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I am a 39 years old woman. I have 2 queries - how can I cure loose motions, cold and sore throat quickly. The second query - is there personalised paid guiadance available. I have tried to follow natural lifestyle last year but failed badly. I am looking to gain weight and get over my periods and constipation issues.
Nikita Mishra
01:05 PM | 23-08-2021
Hello Arti, Loose motions indicate an abnormality in the digestive function which is basically due to improper eating habits and wrong choices of foods. Loose motions result in watery stools which leads to fluid loss from the body resulting in weakness. Reasons for loose motions Overeating. Excessive alcohol consumption. Eating wrong foods like high fatty foods, spicy foods. Unhygienic conditions. Diet Start the day with a glass of water with lemon juice in it. This will help to improve the metabolism of the body. Have a diet with small and frequent meals rather than having three large meals. This will be easy for the digestive system to digest and will improve the condition. Have foods rich in pectin such as fruits. Choose fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits. Have foods with electrolytes such as vegetable soups. Eat cooked vegetables. Drink sufficient water to be hydrated. Drink water with sugar and salt as this wi
I am 37 year, suffering from loose motion and watery stool and weak intestine. Pls guide!
Nikita Mishra
02:42 PM | 15-02-2021
Hello Manoj, Loose motions indicate an abnormality in the digestive function which is basically due to improper eating habits and wrong choices of foods. Loose motions result in watery stools which leads to fluid loss from the body resulting in weakness. Reasons for loose motions Overeating. Excessive alcohol consumption. Eating wrong foods like high fatty foods, spicy foods. Unhygienic conditions. Diet Start the day with a glass of water with lemon juice in it. This will help to improve the metabolism of the body. Have a diet with small and frequent meals rather than having three large meals. This will be easy for the digestive system to digest and will improve the condition. Have foods rich in pectin such as fruits. Choose fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits. Have foods with electrolytes such as vegetable soups. Eat cooked vegetables. Drink sufficient water to be hydrated. Drink water with sugar and salt as this w
Can anyone suggest natural remedy for loose motion?
Nikita Mishra
02:25 PM | 02-06-2020
Hello Alka, Loose motions indicate an abnormality in the digestive function which is basically due to improper eating habits and wrong choices of foods. Loose motions result in watery stools which leads to fluid loss from the body resulting in weakness. Reasons for loose motions Overeating. Excessive alcohol consumption. Eating wrong foods like high fatty foods, spicy foods. Unhygienic conditions. Diet Start the day with a glass of water with lemon juice in it. This will help to improve the metabolism of the body. Have a diet with small and frequent meals rather than having three large meals. This will be easy for the digestive system to digest and will improve the condition. Have foods rich in pectin such as fruits. Choose fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits. Have foods with electrolytes such as vegetable soups. Eat cooked vegetables. Drink sufficient water to be hydrated. Drink water with sugar and salt as this wi
What Natural Food can we take for Energy to overcome weakness after Loose Motions?
Dr.Elanchezhiyan Devar...
11:06 AM | 14-09-2019
After diarrhoea stomach needs food that helps and bind watery stools and which helps to restore the normal intestinal flora and normal nutrition. It's better to consume easily digestible healthy food items. Avoid high fibers. You can drink coconut water, rice/wheat porridge, banana, apple, boiled potatoes & carrots, vegetable soups. Plenty of water and fruit juices. Namasthe!
What is the remedy for loose motions?
Yachna Midha
09:56 AM | 11-01-2019
Loose motions is our body's mechanism to remove something it cannot digest or is toxic. In that sense the body is working for its good. During this period we can try not to put extra burden of digestion on the body by eating light foods. Also, it is important to make up for the fluid loss - have lots of water, coconut water, nimboo paani or any other liquid that is comforting.
Hi! My husband had fruits for dinner last night. This morning he had another cup of herbal tea….. He has been getting loose motions. Could it be because of fruits/tea? Should I give him ORS?
Shweta Gupta
11:51 AM | 28-05-2019
Put ice-packs on his abdomen every hour to prevent getting weakness. Ensure he takes off from work and takes complete rest.
A 4 year old in our family has loose motions. What can be given? He hates fruits.
Asha Shivaram
10:13 AM | 10-01-2019
Make sure you keeping the child off dairy and off grains completely to aid recovery, Try and offer coconut water though best is to offer some homemade fruit juice everytime he passes motions. Allow him to rest amply and sleep as much as he can. Give plain sips of water, if the child doesn't take anything else.
I need some help for my 4 yr old son. He is having bloody stools since yesterday.
Smitha Hemadri
07:30 PM | 09-01-2019
My daughter was also constipated and had fissures at this age. We reduced diary those days and fed her a lot of greens and vegetables. Nevertheless, please keep him off MRP ( diary, refined and processed foods or packaged foods) sugar and maida. Keep him on fruits and simple cooked foods with a lot of focus on fruits when the sun is up. This will Ensure he is not constipated
Hi…I have bad loose motions since the evening today. Don't feel like eating much. What can I do?
Yachna Midha
03:50 PM | 27-12-2018
Please take ample rest. This would mean both food wise i.e. digestive rest and mentally. Be off gadgets completely. This will allow body to conserve energy. You could put a cold towel on your abdomen and lie down for 5 - 10 minutes. OR try taking a nap. After every motion or after every 2 hours – you can have a banana or apple or pomegranate. You could take a concoction of lemon mixed with equal amount of water. You can add a pinch of haldi to it. Eat only if you are hungry and resume with steamed vegetables such as potatoes. Add some raw in form of simple salads. Get well soon!
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