. How do Wet Packs Work? The application of a wet pack cools the specific body part. It creates a difference in temp
GH pack (Gastro-hepatic pack) Naturopathy treatment for Weight loss and Gut Issues
Introduction Health-conscious individuals all over the world are taking more responsibility for their own health & wellbeing. There are more choices offered than ever before for health maintenance and treatment of ailments; we should undertake the right choice of "holistic approach" towards health incorporating lifestyle, diet, discipline and a positive attitude towards life. Gastro-hepatic (GH) pack is one of the naturopathic treatment modalities where a hot fermentation bag is kept on the abdomen and ice bag at the lower back and then cotton and woolen sheets are tied Temperature Hot bag – (98-to-104-degree F) Cold bag - (55-to-65-degree F) Procedure Fomentation bag filled with hot water should be applied on the abdomen at the liver area (covering the last rib the umbilicus, extending up to the line of liver and spleen), While a cold bag is applied to the lumbar spine. (Lower back) (covers the region of lumbar vertebrae L2
Fungal infections can affect anyone, nearly everyone gets in once in their lifetime, around a billion people are estimated to have skin, nail and hair fungal infections, Low immunity and skin resistance are some of the many causes If you have a Fungal infection you might suffer from one or more of the following symptoms - Irritation Scaly skin Redness Itching Swelling Blisters Causes of Fungal Infections: Living in an unclean environment and not maintaining personal hygiene can cause fungal infections. Wearing dirty clothes like unclean socks and innerwear can lead to fungal infections. Stress can compromise our immunity further leading to fungal infections. Hot and humid climate, hot and humid body area like thigh, groin, back. Sweating too much or wearing damp clothes can result in the development of fungal infections - Wearing clothes that are too tight can cause sweating. Compromised immunity due to underlying diseases li
Cure constipation naturally through Enema therapy
What is a therapeutic enema? Water (or the prescribed liquid) is inserted into the rectum through a colon tube or nozzle in order to cleanse the rectum and lower colon to get the desired effect While lukewarm saline water is the most recommended, effective and safest for cleansing constipation, certain additives may be prescribed for specific conditions as well as for therapeutic enemas (which is decided by a Naturopathy physician) Enema is also known as - internal bath, rectal irrigation, colon irrigation Make sure to follow their instructions carefully to avoid unpleasant side effects and injuries. Requisites Enema can Enema catheter Enema tube Nozzle Enema table Oil Cotton Water of required temperature Enema can be of various types based on temperature, type of liquid used, amount of liquid used etc. Patient position – (Any one) Dorsal position – Patient lie down in supine position with legs slightly bent at knee
DIY : Make Natural Home Cleansers (Bio-Enzymes)
Our health is not dependent just on the food we eat, but also the products we use for home care. Because our skin absorbs these chemicals that interfere with body functions, increase body toxins and this leads to illnesses and diseases. There's a better and greener way to a cleaner home offered by nature. This natural method is simpler, more effective and pocket-friendly. Why Do You Need to Opt for Natural Cleaning Products? As our lives become over-scheduled, busier and stressful – it's natural to prefer off-the-shelf products like- Bathroom cleaners, floor cleaners, dishwashing liquids, detergents, phenols, body washes, kitchen counter cleaners, that offer a “quick fix” to making everything gleaming and germ-free. However, these common cleaners are a cocktail of chemicals that are toxic for our health and environment. They cause indoor air pollution and also lead to several ill effects on health like – respiratory irritations, allergy, sne
It is Time To Be Happy - Ways To Boost Your Happiness Hormones
We live in a world where we are in constant pursuit of joy and satisfaction, to sum it in one word--we keep seeking happiness. Truly speaking, happiness is our natural state of being. It's something we are born with. Only times that would ever set us off our natural state of happiness temporarily would be our basic survival needs for food, safety and comfort. But as we grow up and learn the “ways of the world”, we forget this natural state of being. We are conditioned into believing happiness as a destination that can be achieved only by certain accomplishments, possessions or by being somewhere other than where we already are. We feel we need to create happiness whereas all we need to do is to tap into the vast reservoir of happiness that nature has already blessed us with both inside and outside of us. Our body carries all the happiness hormones we need to be in our natural joyful state. Yet with our limited knowledge, ill management of emotions and restricted pe
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Dr. Khushbu Suthar
Natural Healing - Leader & Influencer
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Natural Healing - Leader & Influencer
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Smitha Hemadri
Natural Healing - Leader & Influencer
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Nikita Mishra
Natural Healing Guide
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Natural Healing Guide
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Dr.Rajesh Kumar
Natural Healing Advisor
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Mohan M
Natural Healing Advisor
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Anchal Kapur
Natural Healing Advisor
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PSYsolution by Kalyan
Natural Healing Advisor
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Asha Shivaram
Natural Healing Advisor
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Natural Healing Advisor
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Natural Healing Advisor
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Dollie kashvani
Natural Healing Advisor
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Vijai Pawar
Natural Healing Advisor
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Natural Healing Advisor
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Dr.Elanchezhiyan Devarajan
Natural Healing Advisor
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Priyanka Kaushik
Natural Healing Advisor
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Anju Chhabra
Natural Healing Advisor
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Shweta Gupta
Natural Healing Advisor
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Natural Healing Advisor
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Dr Sangeeth Somanadhapai
Natural Healing Advisor
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Asha Shivaram
Natural Healing Companion
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Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,
Natural Healing Companion
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Aishwarya Elavarasan
Natural Healing Companion
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Pramod Pathak
Natural Healing Companion