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09:03 PM | 27-04-2024

I have vitiligo (an auto immune disorder) since 17 years on my feet knees and elbow. I tried allopathy but it didn’t work on a long term. I get new spots after every one year and I feel stressed and low self-esteem. How do I cure or control it naturally by staying at home?

05:10 PM | 15-04-2024

My father suffering from skin disease like white spot on leg and hair inside patch white colour but he told that their skin burn with petrol during bike driving pls give suggestions

02:43 PM | 10-04-2024

I had recurrent or resistant UTIs last year for which I took 7 rounds of antibiotics. Last antibiotic resolved my uti. But the previous one wiped all my gut microbiome. I now get autoimmune attacks in different parts, have sinus, and varicose veins symptoms. I have white patches on tongue which fade when I eat something spicy and then reappear. I tried many antifungals, probiotics, and diet changes. I have chances of a leaky gut due to the candida overgrowth in intestine. What can i do?

03:18 PM | 01-12-2021

Hello, I am asking this question on behalf of my father. My father is 67 years old, He doesn’t have any complain like BP, diabetes. But since 4 months he is getting white patches on his tongue on the edge and he is taking allopathy medicine but these patches keep coming again. Along with this, he experiences kind of pain below his chest and at naval area due to acidity. Also since 2-3 months he developed constipation too. I want to help my father and need your guidance on the same.

09:39 AM | 30-11-2020

I have suddenly developed a light whitish patch near my eye... Can this be solved

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