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'Millets' - 423 Results

05:50 PM | 03-10-2019

I'm always suffer from back pain and strong headache. What can I do about it?

02:00 PM | 03-10-2019

Can you tell me permanent solution for sneezing?

09:52 AM | 03-10-2019

My prostate size is 31 cc. My doctor has prescribed me Alfusin-D for a period of 6 month. I am not taking any of dairy products, viz. Milk, cheese, butter, lassi and all other things made of milk. I am also not taking any non-veg. Items. I am taking tomatoes, pomegranates, pumpkin seeds and such things on daily basis. I am also taking raw garlic, lemon water and apple cider on daily basis. I am also doing walking on regular basis. What else should I do to shrink the size of prostate?

Natural Cure
09:31 AM | 04-10-2019

07:16 AM | 02-10-2019

How to grow height?

07:16 AM | 02-10-2019

I have back pain. Can you suggest a treatment?

09:32 AM | 26-09-2019

Last 3 months am having deep breathing problem sometimes with back left pain while inhaling! Give some remedy or solution! What to do?

11:39 AM | 02-10-2019

05:16 PM | 30-09-2019

Hi, some times suddenly my eyes are rolling and i am getting sick now a days. I have low haemoglobin levels. I keep on eating healthy food, even then why my haemoglobin levels are decreasing? Please let me know.

08:21 AM | 01-10-2019

07:44 AM | 29-09-2019

I m 42 years old suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. Is there any natural way to reverse my chronic disorder?

07:44 AM | 29-09-2019

I am 55, I feel joint and muscle pains daily,feeling nervous and feel irritation to sounds. My blood pressure 140/90. I have been using lossartin potassium for last 9 years for BP. My sexual desire gone down for last 2 years. What to do for all these problems?

02:14 PM | 26-09-2019

After Pregnancy I had Anal fissure. When I do sitz bath I feel better. When I don't do sitz bath I again get anal fissure. Can any one suggest a permanent solution for this please?

02:15 PM | 26-09-2019

My problem is that i am gaining weight day by day. My shoulders and my belly have gained a lot of fat. Can you suggest me some thing?

10:15 AM | 27-09-2019

Phlegm formation is my problem. No coughing is happening though. What should I do?

10:15 AM | 27-09-2019

Cough from 3 months. What to do?

01:00 PM | 27-09-2019

09:34 AM | 25-09-2019

Last four month i am suffering from cough with white mucous... My every report is normal... Suggeat me how i cure my cough???

10:05 AM | 17-09-2019

I am suffering from constipation and gastric problem. How can i heal myself by a natural way?

10:30 AM | 26-09-2019

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