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Diet about mixed connective tissue disease

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Shilpa, We do understand your concern about your health condition! Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) is an autoimmune disease. ...

1 Answers:

km priyanka

My father suffering from skin disease like white spot on leg and hair inside patch white colour but ...

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Km Priyanka, Thank you for sharing your concern regarding your father. The white spots and hair patches that he is suffering from may be ...

1 Answers:

Are macadamia nuts acidic?

Anjali Rauthan

Namaste Marlene, Thank you for sharing your query with us. Macadamia nuts are healthy and alkaline in nature. They are rich in Fiber and a g...

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Tanushree Sisodia

Suffering from Cervical Spondylitis pls suggest natural ways to get rid of this

Anjali Rauthan

Namaste Tanushree, Thank you for sharing your concern with us and we understand that it must be challenging for you to handle this condition...

2 Answers:

Any solution for SELENBP1 mutation that causes severe halitosis. The person brushes like 3 times a d...

Anjali Rauthan

Namaste Funmi, We understand that it must be challenging to deal with. Let's understand Halitosis from nature's perspective. It's not the Ge...

1 Answers:

Sunendu Pradhan

Sir/mam my mother is house wife she is suffering from COPD from last 4 years. Please suggest me a be...

Anjali Rauthan

Namaste Sunendu, Thank you for sharing your concern with us, COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) many factors can lead to Lung issu...

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Ekta Gaba

I am constantly fatigued and tired, from the time I wake up. Additionally, have been putting on weig...

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Ekta Gaba, Thank you for sharing your concern with us. Let us know the reason behind all of this through the lens of nature cure. Nature ...

1 Answers:

Chintu Gorana

I'm Jyoti. I'm 25 year old. I have anemia and hypothyridism. My t3 and t4 hormone are normal but TSH...

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Jyoti, Thank you for sharing your query with us. As per Nature Cure, your permanent solution lies in solving the problem at its root caus...

1 Answers:

Neha Garg

How can I cure Xanthelasma? I tried putting garlic paste on my hand first but it became itchy & redd...

Anjali Rauthan

Namaste Neha, Thank you for sharing your concern with us, it must be challenging for you to deal with it. Xanthelasma is a skin condition wh...

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Naga Raj

Gallbladder stone 7. 3mm, Please suggest some home remedies

Anjali Rauthan

Namaste Naga, Thank you for sharing your concern with us. Gallstones are usually caused by disturbances in the composition of the bile. You ...

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Mahesh Susshma

How to dissolve ovarian cyst?

Anjali Rauthan

Namaste Mahesh, Thank you for sharing your concern with us. Most ovarian cysts are small and harmless. Cysts are formed in our reproductive ...

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Khushnida Qureshi

Please consider my SLE query on priority as its increasing rapidly

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Khushnida Qureshi, We do understand your concern about your health condition! Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmu...

1 Answers:

Jatinder Bhardwaj

How to cure stiffness in back, right shoulder pain as well as back pain and suggest diet for winter.

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Jatinder Bhardwaj, We can totally empathize with what you would be going through. Let us begin by understanding the Nature Cure...

1 Answers:

Natural Healing Explorer

I get frequent Common COLD in summers probably because at times we move out of AC room to AC car and...

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Sushil Goel, Thank you for sharing your concern with us! Before jumping to the solution let's understand the reason behind getting freque...

1 Answers:

Senem Simsek

Irrıtable bowel syndrome cure?

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Senem Simsek,  IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic digestive problem. We do appreciate that it is a troublesome condit...

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I have a tendency to form kidney stones. Analysed as calcium oxalate. Any remedies?

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Rajesh Vasudevan, Thanks for sharing your query with us. We would like to draw your attention to Nature Cure perspective on the same...

1 Answers:

harminder kaur arora

Natural cure for constipation it started after menopause

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Harminder Kaur Arora, Thanks for sharing your query with us! Please try to understand the problem from the Nature Cure perspective. ...

1 Answers:

Gurpreet Kaur

How to cure multiple sclerosis?

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Gurpreet Kaur, Thank you for sharing your concern with us! Let's understand the root case behind your condition through the lens of ...

1 Answers:

Tanushree Sisodia

Vitamin D deficiency cure?

Ashlekha Sharma

Hi Tanushree,  Thank you for sharing your query with us!  Here are the few guidlines that can be follwed to correct vitamin D defi...

1 Answers:

Anuja Mahuli

Hello, my daughter who is 12 years old. Can someone guide for healthy hair? Thank you


Hi Anuja, Thanks for reaching out to us. There are living cells in the hair bulb which get their nourishment from the blood to make goo...

2 Answers: