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'kid’s health' - 3122 Results

10:06 AM | 17-09-2019

My wife is suffering from food allergy. Can't find out which food to avoid. She gets itchy skin and burning sensation please help/advice any remedy. What should she do?

12:54 PM | 07-05-2021

How to get rid of cough and cold for ever? Please help

11:05 AM | 17-08-2020

I'm 24 years old. I am suffering from tonsil. Plz tell me how to cure Tonsil.

04:54 PM | 21-04-2020

I had an allergy/sinusitis episode some time back which has led to the Eustachian tube dysfunction for 2-3 months. My ears feel tight and I also hear a low hissing sound (mostly at nights). There is no pain but I get headaches every few days. Please suggest a natural cure.

09:41 AM | 29-11-2019

I'm suffering from Eczema. Plz tell how to cure?

11:14 AM | 14-09-2019

How to cure fungal infection permanently?

10:21 AM | 02-08-2019

I am suffering from TAMARA how to cure this?

10:03 PM | 01-07-2019

I have my mom who is 74 years old, 112 kgs. She xant move for her weight nd bad knees. She s diabetic and on insulin. Can u help her to lose weight?

09:31 AM | 16-08-2022

Blood in stool cure?

12:30 PM | 26-06-2020

I am suffering from sinus problem from 4 years, please help!

10:44 AM | 05-06-2019

My son is suffering with allergy. We took him to the skin doctor and she said IT was scabies. The treatment was going on. It's nearly 2 mnths and their is no result. Can any one sujest any remedy plz

11:15 AM | 14-09-2019

Which Diet for skin glow?

11:31 AM | 12-08-2019

Hi, I am suffering from PCOD and depression. I have taken the treatment for depression. Now I have stopped the treatment. But after stopping I have menstrual bleeding. It is still continue from last 15 days. Can you suggest any treatment to stop it.

09:14 AM | 08-11-2019

Sir, I am suffering from hives... I keep iching whole day and night. Any remedy. Kindly help.

07:18 PM | 22-10-2019

My brother is suffering from cold and cough from last 15 years. He has sometimes also breathing problem. It is something like asthma. What r the precaution and how to cure it.

09:48 AM | 10-10-2019

I have allergic rhinitis. Allopathy doesn't treat permanently. I have tried many times. I tried homeopathy but I m not so disciplined that I can follow the routine of taking medicine four times a day. Anything triggers allergy from dust to clothes fibre, from temperature difference to putting my hands in water. Now started taking septilin and bresol tablets but still facing the same problem. Can you please help me?

06:50 PM | 18-03-2020

How to control high blood pressure naturally?

09:59 AM | 01-11-2019

I'm suffering from bronchitis asthma and sneezing running nose. What to do?

10:07 PM | 30-08-2019

Hello. I am 24 year old. From last 10 years I have skin problem, pimple like things appear on all over body and sometime i feel itching but no liquid discharge. And also after few days it turns into brown and dry out on their own and leave black spot on skin. I have visited so many specialist but they did not recognise and also in winter my skin get so dry that no lotion works on that and having white dandruff type things come out of my skin. Could someone please help me. I am really tired.

01:46 PM | 26-08-2019

I am 55 years old female. Uterus removed and appendix also removed I have insomnia if I take sleeping pills still I can't get sound sleep. Moreover I mean facing serotonin syndrome also. I'm a diabetic having many issues like cervical and disc problem. Gastritis also. Fed up of all this. Having sinus also. Please advise

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